
“HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR CHOICES?” (Lk 5:27-32): 09 February 2008 (Saturday after Ash Wednesday)

“HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR CHOICES?” (Lk 5:27-32): 09 February 2008 (Saturday after Ash Wednesday)

Today’s Readings

Today’s reading is about God’s choices, the type of people that God chooses and uses to do his work.

In the Gospel, our Lord chooses Matthew–a tax collector.  Tax collectors have never been anybody’s favorite characters.  Today, as before, they continue to be associated with graft and corruption.  However, at the time of our Lord, they were hated by the Jews for an additional reason:  Not only were they notorious for cheating the people that they taxed; but also, because the taxes they collected went to a foreign power, they were branded as traitors, as collaborators with Rome.