With so much competing for our attention and the resulting shortage of it, we all face the danger of ghosting Jesus: Not giving Him time or attention, not speaking to Him, or listening to Him. After all, perhaps with the sole exception of Holy Week, prayer and all things spiritual–that’s usually the first to go.

So here are a couple of questions to mull over:
How often have you ignored the Lord? How often do you give Him your full attention–without digital distraction?
What do you suggest you STOP doing and START doing to make sure you avoid ghosting Jesus?
For the duration of this musical piece, wrestle with these questions, and if you feel up to it, share whatever you are comfortable sharing below.
53 replies on “GHOSTING JESUS”
To be fair, the Lord has successfully made himself part of my life since last year, and I couldn’t be any more thankful for His nudge at the right place and time. I feel proud to have made myself a regular every Sunday constantly seeking God through hearing His word and praying intently in the church.
Perhaps, as one level above such feat, the Lord is also encouraging me to further integrate Him in my daily routine. Yes, I know Lord that I love whispering little phrases whenever I could randomly, but the Lord might also want to be in constant communication with me at least once a day. I’ll try my best to set a prayer time at least before I sleep every day (so I could also fix my sleeping schedule too!) to thank You for the blessings and to guide me through every single day.
Lord, thank you for telling me to stop running away and resisting the pain from my illness, and to be joyful instead because it has given me the most important time to be still and focus on YOU in prayer. Lord, I may endure days, weeks, hours and years more from this pain, but I fix my eyes on you. I know that this time is meant for us to talk, for me to listen and to learn. I ask that You give me Lord the strength to endure every month of increasing pain and fix my focus on You, just as you Lovingly paid for our sins through the Cross.
I believe that there should be a conscious decision to be with the Lord. It is easy to say that the device is the “source of distraction” when in reality it is the attention that I give into it that is the cause of distraction. Just like in prayer, disturbing thoughts would breeze through our consciousness it is I either we allow the thoughts to entertain them or we just let them pass us by. (Disclaimer: I must admit that this is easier said than practiced, but worth trying).
Pray without the use of smart phones. Or if there is a digital devise at least give the full attention to the scripture or prayer that are being read.
I know am lacking in spending time with the Lord.
I resolve to say my morning prayers diligently along with my daily meditation. Spend the commute to and from work talking to Him. Pray as I do my chores and whenever I am reminded to.
I use the social media now for my prayers. There are apps like Relevant Prayers that has become a part of my daily Prayers. There is also the ignatian spirituality account, usccb, pitik bulag, and many more. But there must be more of a conscious effort on my part to spend more time using these than reading for pleasure. I pray for the desire for this.
I try my best to have what I label as my “self-care protocol” and that includes brief but meaningful moments of prayer. When I wake up, I thank the Lord and ask Him to guide me through the day. Before I start my daily commute, I pray to Him and also ask the Virgin Mary to keep me safe. After each task I do in my teaching job, I remember to give Him praise and gratitude. When I come home from work, the first thing I say when I enter the door is, “Thank You, Lord, for everything!” These may seemingly be small things, but as one writer said, “Gratitude is the best form of prayer.” It makes me feel better when those words of gratitude come out of my lips. I hope the Lord feels the same about that.
I need to spend less time in social media; create pockets of silence, mindfulness, and prayer amidst my busy schedule (e.g. during my 4-hr daily commute to and from work); fill my “empty nest” with God moments.
Turn off ‘push notifications’!
Here’s to being faithful to the Daily Examen.
I look forward to it everyday.
Help me, Lord!
Even in the midst of a busy day, I will find moments to be still and thank the Lord for loving me.
One day at a time, until I will be faithful to particular time and place where I can be with Him, not only in moments of difficulties but more so in thanking Him for loving me unconditionally…
i know what i should do, i know that my mind is full of distractions, so busy, so noisy. I try to dedicate even a short time in prayer. What i pray for is perseverance and strength to be able to bring myself to a quiet stillness, that i may be able to pray and listen to God. I pray for that grace.
Talk to him more, I follow religious pages, save more prayers. Make use of this digital age to pray more, to know him more. To remind me to pray more. I have learned to not only pray conventionally but to lovingly talk ti Jesus. I am guilty of not hearing what he has to say… i have difficulty hearing him. Make me hear Jesus, make me understand. Give me the will and understanding to do your will.
Dear Lord,
Be with me each new morning, each drive to work, while I teach, each drive home, while I practice Yoga, while I work out, before I go to sleep.
The Rosary is my companion during each drive. My spiritual hymns on Spotify wake me up as I prepare for each new day and as I rest each night. My 3pm Divine Mercy alarm gives me daily repose after a hard day’s work.
The more we fill our consciousness with prayers and spiritual music, the more it becomes ONE WITH US.
In addition, my MAGNIFICAT gives me my daily dose of morning prayer, psalms, scripture readings, intercessions, meditation of the day, evening prayer. Time and devotion to read daily is challenging and what I need to strengthen.
