“Who will roll the stone for us?”
This was the women’s question
that first Easter morning.
As we know, they soon learned
that the stone has been rolled for them

On this third day of our Holy Week retreat,
we find ourselves asking the same question.
Only this time, unlike those women,
it isn’t to get into the tomb.
It is to get out of it.
We know that
we have to make the decision to get out.
We know that
we have to do the hard work
of climbing out of our tombs ourselves.
The good news is that thankfully,
the Lord has already started the process for us:
He has unsealed our tomb
and created some opening for us to work on.

It is now up to us to do the rest.
It is now our turn to do our work.
In this next prayer exercise,
you are invited to pray
about the tombs in your life.
Name one (or two) of these tombs.
Remember, a tomb may be a lifestyle, a habit,
a person, a vice, a mindset, a relationship–
anything or anyone that gets in the way
of your living a full life.
Call to mind how staying in this tomb
affects you and your loved ones,
especially how it diminishes you,
making you less than–
your best possible self.
The Lord sees this best self in you
and wants you to do everything possible
to embrace it and become it.
But you can’t do that
without stepping into the light.
You’ll need to climb out of your tomb.
And the first step is the decision
to roll that stone completely away.
Are you willing to roll the stone away?
How far away from the entrance
will you leave that stone?
Pray over this for a moment.
And then deliberately and significantly,
roll the stone away
from the mouth of the tomb below.
It is up to you how far you want to roll the stone.
If you wish, you may even decide
to close the tomb completely–for now.
Feel free to explore
before deciding where you feel
you should leave the stone.
The important thing is to be honest
and to make this exercise mean something
to you.
Be patient, deliberate, and mindful
as you go through this prayer ritual,
listening to what you are thinking,
how you are feeling, and
to what the Lord might be trying to tell you.
Remember, this is not a game,
where the goal is to get the stone
completely out of the way–
because in real life we really can’t!
The goal is to experience this process
and to learn and grow from it.
Whenever you are ready,
play the music to accompany this prayer ritual
and press the green flag below to begin.
Begin only when you feel ready.
And again, remember to take your time.
Feel free to linger here
as long as you would like.
Please consider sharing
about your experience below.
You may want to tell us your reasons
for leaving the stone where you did.
88 replies on ““WHO WILL ROLL THE STONE FOR US?””
I rolled the stone completely away, but kept it in sight. In a way, I think the stone is a reminder that these habits or mindsets (in my case) come from fears usually, and are our way of escaping pain. Maybe all humans have their tombs. But we must remind each other that we cannot stay in our tombs — we were not meant for the tomb! Jesus shows us that.
Please help me Lord roll the stone until it can bump somewhere to be crushed. In this way, there is no excuse for me to go back to my tomb.
I moved the stone half way as I believe that God will help you as long you help yourself and have faith in him.
I rolled the stone halfway, big enough for me to climb out, wide enough for me to see the light of hope That shines into the darkness of my tomb of bad habits, and large enough to tell myself, for now, I may be struggling to break out, but I must understand it’s not an easy effort but takes will, effort and persistence.
I rolled the stone halfway, big enough for me to climb out, wide enough for me to see the light of hope That shines into the darkness of my tomb of bad habits, and large enough to tell myself, for now, I may be struggling to break out, but I must understand it’s not an easy effort but takes will, effort and persistence.
I left the stone still near the opening of the tomb because I have to take it one step at a time. I want to leave this tomb completely but I know that I will not be able to do that completely in one go. It is a process that I am willing to undergo and I more than ever, I am ready to do it now.
I have been hindered to using my God-given talents & doing what I really want because of my self-reliance, panicking in life, not fully trusting in God’s providence, thus not being able to also have the time with Him in prayer in my everyday life. I want to change, pursue my dreams, live life to the fullest, serving God & my family & my brothers & sisters, trusting fully in His graces for I can do all these with God & only through God.
