Thank you for joining us
in this year’s Holy Week Retreat!

A special shout-out
to those who’ve joined us in previous years.
Thank you for showing up again!

GERMANTOWN, MD JULY 15:A sign near the silent retreat lodge and center at the Daysprings Retreat Center on July 15, 2010 in Germantown, Md. Montgomery County transportation officials are studying the possibility of building of the Midcounty Highway through the grounds.(Photo by Mark Gail/The Washington Post) StaffPhoto imported to Merlin on Fri Jul 16 12:03:07 2010

This Online Holy Week retreat has been extra special
because of the current global context
we all find ourselves in.

We hope that this retreat has provided you
with opportunities to learn about the Lord
and about yourself,
to experience Jesus’ presence in your prayer
and his action in your life,
and to share and grow with
our online faith community.

Once again we invite you
to share the blessings
that you’ve received in this year’s retreat.

Look back at these last three days,
and share an insight, a question,
a prayer, or any observation
that might help

your fellow online retreatants.

Your sharing at this retreat
has been intensely personal
and deeply profound.

To be honest, your sharing is the only reason
why we’ve been working hard
for the last thirteen years
to offer you our online retreat.

Your sharing is posted anonymously,
so you can be as open and honest as possible.

Also, please take time to read the sharings
of your fellow retreatants.
We learn so much and grow so much
from one another’s experiences and prayers.
We are all of us channels
of God’s graces.

Play this instrumental music
as you reflect and prepare to share.

“To a wild rose” from Unexpected Songs by Julian Lloyd Webber/John Lenehan. Released: 2006. Track 19 of 20. Genre: Classical.


228 replies on “END-OF-RETREAT SHARING”

My sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the pins of light family for this very timely and meaningful online lenten retreat. Ever since I was in KSA (now in UAE), your retreats have indeed provided spiritual nourishment for my soul. My tomb has been shaken, the stone blocking the light was rolled out. Thanks to the grace of our Lord, I was illumined!

I now know at least one reason why the lockdown was good – it was an opportunity to go through and complete a retreat such as this in a more meaningful way. As we go through this pandemic and beyond, the challenge will be to continue growing in the realizations and lessons that this experience reawakened in us. Let us help each other make sure we move forward in our relationship with Jesus.

Thank you, Fr. Johnny and Pins of Light! I’ve been participating in your online retreats since 2009. The beautiful, timely, thought-provoking reflections have helped me see this pandemic in a different light. Truly, God is now here!

I was not able to go to my freshie-year retreat because of this pandemic and I was bummed because of it. I just went to a retreat last December, but I really wanted something that would help me see if the fruits of the retreat, the prayer and work I’ve been doing, have brought me somewhere. Then, the Lord brought me here after reading a homily from this website. I saw the homily I believe last Laetare Sunday and I was able to see the posts about the previous Triduum Retreats. I was excited at first, but after a while I actually forgot about this. But, thank God; He reminded me of this.

I am usually busy during Holy Week since I am a server in our parish so I find this year’s celebrations very different and peculiar. I really wanted to get “busy” like what I usually do during Holy Week. So I said I’ll try to occupy myself with this retreat. At first I thought this retreat would not be helpful or anything, especially that since I am distracted so easily (and I usually don’t want my family to see me emotional or anything since we’re just living in one room). I must admit I didn’t not know what to expect or what graces I would obtain from this retreat. But after a while, I was really able to see where the Lord is bringing me. I was able to concentrate without any distractions and I was able to keep myself busy, even for a short while, because of this. I must even say that this was the first time that I was really able to have a very intimate “face-to-face” with the Suffering Christ during Good Friday and even with my “tomb” – the person that I liked but rejected me. It was really helpful since I wasn’t able to have a “face-to-face” before with my tomb, and even moreso, Christ Himself! I must also say that I became very emotional these past three days, probably the most emotional Triduum I had so far.

Truly, I was able to experience Christ in His Paschal Mystery in a deeper and more intimate way. I’ll surely never forget about this retreat, and I’m looking forward to next year. Blessings be upon Pins Of Light! Thank you for being God’s instruments of His peace and love. Peace be with you! Alleluia! <3

Thank you for the retreat Pins of Light. This was really a blessing. I haven’t been in a retreat in decades. Stay safe and well everyone. Godbless and Happy Easter. We will get through this together with Jesus!

This retreat showed my claims of having an intimate relationship with the Lord thus leads me to reality of me being complacent with that thought.

This pandemic locked me down to remind me of one important thing that I should be taking care of, my relationship with God and neighbours. ♥️

Thank you Fr. Johnny for this 4-day journey! I learned so much about myself. I pray that you will continue to guide those who have lost their way or are unsure of where they took a wrong turn. God bless!

Thank you for this innovative, inspiring and insightful online rereat. It has allowed me to deepen and renew my faith in the Lord, allowed me to see God in music, be moved by lyrics in the most unexpected manner.

It is amazing how you are able to come up with ways to rekindle our faith in the most imaginative ways. Who would have thought pop songs can evoke reflections for Lent? The exercises were a bonus treat as well, making the retreat interactive in the most unusual way. It is a treat to the senses.

Thank you for allowing us to see God in everyday life, for being able to find peace thru this retreat amidst this pandemic, and for leading us into silent prayers that will drive us to embody the word of God in our lives.

Happy Resurrection Sunday to everyone. Thank you Fr. Johnny as always.

