
“CAN YOU LET YOUR SHADOW TAKE THE CREDIT?” (Mt 23:1-12): 19 February 2008 (Tueday)

“CAN YOU LET YOUR SHADOW TAKE THE CREDIT?”  (Mt 23:1-12):  19 February 2008 (Tueday)

Today’s Readings

There is an ancient story about a man who was so good that the angels asked God to give him the gift of miracles.  God wisely told his angels to ask the man first if that was what he wanted.

So one day the angels visited this holy man and offered him the gift of healing by hands.  But the saint—for that was what he was—refused.   Then they offered him the gift of converting souls.  Once again the good man refused.  Finally, they offered him the gift of granting virtues.  The good man smiled politely, but again he turned the angels down.  The angels insisted that he choose a gift or they would choose one for him.