Help to trust in you, Lord. Where you will lead, you will provide.
First time to join this retreat. The Holy Spirit led me here. Prayed here with my 14 year-old son. It was a blessed and joyful gift. Thank you, Pins of Light. Praise and glory to our Lord!
Lord, relieve me from all this useless anxiety that is preventing me from seeing what You really want me to see. Teach me to trust in you, to hear and listen to your voice that is calling me to come closer to you, so I may never be astray.
Lord Jesus Christ, I trust in you. You will help me everyday in this journey of life to roll the stone – the temptations that hinder me in following you and to do your Holy Will. Amen
The Lord wishes for us to go out of our tomb. He will help us roll the stone. I completely trust in Him. He will be the reason for my life. I am resurrected with him.
Sometimes its funny that we know what to do with all of our tombs. We have named it and claimed it but i guess for me its not more of the what but the when. When will i decide to get out of the tomb and see the light.
I rolled the stone out like pitching a disc. I made sure to unhinge it from the entrance, then after getting comfortable with its movement and pulling off an angle, I tossed it out of the screen!
Perhaps that’s just so me as a person. It usually takes some time for me to get rid of these habits. But I know that when I decide to take them out of my system, they are almost all the time gone.
May the Lord help me to lessen and be mindful of my social media usage, as well as my tendency to look for love, both of which steer me away from doing what I need to do.
Salamat, Panginoon, for helping me unroll my tombs before. Surely, through partnering with You, we could both throw these stones out of our way.
Praying for you, Jerry. Your words speak to me as these are the exact tombs I want to rise up from. May we have the strength and confidence to get through this. God bless you.
I get rid of the stone completely so I can experience total freedom from the tomb that distancing me from God. With firm faith and total surrender to Him, the stone has been moved and I’m ready to be a new person Lord, a changed one. Thank you Lord for letting me experience this freedom. Amen
I removed it but a part of the stone was retained. I am so willing to get out of these tombs of mine but I feel like in process, I might become tired or lazy enough to move it out completely. Lord, help me.
I removed the stone far away from the entrance so I can get out freely or totally and with ease. I’ll leave it to the Lord to help me when ever the evil tried to put in my mind again to partly close the tombstone..
The tomb in this case for me would be the busy world I had pre-quarantine. At first I’m not sure where to put the stone. Maybe leave it half open? I had gotten used to that world so much, I’m not sure what to expect once I (or somewhat figuratively speaking, once the government) “opens” the stone post-quarantine. Trusting in Jesus should eventually convince us to open and fully leave the tomb, move, and always move forward.
I know these tombs have sucked the best of the for the longest time and honestly, I’m not happy about it. I have tried to move out several times, but yes, it feels more comfortably in that dark and cold compartment. I have gotten used. But the Lord want to live the best live ever, by fulfilling His wonderful plan for me.
I moved the stone with small covering left since I know I may not fully remove the stone from the tomb, but the Lord says its okay, for I should devote my time and energy then on other things. I also felt the difficulty in pushing, even to the point of asking myself if the stone was really moving at all. Though it may be hard, I know that my actions, when offered to the Lord, will not be put in vain.
Teach me Lord to persevere to rise from the dark and comfortable compartment inside the tombs and push the tombstone, even though how painstakingly it will took me to do it. Through God’s grace, I know I can. Amen.
I chose to move the stone completely because Jesus is my resurrection. I reborn by His saving grace and I know that he will hold my hand and lead me to the right path. Before this retreat, I was a doubting Thomas. I doubted His love for me. But now I realize I lacked faith. From now on I will work on my relationship with Jesus. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes and always being there despite my many tombs.
The tomb for me is my home. I left the door half-open. Yes, it is a safe place. Yes, my family is here and all my needs can be found here. Yes, I love this place. However, it sets me apart from the reality of life, which others experience. I want to go out of this comfort zone. Contribute so that their lives will be better. When the time comes that I need to go inside again, I hope I won’t feel this emptiness by sharing to my family what I have experienced. Perhaps, encourage them to grow as well or provide for their needs, too. I am ready to go out.