This retreat made me realize how I’ve distanced myself from the Lord, always making excuses why I could only spend so little time with him. I realize that I need to review my priorities and the pandemic made me realize what’s truly, truly important in my life. Also, making a commitment to come out of my tomb of bad habits, to be a better, more loving and kind person. With God’s help and giving the Lord more presence in my life to help me through this. Alleluia! He is risen!

Thank you for this wonderful 3-day journey! It’s truly been a blessing and grace. I guess there’s no other way but to turn it on, get up from the tombs and accept the invitation of Jesus who actually never left my side. It was I, distancing myself from His boundless mercy and love. I hope and pray with God’s grace and people’s prayers, I’ll be able to slowly but surely be ever closer to the Lord and do the things He has entrusted me to accomplish.

Thank you so much, Fr. Johnny and your Team for making this annual online Holy Week Retreat possible! I hope you all won’t get tired of helping & serving people and spreading God’s love and mercy to all.

It has been truly a consoling, heartwarming and inspiring blessing amidst this pandemic. Thank you Fr. J and your team. God is Here….always was and always will be…
Happy Easter and be safe everyone!!!

Thank you very much for a highly satisfying spiritual and soul searching experience! It was my first online retreat and it will certainly not be the last! I look forward to the next one! Lent 2021 seems so far away! Maybe you can have one for Advent 🙂

Happy Easter to one and all!

Hope abounds!

Thank you once again for the opportunity to take this 3 day journey with the Lord. I have always appreciated the guided prayers, the questions asked that make me look deeply inside of me for answers, the honest insights shared by all and the wonderful music that make the experience more meaningful.
I was about to start a new phase in my career right before the pandemic broke. The quarantine put things in hold. And I have grown in fear and anxiety over what the future holds.
This journey made me forget my fear and anxiety, and instead focus on what I can do to take away some thorns from the Lord’s crown, and open the tomb for a more spiritually enriched life.

Thank you for this retreat, Father Johnny! Whenever I feel spiritually tired, hungry or thirsty, trust I will go back to the songs and prayers you have shared here.

This pandemic will end, but the effect of it will be lasting. I pray that the lessons you shared on keeping close to God, and allowing Him to infect us with forgiveness, and compassion will always be with us.

God bless you, keep you and protect you.

This is my first time to attend this online Holy Week Retreat even if I always see this on my feed – colleagues sharing the link for others to see.

I am very glad I decided to attend this retreat because this gave me an opportunity to solidify some decisions which I was unsure of prior to the retreat. I was also able to slow down and devote a time in my day to reflect on my experiences and my relationship with the Lord, and I must say it has been fruitful.

I am looking forward to attending other online retreats offered.

I was going to start a new and exciting phase in my life when the Corona virus hit and I got distracted and started feeling anxious and slightly depressed. Thanks to this online retreat and all the other resources you’ve offered, my eyes have now been opened once again to the hope that Jesus offers. It is time to take His hand and step out of the tomb!
This site is truly God-inspired. Thank you!

Thank you Lord for Your constancy inspite of my distance. This Holy Week retreat has been spiritually reviving and grounding. Thank you to Pins of light team and Fr. Johnny Go.

Very good way to spend Holy Week. The program helped me a lot spiritually and I am eager to change what is for the best. Thank you for doing this. Will do this again next year!

Thank you for all the wonderful realizations and for facilitating my discovery about myself, about God, and about our relationship with Him and with each other. This is my second year of joining the online retreat. It continues to be deeply meaningful and personal- much more so because of this pandemic. It has been greatly inspiring, relating to Jesus through what is happening now. Thank you so much!

Thank you,Lord for continuoussly streching out to us your children. This is His way to invite, touch and infect us-holistically. We must do OUR part. Happy Easter.

I am very thankful that I chose to be in this year’s online retreat. There were years past that I was so busy I could not even participate in anything religious or related to Lent. This year, I told myself that I can put my busy-ness aside to pay attention to what truly matters. I feel very consoled by all that I read, listened to, what I reflected on and shared in the past week. No matter what our burdens, the Lord is alive and well among us, and we will know Him more when we allow Him to be closer to us. Thank you again, Fr. Johnny, SJ and your team. God bless you always. Hanggang sa muli…

Thank you! Indeed, God bless each one of us with special gifts and talents as channel of His Grace. This Holy Week retreat affirmed me about life mission and not to be complacement and to courageous and strong. Reflecting, contemplating and praying with the Life of Jesus Christ, His Passion, Death and Ressurrection is… so moving… mystery… it brings something to hold on and look on always… inspiration-source of strength in this journey of life mission. On the day I will utter “It is finished.” It is Lord Jesus Christ who strengthen me. Suddenly While writing this, my 3 moth old baby nephew was handed to me. He is with me now.. Like Jesus Christ, He came to us, Live with us in earthly life He came through the womb of Mama Mary. From womb to passion to cross to tomb to Ressurrection, Lord Jesus Christ is always with us and understand all our needs and bless us each one of us. “I can do all these things with Jesus Christ who strengthens me.” Amen

This is the first time I’ve joined a retreat on Lent. The time I spent during the retreat is reflective, discerning, and awakening. My journey towards healing and acceptance is still long but it’s alright because I’m getting there with the help of our Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and all these people They send, and all these events They allow to happen.

These online Holy Week retreats have accompanied me when I was still in the Philippines and now that I have migrated to Canada, it remains a source of comfort and direction in my spiritual life. It never failsnto bless my soul. God bless

This is the most meaningful and significant retreat I have ever had in years! I never knew about this virtual exercises/retreat/lenten observances until now! Got the link from one of my co-catechists via our messenger chat group. I have forwarded the link on the Stations of the Cross in this pandemic times to most of my friends or to those who I can possibly do so. Thank you so, very much for all those who have been instrumental in making all this happen! God bless you all for all this! The Lord be praised forever!

