
“ARE YOUR WINGS TOO ENORMOUS?” (Mt 5:43-48): 16 February 2008 (Saturday)

“ARE YOUR WINGS TOO ENORMOUS?” (Mt 5:43-48):  16 February 2008 (Saturday)

Today’s Readings

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, best known for his novels One Hundred Years of Solitude andLove in the Time of Cholera, has a bizarre short story called “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.”  It’s about an aging angel who literally fell from the sky.  A couple found him struggling to get out of the mud.  A neighbor pointed to the man’s enormous wings and told the couple that it had come to take their sick child away.  Frightened, the couple locked the angel up in a chicken coop, but naturally, word quickly spread, and the entire village came to see the angel.  The couple started charging an entrance fee and got very rich in the process.