It felt safe. The darkness was a safe place. There was an opening, anyway. I could peer out. I could reach out my hand and feel the sunlight. I might even venture out but to jump back right in. Leaving it ajar was OK.
I didn’t want to touch the flag. After a minute, I thought to move it a bit. Take it little by little. But to my surprise the stone did not weigh a thing! I was expecting heaviness at rolling it out. but instead it stuck to the cursor and was lifted immediately, going wherever the arrow went.
After double-clicking it and leaving the stone far away from the opening, a sudden surge of lightness was felt in my chest. I was appreciating the opening in its entirety…from the outside. I was out. And not afraid.
Dear Lord, thank you for showing the way.
I let the Lord talk to me and i thought of my attitude to be a people pleaser and aside from that i felt that what really hinders me is not depending on Him completely, i dont want this feeling anymore and yet i continously do it because of my pride, i remove the stone completely and honestly when i saw the tomb without any barrier i feel relieved… it is is now or never Lord this is it I trust in You.
I completely got rid of the stone simply because I don’t want to rely on it anymore. I dont want to be behind its shadow. I want to be free from this small space that’s keeping me from becoming my best possible self.
Lord, it was easy to remove the stone. I know that you paved the way for me. It was a good relief after removing the stone. I just need to trust you, Lord.
I know you opened the tomb Lord, but it is so difficult to go out. I want to push it all away from the entrance.
Leave everything behind – fears, failures, laziness, comfortability, complacency.
But also, don’t leave anything behind – grit, perseverance, faith, hope, and trust.
The process may be crazy, but it will lead you to a life of holiness.
I shifted the stone away from the entrance because I want to move on with my life and not be stuck in this tomb of worry and regret.
I was reluctant to move it away at first. It wasn’t as easy as I wanted, but I did it completely because I want to move towards the Light. It felt heavy, but it felt necessary and right.
The God of silence beckons me
To journey to my heart
Where He awaits
O Lord, I hear You calling tenderly
To You I come to gaze
At the beauty of Your face I cannot see
To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel
To dwell in Your love hurting but sweet
To be with You; to glimpse eternity
God of night, fount of all my delight.
Show Your light . . . that my heart, like Yours, burn bright.
Be still the torment of the night
Will not encumber you, if you believe
My child this darkness isn’t emptiness
For here I mold your heart
Unto My image painfully you long to see
The self you yearn to be, but fear to know
The world from which you flee in Me find home
All these I give you, if you remain in Me
I am ever here
My child, you need not fear
The dark will set you free
And bring your heart to Me
The God of silence beckons me
To journey to my heart
Where He awaits me.
The stone is way out there in the corner, it was easy for me to move it, even throw it away. I’m there in the entrance of the tomb, savoring the sunlight and fresh air. But I have not stepped out. I am afraid of the responsibility and commitment to this new life. I am afraid of the unknown, of losing control. I long to say yes to You Lord, but I am afraid. Mother Mary, teach me your Fiat.
I want to completely roll away the stone from the tomb so I can be completely free from the darkness that overshadowed me. I want to see the light, breathe the fresh air, and be completely free from this tomb in my life so I can worship you God completely willingly, without hesitation and doubt.
Lord, help me not to put the stone back in my tomb.
In my weakness, I mustered enough guts to open the stone completely because as you beckoned me from the darkness of my tomb, I believe that you are my light. I did not hesitate to roll it wide open, trusting always that you will always be there to guide and lead me. But weak as I am, I always tend to go back to my tomb. I pray Lord ,that you will not give up on me and be with me always.
I used to the pains and heartaches my Lord, I thought that that is my cross to carry for the rest of my life..