Learn to appreciate SILENCE. Not only refraining from talking out loud or texting, we can also learn to turn our thoughts to silent mode. In silence, we can be aware of God’s Presence in us.
Instead of telling God what I want, I listen to what God wants for me. I’m always amazed how much better it is than what I would have asked for.
Before Holy Week, I have ghosted the Lord almost everyday and I felt so much shame for doing that. What I wanted to do right now is to go back to my daily examination of conscience so that I will be able to talk to Him more meaningfully and listen to Him more deeply. The examen will also serve as my guide and reminder on how I should go about my day. I want to slowly reduce the time I spend in the internet and instead, focus my time on my relationships, hobbies, and work.
I have come to realize that increasingly, it feels like I am entertaining three, four or five sets of non-intersecting visitors at home when I get messages at the same time. No matter how I treasure the presence of each friend or relative I am chatting with, trying to give comparable attention to each makes me feel pressured.
More and more, I have been getting the message that I should ease away from social media. My Easter resolution will be to “reverse” my social media time during the day with time spent in prayer or reading books or articles that will help me more clearly understand the tenets of Catholicism (I came from a non-vegetarian school) and thus more deeply appreciate my faith.
I believe that friends and family who truly love me will understand if I respond only during set times (car ride to and from work…) throughout the day, rather than being constantly available/online.
Edit: that should be non-sectarian 🙂 (Clearly, my phone is not familiar with the term…)
Lord help me redesign my life
To give time for exercise
To practice my art
To be excellent my work/service
To have regular individual dates with my wife and children
To discover and experience new things
But most of all to be with You.
I would forsake a thousand other days anywhere
If i could spend one day in Your courts
Belong to you alone.
Daily gospel reading and 10-minute meditation after reading. Just present ourselves to the Lord.
Take a regular time everyday to talk to Him in silent moment and read the bible. Be more mindful of people and situations around me where I can see Him in disguise.
Read the Bible more often, like every day
I’ll read the Gospel every morning slowly and if possible, highlighting verses that called my attention.
I know we’re new at becoming leaders of our group in iur fellowship… honestly we’re reluctant leaders..maybe the last choice but by saying Yes! We have been more conscious about how to prepare for our prayer group, about what to choose as religious song/s to be played for the session (the message has to be apt) and about how to shepherd others, not just those in our fellowship.
So STOP saying NO to His call and START saying Yes.
Pray for the grace to hear His call and respond positively to it.
Lead me Lord
I thank you Lord for all that I love with my heart and mind, body. This is a wonderful gift you have given me. Let me not to allure by worldly things. Lord, let me only gaze on your face, make me feel good about myself, and tell me who I am.
Will be more conscious of the time I spend on social media or Netflix and the like because it really eats away time for prayer. I complain I’m very busy but I always miraculously find time to do watch a sitcom on Netflix but get too tired for Jesus. At the very least I give him the crumbs. This retreat has made me realize, I need to spend more time with Him
i will begin each day with time for the Lord in prayer, and end each day with the Him.
I miss daily masses with my Carmelite friends. I will reactivate that practice once they are available. I will also ask them to teach me how to use Liturgy of the Hours. I will attend TV Mass on Sundays to accompany my mom, but resume Sunday Mass outside on my own.
I’ve always wanted to try the 30-day retreat. I’ll see how I can do this before we move to our new house.
Will start carving out more time for personal devotion and reflection first thing in the morning, and for daily examen before sleeping — careful not to wear myself out by my digital activities before I do so.
I will spend my time commuting as prayer time (praying the Chaplet at the very least), instead of spending it on FB.
When I was in retreat in daily life-35 weeks or in silent retreat, I had this quality prayer time and praying with scriptures.Spritual directors help me, they prayed for me too.It bears fruits. But when in ordinary time, I have challenges in prayer. So, what I did is to attend Holy Eucharist Daily and yes it gives peace and gives order and direction for the day. For my 1hour daily prayer time, during this Lenten season -truly Lord Jesus inspires me-He is a man of prayer before during and after mission. Starting this Easter, coming from strength from Jesus, I will wake up early before dawn and start my day in quality prayer and before going to sleep the Examen. Gift of Prayers.Pray for me to not fall into temptations.Our Father..Hail Mary…Glory Be..Amen .Thank you
Well, to begin with, STOP! the ghosting.
START visiting – very similar to when we go visit our dead during Nov. 1 or 2; light a candle or offer a flower, just to signify my intent on staying connected. Then, re-build the connection from there. Being comfortable in silence and stillness is a good place to start.
I pride myself with my ten minute evening prayers which are recited from a prayer book. Also with my one hour of no phone during mass because I do not bring my phone to mass.
Both however are not guarantees that my attention is undivided. It is easy for my mind to drift and lose focus in prayer and listening to the homily. It is easy for my mind to catch things that will capture my attention and lose focus on what I am doing.
It is time for me to stop being too critical and learn how to trust the Lord completely, to surrender myself to Him and believe.
