It is now time
to end our online Holy Week Retreat.
Again, thank you for joining us,
and thank you for sharing the graces
that you’ve received!
We pray that all of us may truly be “infected”
with the hope that Easter brings.
We don’t know what’s in store for us
and for the world,
but please never forget and always insist:
The Lord is NOW HERE.
Don’t listen to those
who misread
and misunderstand the sign!
Meanwhile, stay safe and stay sane!
If you would like to stay in touch with Pins of Light,
FOLLOW this blog–
or follow us on our Facebook Page.
We have a weekly Sunday Gospel reflection
that you might want to watch out for.
If you know of friends who might benefit
from this,
please invite them to do this retreat as well.
Finally, here once again are a whole variety
of other online activities
that you might consider doing for Holy Week…

We have a team of Jesuits
offering services for those
who wish to avail of spiritual direction.
We will try to have someone available
as much as possible.
Just click HERE
and then click on the tab that says
“Online Spiritual Directors.”

There is a tradition in some countries
like Mexico and other Latin American countries,
as well as parts of the Iberian peninsula,
where the faithful offer votive offerings
called milagros.
If you have a special prayer intention,
Pick one from our available virtual milagros,
to be pinned on our online Prayer Shrine.
Just click HERE.

The reflections for these 14 Stations of the Cross
have been composed especially in our context of the pandemic.
The coronavirus phenomenon has disrupted our lives,
raising concerns and questions.
What can the Way of the Cross teach us
about a world suddenly full of peril and uncertainty?
You can pray over the Stations anytime–
alone or in groups,
all fourteen Stations at one go,
or piecemeal. Whatever suits you.
Just click HERE.

We have designed an online interactive experience
of a global Visita Iglesia
that will enable you to visit–and pray in–
churches located in cities worst hit
by the coronovirus disease.
You can do this anytime.
Just click HERE.

In case you missed it,
it’s not too late to post your virtual palaspas
to welcome our Lord
to the Jerusalem of our hearts.
Just click HERE.