I have always regretted not having any children in our married life. My wife went thru a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy. Since then, we were not blessed with children. She had to go through a total hysterectomy 5 years ago since we were already in our 50’s. I hope and pray to move on and not let this bother me anymore because I know it hurts my wife more whenever we are reminded of it in our daily lives. They say there’s always a reason for everything that happens. In this situation, I don’t know if I will ever fully understand. Please help me God to step out of this “tomb”…
I only opened it halfway partly because I am still a little bit afraid and anxious BUT partly also because I have already begun to make baby steps in opening the tomb (something I am grateful to You for and proud of because I got all my strength and courage from You after all!). I choose to look at my half open tomb to mean that I am getting there Lord Jesus Christ! I will not give up because You did not give up on me! ME IS FIGHTING! As for the rest, Lord, I trust that You will grant me all the graces, strength, wisdom, AND courage to KEEP ON ROLLING. And I will also NOT FORGET to ask for the Holy Spirit to come and help me keep the stone rolling! Glory and praise to You Lord God! Baby steps baby steps. Mercy.
I was only able to push the stone a bit..at the most, halfway…was too bruised and too weak…i could only peek at the light…and sometimes, it is too much…i cannot bear to see those who wounded me and trampled me..for they seem to get away with their crimes and bullying…sometimes i try to push the stone a little bit more, but i get overwhelmed by those asking for my presence and for my strength and for what i can give them while i myself am nursing my own woundedness…meet me halfway, lord…or as this experience from holy thursday proved, thank you for going all the way of experiencing betrayal and abandonment, being wounded by actions and words and silences…for going through the pain of the kiss…for going through every nook and cranny of the dark valley of hell…thank you for not just meeting me halfway but meeting me where I am..for whispering “you are mine”…thank you, lord…
and thank you too for the words you gave d.haas in this song which speaks of the lazarus in me..
I will come to you in the silence
I will lift you from all your fear
You will hear My voice
I claim you as My choice
Be still, and know I am near
I am hope for all who are hopeless
I am eyes for all who long to see
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light
Come and rest in Me
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine
I am strength for all the despairing
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
All the blind will see, the lame will all run free
And all will know My name
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine
I am the Word that leads all to freedom
I am the peace the world cannot give
I will call your name, embracing all your pain
Stand up, now, walk, and live
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine
Lord thank you for helping me see that I have been buried in this tomb. I didn’t even realize I was in a rut. Please release me and let me overcome. I love you.
Even as I knew it was an impossible situation, I couldn’t walk out of my marriage. Our Lord pulled me out of it, I saw many years later. But the negative emotions lingered. Today, I sealed the tomb with the stone – once and for all turning my back to that place of toxicity and recognizing that there is no going back and that complete healing is possible only with forgiveness.
I know that wanting to make things better is a gift, but its shadow side, the tendency to focus on what is missing and what’s wrong, doesn’t only hurt the people I love but also deprives me of the gift of joy and contentment. I am ready to roll the stone away – for Easter, for life-after-Covid19.
Pasensya na, Panginoon.. Hindi ko kaya. 🙁
Your honesty means a lot to the Lord. I am sure He will patiently wait for when you are ready to move out of your tomb. Offering prayers for you.
praying for you. katabi mo lang Siya palagi.
Many times Dear Lord you’ve rolled the stone, opening the tomb where I’ve been. You’ve helped me move on and yet I enter again into the same tomb. I want to throw away that heavy door completely and serve you.
I completetely out the stone out of sight. I know that i would not have been able to do this without the help of Jesus. With his help, i can finally gather enough courage and strength to crawl out of my tomb to live fully. Thank you Jesus for giving me courage and trusting in you.
I realized and am very thankful that God has not allowed me to stray away very far. Thankfully, the decision to roll away the stone wasn’t very difficult.
Probably, like Lazarus, when he was called to rise, I became hesitant because I still enjoy the “comforts” that the “tomb” gave me. But also, just like Lazarus, who woke up in a cold, dark place, would I rather stay inside when Light was beckoning? Would I rather find temporary comfort in it? Or would I prefer to embrace the peace and love that Jesus offers, which of course is the clearest choice.