With Jesus, there is always something new to learn. Thank you for the second chances and for cherishing us so dearly. I am also grateful to the Pins of Light for being an instrument of God and sharing retreat modules like these. It was a very meaningful journey this year with this kind of setup as I always do my silent retreat via CLC in Tagaytay but this experience reminded me that God is everywhere and if I would just take time to sit still and listen, I will hear and will have moments with Him.

This has been my first online retreat and I believe that God led me into doing it. This has been the most meaningful Lenten celebration I have done as far as I can remember and will cherish this moment of reflection, introspection and prayer that I had with the Lord. I will be forever Changed because of this. My heart is full. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for putting together this beautiful online retreat. This has actually been my first time to participate fully in this kind of retreat. Thank God for the grace of that little space in my heart that leads me to finding Him in here and finding myself greatly blessed in return.

May the Lord continue to prosper the work of your hands! This has been an enriching retreat for me this year and hoping to join again next year. Thank you so much and God bless everyone!

Been doing this online retreat since 2014. I am always thankful and grateful for the wonderful experiences that help me go through in life. The ups and downs that came through and the continual assurance from God through this retreat helped me in more ways.

Please continue this wonderful work and pray for all those in formation.

This is my first time to get through the process of this online retreat. I am grateful to God for you and the team for being an instrument to encounter Jesus during this Holy Week. As I was about to write this, i accidentally press the home so I was get back to the very beginning. I noticed to myself that I have the patience to scroll again unlike before that I easily got impatience. As I do this, I asked the Lord why this happened. Then suddenly I was struck by the words “ I have to get out from the tomb”. And this is the very message that I have to bring with me, after encountering Jesus, I have to be mindful always of my decision to get out from my tomb He unsealed for me. Thank You Lord for the grace of this moment. Indeed it is a profound experience. Thank you once again and pls include me in your prayers.

Not sure if this is indeed a coincidence, but the retreat was in sync with the same pledge I have made to God during Ash Wednesday — that I would stop my negative self-talk and think of myself as worthy of His graces.

The three-day retreat has just reaffirmed that I have given up the right thing for Lent — and definitely beyond this season. Right now, I feel renewed. I would try my best not to feel scared being strong, and fulfill what the Lord wants me to do. I know that the Lord sees my potential to be an instrument of His love and mercy, and I should never fail Him should He prompts me to do so.

Thank you for this online retreat once again! Always grateful for the Jesuits with the way they approach us from where we are, whatever level of faith we have.

Ad majorem Dei gloriam.

P.S. Please pray for my graduation from Ateneo in 2021! 🙂

I have been doing your retreat for the past 4 years and it is always refreshing and insightful. Presently I am in the crossroads of my life and to add to it is this pandemic which actually works for me as I have often been procrastinating.
All has been well for the past two days in this retreat until today, the last day which seemed to be a breeze. But then, why did you have to drop the bomb on me in the Lazarus tomb thingy which started innocently until you let me climb out of the tomb?
I skipped it at first for I knew where it was leading, it was an examen big time! It seem worst than an examination of conscience at a silent retreat of “The Work”.
For me this is not yet over some parts of me are still inside the tomb and the stone is just partially rolled to the side. I could not give myself a pat in the back yet and say this was a good retreat. But I say it must be good for I am writing this reaction.
I must sort of journey back a little to get the kinks out and be at peace with the Lord.
Please pray for me.

I have been doing your retreat for the past 4 years and it is always refreshing and insightful. Presently I am in the crossroads of my life and to add to it is this pandemic which actually works for me as I have often been procrastinating.
All has been well for the past two days in this retreat until today, the last day which seemed to be a breeze. But then, why did you have to drop the bomb on me in the Lazarus tomb thingy which started innocently until you let me climb out of the tomb?
I skipped it at first for I knew where it was leading, it was an examen big time! It seem worst than an examination of conscience at a silent retreat of “The Work”.
For me this is not yet over some parts of me are still inside the tomb and the stone is just partially rolled to the side. I could not give myself a pat in the back yet and say this was a good retreat. But I say it must be good for I am writing this reaction.
I must sort of journey back a little to get the kinks out and be at peace.
Please pray for me.

I’ve been following your online retreat since 2014 after I met the Jesuits. It’s been my yearly tradition to do this online retreat in the silence of my room and reflect on each theme, even now that I am away and alone in this foreign country and this unexpected pandemic happened. The yearly Holy Week retreat grew me closer to God and gave me sense of living and purpose. Thank you Fr J and all the Jesuits for giving us a personal and profound experience of God’s unconditional love and mercy. As Pope Francis exhorts in his Palm Sunday Homily, “For life is a gift we receive only when we give ourselves away, and our deepest joy comes from saying yes to love, without ifs and buts. As Jesus did for us.” God bless you all in your ministry!

Thank you for this wonderful online retreat. Such a meaningful one, especially with great music to accompany reflections and readings. Thank you so much for this time that helped me deepen my faith and trust in God. Thank you for the wonderful insights. God bless you all!

God, reawaken the fire in me. We’ve already made beautiful music together, that people have heard and people have danced to. But the fire in me has been put out, the fire in me has died, for one reason or another. But that fire is waiting to be rekindled by you Lord, because there is much work to be done, there much work still left to do, and together you and I have done something. And now I believe and would like to believe I can do much more. Not because I am special, but rather because I have been graced with someone special, and that is You. Keep this fire burning, just a little bit longer, so that every second may be spent loving You.