I don’t bring my phone to mass. I also make sure I join in the singing of mass songs, and responses of the congregation, so I can concentrate on the mass. It seems I do my best praying when hearing mass.
The demands of daily life plus the digital distractions make having time for the Lord difficult. I always make sure I connect with him during the start of my day in the morning, when I do my gratitude exercise and thank him for all the blessings and the day ahead. I thank him whenever I can. I also make sure that when I unwind before going to sleep, I get to reflect and thank him again, as well as seek his help and guidance. I found that when I got burnout and spiraled into anxiety, I was trying to hard to deal with it on my own, put on my superwoman armor and I’m self sufficient/independent badge. I was on my knees when I realized I really needed to call on Him and ask for his comfort. It took a lot of courage to admit that I was broken and needed help, that I couldn’t do it all without Him.
I can give up the digital armors but what I should start is the quality time- the full undivided attention for the Lord so that I can recognize Jesus at an instance and it’s easier to reconnect that way because you’re accustomed to that special moment allotted for Him in your daily life. Prayer time does a lot of great things for me and in me and I continue to pray for consistency and depth in my prayer time, now more than ever. Thank you Lord for keeping up with me.
Going to mass daily can be the best form of prayer. And while in mass, it is easier to focus and pray.
Consistency with morning prayer and Scripture reading time before the cares of the day take over, and extra efforts to pray the Rosary and visit the Blessed Sacrament
I always allot at least an hour of prayer every day early in the morning, However, in spite of my early prayer, my mind often wanders on my daily tasks and activities to do for the day. I often feel that my prayer is mechanical. I have to focus more on what Jesus is telling me and to listen to Him.
I used to have an active prayer life, having been a member of a Catholic charismatic community and also having undergone the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. But my prayer life has been dry the last few years, perfunctory at best. I have allowed worldly pleasures and concerns take center stage. It is time for me to go back to a daily prayer routine. I know it might be difficult at first, but I know that the Lord will bless my efforts. I hope to find God again and be more aware of His presence and His work in my daily life.
Going to church seems to be the best way for me to pray. My attention is focussed to the Lord especially during daily masses when there are fewer people. Praying at home is almost impossible with all the chores and distractions in the house. I need to be more audacious about finding more time for prayer.
My father is a prayerful man. Every morning, without exception, he wakes up early to pray. He kneels down before the altar inside his bedroom and focusses his full attention before the crucifix and prays. This image of him has stayed with me throughout the years even after his death; it serves as my inspiration to overcome my struggle to pray at home.
In my daily prayer, there is always a passage I am reading; a formula I am chanting; a request I am reciting; a mystery I am envisioning. I realize now that I must also allow some time for silence, for me to listen to Him in my heart, in my mind.
I keep saying to God and to myself that I shall be doing my daily devotions and Bible reading, and yet I always fail.
I need God’s grace to be able to do this.
God bless your efforts!
Since I started working, I’ve always used my being tired as an excuse for not being able to have my daily conversation with God (which I hardly missed before working). Whenever I attempt to pray in bed at night, I wake up the next morning realizing that I wasn’t able to finish my prayer. However, I realize now that when I am sad or I need something, I miraculously always finish my prayers.
I’m sorry, Lord, that it has come to a point where I come to talk to you mostly when it’s convenient for me. Please help me build my resolve so that I can allot the time to be with you, even at least once a day. I love you. Amen.
It is difficult to prioritize prayer time.
But recent difficulties and losses have had me turn to the Lord in prayer.
Having no cable TV, uninstalling netflix helps so much. But also finding a prayer guide for daily bible tastings and reflections, to make prayer time more meaningful.
I challenge myself to prioritize prayer, even in good times — prayer in the morning, during travel commute, and before bed, going to noon mass when work schedule permits.
I am not always successful in quality of attention during prayer time, but I trust the Lord will meet me where I am. And he will use my imperfection for His glory. Little by little, he is purifying me.
I have committed not to leave my bed first thing in the morning without reading the Daily Gospel, it is my way of offering the first few minutes of my day to God. Always start the day with a prayer.
Daily prayers can be incorporated into my long, daily commute to and from work. Lord, let me resist the temptation to email, search, check out Nerflix, You Tube and Facebook before I could spend quality time with you, praying and listening to Your Word.
Finding time for daily prayer has always been a struggle. It’s a daily struggle and yet I don’t seem to find ways to get over the struggle. I contend with praying the rosary and say I’m good. But I know I’m not. I am attracted to Mary having recognized Jesus for having spent a lot of time with him. Only in prayer then may I also learn to recognize Jesus. I hope this helps my resolve to be stronger to carve that time for daily prayer.
I need to go on a pilgrimage or retreat…not the touristy type of pilgrimage but a spiritual, back to basics retreat (like the one in Taize) where I can just focus on God without the comforts of life.
with my false sense of security and “being in control” that i often ghosting our Lord Jesus… only when things go into disarray and problems coming in, that remind me to seek Him…
Long time ago I love silence but now there are more distractions.. what are they? Lots of them. The crowded world