I feel relieved that the Lord helped me to remove this tomb.
I was very tempted to push the store all the way, but realized it wasnt as easy as just sliding my index finger through it… yes i still am selfish to give of myself to charitable service, I still cant get away from the materialism of this world, i still have those little lies that i tell to make life convenient , to enjoy pleasures ~ so dear Lord pls be patient with me as i move this stone from the Tombs i hold on to in my life. I will pray harder for the strength to completely push this stone out of the way, little by little inch by inch until the full ligjt comes through!
I know I am not a bad person but I believe i can be a better, if not the the best version of myself with Your Divine Help?
Lord, I completely removed the stone for a brand new me. You wanted so much for me. I now feel worthy of Your blessings – love, happiness, wealth, prosperity, breakthroughs. I am now refreshed, invigorated, committed to complete Your initial works and ready to rule my little world.
I am 69. Been there done that. Doing this doing that. I removed the stone completely away. And I leave the tomb of no surprises and step into the light of adventures in the routine of life. In my imagination, between the lines.
I have rolled the stone completely away from the opening. Am out, seated on the cobblestone. I ask Jesus to extend me his hand that I may walk away from the tomb and for Him to lead me from it. Grant me Lord the strength to follow my resolve.
With Your strength and my renewed faith for Easter, I choose with all my might to roll the stone away. Lord, work in me, use me, let the tomb stones be cast aside (Fear, doubt, self-righteousness, anxiety, judgement), so I can better serve You as You will.
Lord I trust that you have a better plan for me. I rolled the stone out. Because i want to trust that in your own time and oace you will grant forgiveness and healing. That through your mercy you will grant my heart’s desires. The one i have been praying for. I claim it with all my heart.
I have rolled away the stone completely from the mouth of the tomb. I want to see the light and be part of the light!
This quarantine period is a tomb and the stone is still in place. One thing I realized about tombs is that they can get comfortable that one might now even recognize the stone has been rolled already and still stay in the darkness. It takes a lot of courage to go back to the new normal and I pray I will have it when the time comes.
When I am out and I see the light, I want to put back the stone where it use to be so I won’t be back in the tomb or so that the tomb will not be there for anyone anymore. For me, what makes the stone heavy is the idea that I need to say sorry to people I may have hurt. Pride makes the stone heavy. Humility makes me see the light. I know that however heavy the stone is, Jesus is near and will be with me in dealing with it.
I trust You dear Jesus, that you will journey with me as I abandon my tombs so I will grow spiritually. I received your gift of resurrection, gift of new life. Amen.
I realize that I want to roll away the stone as far as possible by myself but I realized that, I want to do it with Jesus.
I know Lord that pushing that stone completely away from my own personal tomb will take superhuman effort. But I believe that You are my strength, my will, my choice and so I have the courage to keep at it whatever it takes. I choose You over darkness, despair, and resentment.
I’ve been through a lot of aches & sufferings, I need to get out out it. Thank you Lord for this chance into a new life with You
Yes, it is true after this pandemic the world may still be the same or little different? It is also very true to choose our own Easter to be out of the tomb or not. Even it is difficult, in baby steps, i choose to leave the tomb and share Easter to others in my own small way.
Thank you for this beautiful journey of the Holy Week retreat. And, thank you to the many countless loving people who are keeping us safe n fed during this lockdown.
I pushed the stone away to open the door completely. Even if I only needed less space to get out and leave my tomb, I thought that light should also touch the dark place I am leaving behind.
Lord, I so want to step out into the light and leave behind my fears and anxieties about the future. I will be a work in progress in this regard, nurturing my trust and faith that all will be well. Thank you for being patient with me.
I hesitated initially, thinking the stone is too heavy for me. But when I started to roll the stone away, I realized it was not that heavy. I guess the determination or will power to work on something is very important. But this determination will be complete only when we do things out of love and through the grace of God.