Prior to this retreat, I know for myself that I am not totally in sync, especially in working from home. Me and my wife just moved in to our new home when the lockdown started so we are still adjusting to a new life as husband and wife yet on a ‘honeymoon quarantine’ mode.

Quite frankly, the environment in our new home is conducive for a retreat – quiet and relaxing – unlike in my parents’ home which is quite noisy. Since I was still adjusting to my new life, when my vacation leave ended, I couldn’t get the work-from-home thingy on my track. I feel I’m still on vacation mode. I feel I was unproductive at my work. I feel I am left out.

Moreover, I feel I am left out with the online happenings of our community due to our poor internet connection here.

But, thank you Lord that this year’s retreat made me back on track again. Thank you Lord for the realizations. Thank you Lord for the conducive environment. Thank you Lord for the silence, for making me offline and unconnected to the online world, for in those times I was able to listen and be sensitive to myself, to my wife and to You. Thank you for speaking powerfully to me through this retreat.

Thank you Fr. Johnny for this Pins of Light retreat. I have been attending this for a number of years now. The spirituality shared in this retreat fits me. Thank you so much! God bless and praying for you especially at this time!

I started joining this only retreat last year, and praise God that I joined again this year! This year’s retreat spoke VOLUMES about me, Christ, and our relationship. There are many key points in the retreat that I never would have considered or thought! The retreat was so deep and truly nourishing.

Thank you so much for the team who worked on this! Please continue being an instrument of God’s light. Looking forward to next year’s retreat! God bless us all, happy Easter!!

Thank you to my niece who introduced me to this online retreat. It helps me a lot to enlighten more about the life of Jesus. This is one of the memorable season of Lent to me. I can feel in my heart that I am not far a distance from Him! God Bless Us All!

Thank you, Fr. Johnny and your team, for making this retreat possible. Indeed, I have joined this online in previous years, but this year it’s extra special because of the current global context. I learned more about myself too, and the relation between myself, Christ, Holy Week, and today’s global context, especially key themes like distancing, washing, and being infected.

In closing, may Christ guide all of us, especially the scientists, policymakers, academics, economists/businessmen, and most especially, the front liners who are crucial in terms of studying and solving this global pandemic. Indeed, in due time, I believe they will be able to do so with Christ’s help.

The last 3 days were very fruitful for me, spiritually. I really felt that God is with us through our collective experience of distancing, washing our hands, and being infected. I pray that the Lord will grant the prayers of my co-retreatants. I hope that we’ll be out of this situation soon, and life will go back to normal. Thanks to the team behind this. Hats off!

Thank you. This online retreat has been a gift from God.
I bless the Lord for all the people who made this possible.


Thank you to everyone who made this online retreat possible. The theme and this Lenten season was a perfect match to reflect on our lives and relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ and others.
Knowing God is always present In our lives makes a big difference in our daily existence.
We are very grateful For having the peace in our minds and peace in our hearts.

Don’t be scared to stay strong.
A befitting end to experiencing this wonderful 3-day retreat. I now, face a path that leads to embracing God’s love. I’ll try it and I hope I make it. I will do better now for I have found myself – my true self. Thank you Fr.Johnny, and to your companions, too – for helping Jesus show me the way out of my tomb.
Happy Easter!

Thank you, you just dont know you helped me, when every thing seems dark your an instrument to show the light God bless and may the Lord continously guide you to help us…

Thank you Fr. Johnny and everyone who made this retreat possible. It is my first time, and, sadly or rather happily, it is by far my greatest memory with the Lord. I take with me so many insights and I got to know Jesus on a more personal level. The concepts you have introduced from the hand washing of Pilate juxtaposed to our hand washing, the concept of creating memories with the Lord, the concept of Jesus meeting Judas in Hades and of Jesus helping us out of our personal tombs – they are all valuable tools to aid us to become closer to Jesus. Apart from the concepts, they were beautifully made with music accompaniment and videos to make for a truly enriching retreat. Again many thanks. Looking forward to next year’s retreat.

Thank you for this online retreat. What a better way to spend quarantine is learning and deepening my relationship with God. I know that God has reasons for what is happening nowadays, and i hold on His promise that we will rise again. He allows us to be renewed, to come out of our tombs, and face the world again in His light. God bless us always. Happy easter to all!

Thank you Fr. Johnny for your hard work on this. I’ve known your tireless efforts at Pins of Light since I was a college student and it has graced me in my solitude when I was working in Uganda a few years back.

Blessed and grateful to have taken part in this spiritual journey towards a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. This year makes it especially comforting and nurturing because we are in an extraordinary situation that challenges our faith and trust. May we be filled with HOPE amidst the darkness that engulfs us. Thank you to all who generously shared their reflections and prayers. A blessed Easter to all. God loves us!

I actually looked forward to this retreat. It’s my first time joining this online retreat. The timing, as well, was calling for discernment– with the current pandemic, and the Lenten season. I couldn’t think of any better way to spend my quarantine days. Thank you for explaining so much to me. I’ve learned a lot about Jesus and His suffering. In fact, there were some verses I have never read nor heard of before. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts here. Nothing is more comforting than having someone know your worries, and knowing that you are not alone in battling these. God bless US all, especially those who finally decide to pull out some thorns, to roll away the stone, to get out of their tombs, and to rise from the dead. I hope this has not only changed our outlook in life, but has also changed the way we see ourselves.