Here’s a wall for you to post your personal petitions.
You may pray for any intention
and you share them here
so that your fellow retreatants can include your needs
in their prayers.
Just click HERE.
By the way, we would appreciate any additional feedback
or suggestions from you.
Please post below 🙂
Let us continue to pray for one another–
especially our fellow online retreatants–
and for the world in this time
of the pandemic.
As the last lines of “One Day More”
from the musical “Les Miz” reminds us:
“Tomorrow we’ll discover
What our God in Heaven has in store.”
Let us keep the faith,
and happy Easter!
40 replies on “SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!”
Thank you Fr Johnny and team! I have been attending this pins of light retreat for many years already and I am amazed at the inspirations and realizations I gain from it every year. It is more meaningful this year in the time of ECQ. Thank you for reminding me of the hope and love of God in all this. God Bless you all!
Thank you! Have you seen the movie “Risen”, starring Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, Peter Firth, and Cliff Curtis? Please see it!
Thank you very much Fr. Johnny and your team for putting this retreat together every year! Thank you for helping us deepen our faith in Christ! God bless you and your team Always! ? Happy Easter!
I can never thank you enough Fr.Johnny and team for the deep impact of this Lenten retreat in my spiritual life . I felt like I found a wellspring of unending inspirations and leadings nurturing my parched soul as I go through the retreat leading me to the right track of life. Napunuan po ang kahungkagan na naramdaman ko sa aking buhay spiritwal at mas napanghawakan ko ang matinding pagmamahal ng Diyos sa akin . I honor you all for this ministry of leading people close to God . AMDG.
God bless you all!
Thank you so much Father Johnny and staff for putting up this beautiful retreat. I am very happy to join for the first time, realizing my shortcoming to be a better person. I found out also I have so much to learn from all of you , who tirelessly manifest the will of our Lord. I didn’t know that there is a retreat not until I click on my sister post. Again my sincere thanks and may God bless us all. Please stay safe.
Thank very much. God is now here.
Hi Fr. J Go and staff of pins of
Thank you very much for allowing God to use you for his on -going mission of evangelization through media. I honestly appreciate every single module. I recognize your effort in providing activities which I know needed time for research and creativity. Your staff’s ingenuity is remarkable. My Lenten retreat this year was so meaningful. I hope it will mark a new beginning, a new impetus in my spiritual journey. I look forward to follow your weekly Sunday presentation. Mabuhay po kayong lahat! Hand salute!
Thank you very much for all the efforts of the Pins of Light team. The online retreat never fails to help me to go through the Holy Week. Thanks a lot in a special way because of this year’s abnormal situation. The whole program and the virtual works helped a lot in praying for the resolution of this crisis, seeing it in the light of faith, encouraging us to a lived faith that does justice and coping while in ECQ.
Happy Easter to you and to everyone!
May the Risen Christ continue to lead us through this crisis and bring us to life in fullness!
Praying for everyone!
Thank you once again Fr. J. God bless you always. Happy Easter ??❤️❤️????
Thank you so much for this online retreat. This made my holy week meaningful, more meaningful amidst the pandemic we are all in. It made me realize many aspects of my life. And I could say that the past three days spending time with my self and the Lord through this platform has turned my life upside down. I’m looking forward to joining next year’s online retreat. Mabuhay kayo.
Thank you for being an instrument of God. I am grateful for this online retreat. 🙂
One proof that God is indeed here: You (and your team)
With deep gratitude, Fr. Johnny, for this online retreat.
Happy Easter!
Thank you again! Everything was great! I love the music, the meditations and the prayers! Hope to participate again next year! Wishing everyone a Blessed and Glorious Easter!
Thank you again. Happy Easter!
Hi everything was great! The music videos, the readings, the connection of the real world now. One comment is that the website is a bit slow. hehe. It takes awhile for the music to load, as well as the Entrust and Milagros part 🙂 But overall, it was a wonderful new experience for me. Thank you so much
Thank you for this blessing: online retreat helped me realize the importance of maintaining a closer and deeper relationship with God.
The process regained my faith, not to worry and trust the Lord at all times.
“…leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees and all will be alright in time…”
Thank you, dear God for your presence in my life, for always guiding me in my journey.
I thank Father Johnny Go and all the people who made this online retreat possible. What a creative and powerful way to make use of the power of technology! God bless them always. May more and more people maximize the use of technology and all natural creation and human inventions for the GOOD of people and not for destruction. All praise and glory to God. Amen.
Salamat asin Dios Mabalos Pins of Light Team.
This on line retreat has been extradordinary as it has taken place in a not so ordinary and normal times. Nevertheless. I am grateful for the blessings, big and small that I have received during my quiet moments.
Very interactive!
Thank you, thank you.
Never fails. The reflections, the insights, the perspectives are always fresh and new. And they hit where I am most vulnerable.
I’ve recommended your online retreat to my friends and family, and the reaction is always the same: so moving, so effective, addictive even:)
I wish you, Fr J and your staff, the stronger resolve to continue this mission (forever?) because it helps so many of us.
Happy Easter!