I am halfway in my journey to forgiveness. The experience is too painful and yet I know it is only through forgiveness that I will be healed. I hope, in time, that I will have the heart to totally forgive even if I will not be able to forget. Lord, grant me a brave heart that I may have the strength to forgive.
I wanted to roll the stone away but I am not sure if I am ready to go out into the light yet. I left a small opening (less than half) so that I can get accustomed to the light…the life I should live hoping that one day I have the courage to go out.
I pray that my busy schedule will not go in the way of spending a few minutes with the Lord and paying more attention to my loved ones. I pray that I would remain kind to people who are difficult to love or deal with.
I rolled the stone completely out of sight from the screen.
Sometimes, for change to happen, we need to remove distractions that does not serve us in our path towards happiness and holiness.
It might be hard and tedious at first but it will be worth it. ?♥️
the stone of guilt from possibly not doing enough to console and comfort my brother in his time of need before he passed away.
the stone of anger at my brother’s for having given up on fining a cure for him.
the stone of disillusionment with the Lord and God for not curing my brother despite prayers, masses, etc.
Thy Will be done.
I rolled my stone as far away as possible but still within my sight. I consider it as another reminder of God’s effort to free me, to enable me to help myself.
It is comforting that Jesus allows us to live at our own pace. I rolled the rock to 3/4ths of the opening, enough for me to go out, and use the steps to go back to earth again. It is with renewed strength that I step on earth again. The open 3/4th is to remind me that although life will continue to present challenges, God will always be near.
I was hesitating to go out of the tomb. i kept craning my neck trying to get a peek of what’s waiting for me beyond the tomb. Your grace, Lord, and the hope that Your resurrection gave me the strength to roll it out little by little, and the courage to step out of the dark tomb, into the light. I pray for the grace of courage, commitment and faith to choose to remain out of the tomb every single day.
Lord I rolled the stone just enough for me to get out. Completely out. Then I rolled it back again completely closed. Lord you know how dark and lonely it is in my tomb. Thank you for calling me and getting me out. I closed it Lord so one will go in that tomb again, so no one will know the pain and suffering of being in that tomb.
Help me Jesus everyday in my chores, may I always work for your glory. I pray for my husband that he may go back to attend Mass on Sundays, assist me in my daily routines. Lord Jesus, You know what is in my heart, please Grant my requests & prayers.
Thank you Jesus.
Lord, I’m afraid to leave my tomb. I’m afraid of this world. I want to stay with you in heaven where there is only light and peace.
Lord, it is my desire to roll the stone away, to step into the light and be free from the tomb. But I need You to guide me, people to encourage me.
I don’t want anymore to live in the dark and shadows… I have been there long enough.
I want to step into the Light.
Lord, help me make this step today.
I feel I don’t have much time left to fully embrace the Light outside the tomb so I desire to cast it as far away from the tomb as possible. So help me, Lord!
Thank you for always giving me the opportunity to decide and move towards the direction that need be despite the difficult choices that come with life. Thank you for the strength and courage to choose the hard but correct path.
I open myself completely to you, Lord. Thank you for the gift of your love
A full bright light from being in complete darkness for too long can be blinding. I rolled it halfway through to invite the light of Jesus to shine in so that, adjusting my sight, I may be able to a clearer look at my tomb, and slowly find my way out of it.
Lord i need your help to roll the stone completely.
Thank you for giving me this chance to move the rock. I am ready Lord.Guide me, teach me, inspire me, heal me.
Can I have more rocks to remove pls
I hesitated at first, but chose to roll the stone away completely despite my desire to have a little part of the stone remain at the entrance. Perhaps I still want a fallback, a safety zone where I could roll it back if I could not handle what happens outside..if I fail to make my effort count. But I realized God has always been and will be my refuge.He is the One who has called me to see the light, and will be there to see me through.