Thank you for the opportunity to deepen my relationship with God! This is my first time to join this retreat and I find it very enriching. I’ve shared this with my friends and relatives and hopefully, they gave themselves a chance to encounter the Lord and rediscover or deepen their faith in God.

Thank you Fr. J and team! Haven’t missed this for the past couple of years, thus I am deeply grateful this has continued especially during these times. It is a beacon of light and hope during this trying times. Praying that God will also continue to give you strength, safety and creativity in reaching out to us Your Sheep. God bless!

I have been joining this online retreat since 2013 and I am always grateful for this opportunity to spend time with the Lord and with myself during Lent. Thank you so much for this, Father and team. May others see this gem, that there is a retreat offered for free so that they will also have the chance to recollect themselves and find the love that is Jesus Christ.


This is my first time to join this on line retreat…deep thanks it is worth all the time to be in this retreat. I never thought it could be as demanding my emotions and feelings….Fr. J and your companion thank you very much. I am again realizing God’s unbelievable love for me and all including the ones I labelled as bad people. I begin to understand their hearts….keep going and do not be scared to be strong.

Grateful and blessed for joining the online retreat. You are truly God’s instrument, Fr Johnny for making me closer to God. God bless you and your team.

The Lord indeed is risen! Alleluia!

Thanks the Pins of Light team for putting up this online retreat. It is my first time to join this but I am amazed at how this experience touched me. I think God has allowed to receive that I was asking for at the beginning of the retreat. This whole experience made me realize that Jesus has always been present in my life and has been loving me unconditionally, despite of me. God bless everyone!

This is exactly the kind of spiritual recharge that I look forward to every year. Somehow some part of me feels a little bit lighter after feeling all this grace from the Lord.

I actually thought of this song from “Wicked” (For Good)

And it’s because I met God again, that I have been changed (hopefully) for the better. 🙂

Thank you so much, Fr. J for this transformative and refreshing retreat! This is a personal answered prayer for me. I truly felt God through the words, through the songs, through the activities, and the prayers. A much needed slow down indeed!

This retreat may be virtual, but it felt so powerful! It served as my North Star to Him. Thank you for the light and the love! Will pay it forward. Amdg!

This retreat is a painful experience for me since it forced me to face my fears. And yet it gave me hope. Hope that not only is Jesus now here… He is with me, He is in me. Thank you for being the angels that rolled the stone away from my tomb.

Thank you Fr. Johnny and Team.
I choose Easter!
And thru the Lord’s grace, I hope to always remember to TURN IT ON.
Super meaningful.
Well thought-of songs and prayers.
God bless you all, always.

Thank you for this beautiful experience. This is the first time I joined this online retreat and I will forever be grateful to the Pins of Light team for putting this together. Thank you for reaching out to all of us who needed this most during this difficult time in our lives. God has shaken our ground so that we may reassess our lives and go back to seeking only what is essential and ever present in our midst, our loving Father.

Thank you for this online retreat.

You made me look into myself – something that I have been avoiding all these years.

By doing so, you made me realize how God touched my life and how He continues to guide me even during this time of uncertainty.

Through this online retreat, you have given back my passion to live and touch other people’s lives.

Again, thank you.

Thank you very much to everyone who made this retreat possible! It enriched my spiritual life specially now that we are in quarantine! I felt much better knowing that I am not alone and that I belong to this faith community! May God continue to bless all of us and take care of us from this pandemic! Happy Easter to everyone!

it was a chance for me to take time and evaluate my life.. I know that I am a sinner but it I feel that I am not worthy.. I am ashamed of what I have accomplished, of what I have done to others and to my loved ones.. But I pray that God will give me a chance, that God will allow me to change, and forgive me..

This is my first time to join the online retreat. Sad to have known about this only this week. I will not miss the next ones. I needed it and I’m truly grateful.
The important insight I was reminded of is to read between the lines of scriptures and during prayer. The point on Jesus going to hell and meeting Judas was a 360 change in point of view for me. It was very helpful to process and recap the 3 days. Thank you so much Father for this beautiful experience albeit is virtual. God bless you more and stay safe in His love

Thank you Fr Johnny for a very meann retreat . I was able to reflect on my relationship with the Lord and through this retreat I am sure to keep my faith and the Lord is here to help us fight this pandemic.

Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.

Lord, thank you.
Lord, thank you.
Lord, thank you.

As i am going through my faith crisis, this message was sent through this retreat-

“Faith does not mean being 100% sure.
It’s the exact opposite:
Faith means trusting
and committing to someone
precisely because we don’t have 100% certainty.
If we had the benefit of certainty,
strictly speaking, that would be knowledge,
not faith”

My heart is lighter, im assured that Jesus loves me even in my unbelief

Thanks for this retreat, its an accessible , free channel/medium to reconnect to our God, appreciate your use of contemporary relatable songs.

Suggestion: If possible to place the reply box on top instead on the bottom to avoid a lot of scrolling, thanks

This is my first time to join pins of light online retreat. Am blessed to encounter this through a friend. Thank you for the wonderful experience! To God be the glory! God bless you all!

Only in meeting the far end of the night can you meet another dawn.

There used to be a night whose forsakeness no consoling voice could penetrate; it was a door we had to pass alone. But Jesus has gone there.
Love has entered even death and Love has conquered death.