Thank you Fr Johnny and team! This year’s retreat meant so much to us as family. The global pause brought about by this pandemic gave us the opportunity to commune and be a companion of Jesus. We have been touched in many ways by Him who is with us not just during this Covid 19 crisis but throughout our lives. The retreat reaffirms our commitment to sharing His love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness to others and to make this world a better place — care for the environment, solidarity with the poor, struggle for faith and justice.
GOD IS HERE‼️ Indeed , with your Team & your Selfless Love of putting this Retreat & all these On-Line Activities that are so Relevant & Useful at this time. . . . .~ ~
What’s a “pandemic” to worry about ⁉️
The Lord has made the Bridge, Openned the Door ~ all We need is to get through it‼️
Blessed Easter to All❗️
Happy Easter!! God is Now Here!! I believe He is here and a miracle is about to happen and he is going to crash this virus!
Thank you for this retreat!!
Special thanks to my churchmate who shared the link to the pins of light online retreat. I really appreciate it.
Thank you pins of light for enriching my prayer life.
Pray between the lines…listen to what God says and even to what He doesn’t say. God bless your effort in providing this inspiring and relevant online retreat.
Keep on staying in the HERE and NOW. Or else, you will nowhere.
Thank you Fr. Johnny and team for putting together this beautiful, inspiring, relevant, interactive Holy Week journey with our Lord. I was moved to tears several times during the retreat and the Way of the Cross. You effectively integrated the truths of our faith in today’s situation of the pandemic. I received many new insights on how to look at different aspects of our faith.
This is the first time that I’ve joined this online retreat. I find it more effective compared to the traditional Triduum recollection talks offered in churches in the past. I can do the online retreat at my own pace and can refer back to points that I needed to understand deeper.
Thank you very much. God bless! Happy Easter!
God is NOW HERE.
Thank you for the spiritual nourishment.
May God bless us all.
Happy Easter!
This is my first time to join this wonderful online retreat. Thank you so much for this! I honestly can’t find the words to describe it has touched me. Not just the Holy Week retreat, but also the Stations of the Cross. I’m often surprised how God’s word in liturgy, though written so very long ago, can still be relevant today. This retreat has shown me how up-to-the-minute His word is when you talked of social distancing and hand washing and infection and made the connection with what transpired during the passion of our Lord. Again, many, many thanks! God bless you all.
God is Now Here. God is Everywhere and Forever. Happy Easter! See You Again…
God is NOW HERE ?
Thank you Fr Johnny and to your team for preparing our hearts to receive Him, no matter where and how we are in our life’s journey. Yes He is NOW HERE, All the Time, Every Time.
Thank you again and Happy Easter!
The challenge to me is to always remember where that single space is in my daily life . . . GODISNOW HERE!!!
Big appreciation for the work to make this year’s retreat extra meaningful in this time of pandemic and uncertainty.
Thank you Fr. J. I sincerely didn’t want this 3d retreat to end. Felt sad when it wrote See you next year.
This has been the most relevant and touching retreat to me so far.
Please take care of yourself. You are our virtual frontliner.
God bless you.
Thank you Fr. Johnny for taking so much time, making extra effort and sacrifice to Make this wonderful Online retreat. I am so blessed to have joined this retreat. This beautiful retreat in this situation we are in, has made this year’s Holy Week, super special, meaningful and memorable! Happy Easter Fr. Johnny, and to everyone! Indeed, God is here now! May He bless us all!
hank you so much for the last 5 years of deep spiritual journeys. I have always been prayerful but not as much as throughout these Covid times. And, going through this retreat, I realize that a lot of times, my prayer life is rote. These days of reflection dig deep into my heart and mind, making me come face to face with my faith in very honest terms. There can be no hiding, no excuses, no watering down of the encounters with the hows and whys of my relationship with Jesus. I ask Him and He asks me (through you) in the most intimate of dialogues. And because I do this in the most private of times and spaces, the tears fall easily, without fear, without self-consciousness and what healing this brings. I am a griever, having lost my dad, husband and mother a year apart from each other. But going through this retreat, I know I am not alone. Jesus grieves with me. He will always be my partner, friend, rock, consolation, and joy. I may not always be as steadfast in this relationship as I would want to be. But Jesus will be. THAT is enough source of hope and strength.
A life-giving Easter to all! Thank you and see you next year!
Thank you thank you !
HAPPY EASTER BIG HUGS & MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL! ❤️❤️❤️ EASTER gives us HOPE. GOD gives us LOVE. HUGS gives us COMFORT. I pray you all have these this EASTER. Better days ahead !
TRUST in the LORD with all our heart ??
Once again, thank you for making our Lenten experience extra special and memorable. May God continue to bless you all for helping and guiding us closer to Him.
Thank you for working on this retreat. Until next year!
Amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, this retreat is indeed very special!
I really appreciate your “hard” work, relevant to the times, and creative ways you made me feel on questions and answers to life, and relationships with God and others.
I wish you and your team a joyous Easter!
The Way of the Cross In A Time of Pandemic was also such a moving experience for my wife and I.
I encourage you all to experience tbis and feel Gods presence just as we did.
Thank you to all that put this retreat together. Happy Easter!