The greatest proof we have of our Lord’s resurrection is the undeniable yet inexplicable force of transformation – first of all, in the lives of the 11 apostles who remained. It was a transformation so sudden, so total, so enduring: Peter et al were complete cowards, weak, broken, and of such little faith, yet every one of them gave the fullness of their lives and then their dying, their hearts whole, their faith unbreakable to the end. Peter, do you love me? Yes, Lord, you know I do love you. And love Peter did to the end.

It is a transformation that survives and persists through 2,000 years to today in our own lives. We are weak, we are broken, we are poor instruments of such little faith, yet our lives and our loving can still be such powerful testament to our Lord’s victory over sin and death.

Technology at its finest – bringing Jesus to us in the confines of our homes.
Blessed to have another relevant and poignant online retreat. Thank you.

Like us, Jesus felt fear and desolation during His darkest times. But emboldened by His great love for us, He willingly took on a death that He did not deserve. His courage inspired by love is something that I aspire to have, as I navigate these uncertain times and work towards a much better future once we emerge from this.

Thank you, Fr. Johnny Go and Pins of Light team for another well thought-out and grace-filled online retreat. I am praying for you and for all my co-retreatants, as well as our frontliners (health, retail, banking, delivery services, etc.) who are working hard, emboldened by love like what Jesus had for us.

My first time to participate in your on-line Lenten retreat and my heart overflows with so much appreciation and gratitude for a faith-filled and very meaningful journey with our Lord.
I look forward to the coming years joining your retreat. Thank you Fr. Johnny and your Pins of Light team for a very relevant, soul-searching, thought provoking and profound reflections, which lead one, like me, to even draw closer to our Lord and have a change of heart. Keep well and may the Risen Christ bestow upon you all His richest blessings.

My heart feels lighter knowing that Jesus loves me. Thank you for this retreat! I will do baby steps to become closer to Him and what others say about me will not matter. What matters is what I do for Him, because I love Him.

You are such a blessing to each one of us. You are truly God’s disciple, He speaks through you. When things are not easy on your part tok, crafting this kind of retreat, remember that that are person who are being touched and might be inspired to be someone like you. Thank you so much. Happy Easter.

Thank you Fathers for this online retreat this year! FYI, I was able to attend your first and most if not all succeeding retreats especially as I was based in China that time. The thought and creativity that you put into each year’s online retreat is greatly appreciated, especially for OFW’s like I was before. Now that am back in Philippines, this is still very much handy and relevant, especially this year during the lockdown.

My key realization is I am still in the Holy Saturday of my life, while I am in this stage of previous corporate life and the next. Nurturing my personal relationship with Jesus no matter what my circumstances are allow me to live a fuller life.

May the Lord bless and keep all of you in the Jesuit community, and all of us who attended this year’s online retreat!

Grateful. My heart is filled with gratitude for letting Christ use the team behind Pins of Light to penetrate my heart and to somehow consume my soul. Let us pray for one another that the flames set ablaze within us these past three days be kept burning. May God blanket us all with His divine protection and extinguish Covid19 to oblivion. Amen.

ERRATUM: Grateful. My heart is filled with gratitude to Christ for letting the team behind Pins of Light penetrate…

I appreciate the insight on what faith is and what knowledge is. Now I can take baby steps to have faith.

This COVID19 pandemic made me step out of my tomb. At least I appreciate that effect on me.

Thank you, Jesus.

God bless the Pins of Light team!

This is my first time to join this online retreat, since this is also the first time I heard about it! Indeed, God works in mysterious ways. I’ve been meaning to join an Ignatian Holy Week retreat for years now, but my work schedule does not allow me to (yes, yes, I know, it’s not an excuse!), but thankfully, I saw the Holy Week schedule in @theateneo post a few days ago in Instagram (thank you Instagram?!) and was thus able to join while I’m at home! Thank you Pins of Light for this enlightening, healing and wonderful experience! May God continue to bless you so you can spread the light further! P.S. maybe more IG posts? =)

Echoing comments of some fellow retreatants, this year’s the best yet. Nothing by accident, the pandemic had a lot to do with it because we found ourselves with time and opportunity in our hands.

Thank you so very much for this beautiful labor of love – the music, the inter-active response-eliciting activities, the reflections, everything. So inspired, indeed.

May we always find God’s love in our hearts!

Thank you very much. During the quarantine period, a time of crowded thoughts, this retreat was a calming pause. There is hope. There is hope. I have faith. I will make it through.

This has been such a great retreat. The interactive participation was very good and made me experience it more deeply. It forced me to make commitments to myself and to God. God bless everyone here.

Thank you for this retreat! I love the newly added interactive features. 🙂

My most significant insight is how Jesus still served Judas during the Last Supper. It is especially relevant to me as I deal with someone who has betrayed our family’s trust. Jesus provides me his example on what to do.

Thank you Fr J and to you Team for putting this together. I just had the most wonderful, life-changing retreat ever. I had a good time to reflect on God’s abundant love and to pray for the world in these trying times.

This online retreat is a work of love. Thank you again for the passion to put all materials excellently so that we as retreatants could have the most precious time with God and ourselves. Such passion is incredible and I could only pray that the Team behind this will be given much graces and blessings so that you guys too can carry your own crosses and continue to do His works. Thank you God for Fr J. and his team and thank you for this beautiful online retreat! All Glory to You!

Looking forward to next year’s retreat!

Stay safe guys. Take heart, God has overcome the world!

God bless and keep you and protect you.

This retreat is the one of those times I give my time for God… it has been difficult as new responsibilities pile up, they add clutter and create the distance. I have been farther from Him every year, now that many things are taken away, the distance is closer. I missed HIM a lot… Thank you for this retreat.

Thank you very much for preparing this retreat. I consider it to be practical as it used the current situation to understand the Passion and Resurrection of Christ. The reflection actvities I went through hit home. Seems I went through a face to face retreat

The design of this online recollection was able to touch on the pandemic around us while forcing us to be introspective. It touched on Jesus in the world and my personal relationship with Him. The recollection can guide you but it is up to you to make is as meaningful as you can. As always, I learn something new. My biggest takeaway is that Jesus was most afraid of being distant from his Father. I guess this is why St. Augustine says that his heart is restless until it rests in God. Starting my journey to healing, if all fails, I will make my way to You, dear God and I know that I will rest with You. Second takeaway – I will come out of the tombs that I have buried myself in. Those things that I stopped for Lent can actually be permanently stopped; no need to go back to restart those activities. Last takeaway – “You never really love someone until, you learn to forgive.”
Thank you Fr. Johnny and your team for designing this online recollection. Looking forward to next year. Wouldn’t mind to see any reflections every now and then during the year.

This lockdown experience has been a retreat in itself. It took us away from our normal lives and routines. This year’s online retreat has been especially unique and helpful because it had given me chance to find meaning in this pandemic. The distancing, the washing, the disease.. the Lord knows and understands too. He meets us where we are at now.

Thank you and see you next year!

“Peace be with you” was Jesus’ greeting each time He appeared to His disciples after He rose from the dead. Beyond Jesus’ greeting (which is profound in itself), “Peace be with you” became for me an invitation and assurance — an invitation into the peace that only Jesus can offer, and an assurance that God is always here and His Light will shine through even in the coldest and darkest places.

Thank you, Fr Johnny and Pins of Light team, for this most blessed and grace-filled online retreat. It was as if I went through an actual silent retreat, as I would customarily do during these days. May our God of Surprises continue to bless and keep you. 🙂

I have been joining this online retreat for a few years now and it just keeps getting better and better. Indeed this year has been extra special because of the pandemic. Kudos to Pins of Light. Well done. Happy Easter ?????

This is my first time to join a retreat as an adult. I really didn’t know how to do a retreat, but this is really helpful because it lets me reflect at my own pace. Thank you very much for this!

I have attended the online retreats for several years and had attended the face-to-face alumni retreat a couple of years back. While every year’s retreat is unique and brings a deep encounter with the Lord, I would say that this year’s is one of my favorites. Perhaps I have the emotional turmoil caused by the pandemic to thank. Perhaps too, trapped by myself during this lockdown, I was able to spend more time for undistracted prayer. Thank you for the work on this retreat; I know it took great effort and internal preparation for you to give birth to the retreat modules. I appreciate the interactive activities and the various genre options for the reflective songs in addition to the well-thought out reflection points. Excuse the metaphor but this retreat is like a psycho-spiritual enema experience. It dug through the depths of my psychological issues which entomb me and prevent me from having a truly intimate relationship with the Lord. I’m coming out of this retreat with a deeper desire nurture my relationship with the Lord and with my loved ones. Many thanks, Fr. Johnny and Pins of Light team. May God bless you abundantly.

This is my first time to join in this online retreat. It was very personal for me.
I felt freedom and happiness that I can’t explain after this retreat. I pray that I may be able to sustain this feeling! ?thank you for helping us encounter ourselves and most specially encountering the Lord!

This is my 5th or 6th year joining this retreat & every year before the start I always try to send it to as many new friends & remind my old friends/ family to join it. This year has been extraordinarily filled with so much realization & tears especially with the pandemic & the inner crisis it brings within…but after one goes through this retreat – one is Renewed , one is Blessed & confident to face the challenges that life may bring. This year I have also been encouraged to share more of myself & that to me is big deal because I have conquered my fear, yes, I have pushed the “stone” further open this year , aiming to get it completely OUT OF THE WAY.
Thank you is not enough to Fr.Johnny & to the pinsoflight Team who have so carefully & masterfully put this year’s Retreat together ~ you always have a way of touching the heart❤️& even “pinching the senses” & successfully pulling out the ‘tombs” we keep deep within.
Thank you ~ you will be in my prayers even if I do not know your individual names . More Blessings come to you??!!!
To God Be the Glory ‼️

God is Now Here!
Thank you Pins of Light and our dear Fr. Johnny! I have been blessed to be a long time follower of your recollection and I am deeply grateful for the wonderful minds that are behind this, truly the Holy Spirit is alive in each one of you.
Thank you for this wonderful retreat and making this recollection deeply profound. The world thirsts for Jesus words especially at this time.
God bless you, always.

Jesus, thank you for these past few days and weeks of solitude and solace, of this “hiding place”. I keep getting lost but you keep finding me – and I am ever grateful for your love and grace and mercy, which never fails to embrace me even though I am weak, even though I may doubt and despair – you are always faithful and loving and constant. Thank you to Father Johnny for this retreat – in this time of uncertainty and pandemic, it is has been very consoling to pray.
All the more I cling to you Lord and hold on to my faith in you, and trusting in your loving care for us all. +AMDG

Thank you Lord for this retreat. It is more of a revelation. Distance has a whole new meaning. I learned that I am never by myself. No I understand merry, Help me Lord to be merciful. Easter is a second chance, a perfect time now to begin. Lord be with me as I align my mission with spirit.

I love you Lord

I would like to share this prayer from my Easter devotional that I read this morning:

Jesus, thank You for rescuing me from eternal separation from You. It’s because you willingly endured separation from Your Father that I never have to. Today, help me to pause and reflect on the magnitude of Your sacrifice, and to give You the glory You rightly deserve. No matter what I’m feeling, You are always worthy of my worship. So today, I choose to worship You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put this year’s retreat together. I don’t recall how many years I’ve been doing this, but it might be around 5 years now. This is always the highlight of my Holy Week. I love reading my fellow retreatants’ sharing and insights and I find comfort in sharing my thoughts as well. This has truly been a blessing for me, and another refreshing, enlightening experience. May we all continue to live out the messages we received this retreat and may we all have a blessed and glorious Easter! Thank You, Jesus!

Most of the time I ask myself,
“Why am I experiencing the things I am experiencing in my life?”
“Of all people, why me?”

When I truly believe that this isn’t a way of God’s punishment, it’s when I feel a gush of relief.

I come to a deep reflection that my pain, my disappointments, my shortcomings are not sufferings, but merely a show of love. Jesus wants to touch me the way he touched the leper, like nobody else can, or would. It is like one in a million. An intimacy that most would be envious of. A confession of sincere care. Shouldn’t I feel special? JESUS HUNG OUT with the undesirable. Jesus is closer to people who are unloved.
Try as hard as I might
To flee the shadows of the night
It haunts me and it makes me feel blue
But how can I try to hide
When every breath and every hour
I still end up thinking of you
And in the end, everything we have
Makes it worth the fight
So I will hold on for as long
All will be alright in time…
Ohh you never really love someone until you learn to forgive

Wow… This song will remind me that my life is worth fighting for. Because even if I am sinful, Jesus thinks I am worth dying for hence, rising for…

My Baby Resolutions:
Continue on with my Prayerful life: Having conversations with him in the morning and before I go to sleep, and any time I feel the need and thirst to connect.

O my Jesus,

I believed not because I touched you, but because you touched me. I am a living testament to your truth. You’ve saved me from many accidents, from life’s depression, or from completely losing myself. You’ve opened many doors, you’ve sent angels, and the countless miracles you have beautifully performed in my life. These are real symbols of your living testament in me.

Lord, teach me to be more steadfast in having constant faith, in trusting with all my might with patience and love. Thank you for showing light where I need to follow. I am not afraid to conquer darkness because of you. You will forever be my savior. You fill me with endless grace. I love you ’til my next life.

Thank you for a very meaningful retreat! It’s been a while since I’ve had one as personal as this.

There are 3 points I would like to share:

1. I always saw retreats as “distancing,” viewing life from afar along with God. It is always a time to “come clean with myself,” and seeing where God wants me to go. [It was never easy!] Every time, there is something new He wants me to see (or not see?!).

2. There was one retreat a long time ago when the retreat master said, “Let God infect you with his love…” It always reminds me that God is always around, good times or bad.

3. Every retreat is a rebirth. It provides hope to face the world again; stronger and better.

Thank you Fr J and your team for tirelessly doing this annually.

Always moving. Thank you Pins of Light team for making this Online Retreat available. May God bless and keep us all

It’s been my second year here on pins of light. I cannot forget last year’s message on how sometimes temptation can be an invitation to not being the best God wants us to be. Thank you for your creative and thought-provoking reflections. Maybe, distancing may be good in some way. It doesn’t really mean to have a cut on the relationship… like a string. Sometimes distance makes us realize the importance of the other end so that when reunited it is wonderful.

Thank you for this retreat to remind us that He is always there. That He will never abandon us as He did not abandon His Son in Calvary.
These are perilous times. One can be easily frightened…it’s only human nature to be so. We forget that God is always there for us.
In one way, this virus is an opportunity to lockdown all non-essential things & focus on the essential thing this Lent…Our Lord. We come closer to Him & distance ourselves from the non-essential.
It is difficult & takes effort. But, how is that compared to what Jesus went thru this Holy Week? We can at least try our best…and keep trying even if we fail. That is all that God is asking from us…Keep Trying!!

Please never be tired of creating Online Retreats.
I needed this badly. I learned so much about Christ’s sufferings and mine. To put the right perspective on things to serve my purpose. Thank you so much Father. God shall repay you and your team, a thousand folds.

Thank You for allowing me to grow closer in my relationship Jesus. It is during time we need Him more than anything. We must put our trust in Him and believe that He is always there. Jesus is there even when we are at our lowest points. Happy Easter and stay safe.

Thank you, Fr. Johnny, for bringing us closer to Jesus on the cross. It was a profound and deeply moving retreat. The insights made me feel that it was Jesus speaking to me. I thank God that even in the midst of our world battling a pandemic, this Lenten Triduum has been the most solemn, meaningful and moving one for me.

Thank you very much for this retreat. It has been such a blessing to be able to build and strengthen my relationship with the Lord and to know myself more, even via online.
I pray that God continue to bless and protect everyone, especially during this time of the pandemic.

To Pins Of Light: Thank you for this opportunity to have a renewed experience of relevant and relative faith—faith that finds meaning in our own personal experiences but also draws on the collective power of our joint reflection and prayer. God has worked through you on this channel and I appreciate you and your efforts. Thank you for showing us Godms love in this crucial time.

With God’s love and strength, we can overcome this and all the struggles. We are favored, we have been saved. Jesus owned his humanity for us that we may experience redemption in His resurrection. Lord, thank You for this gift of stillness (quarantine, lockdown, PUI monitoring) that we may experience You in this loving way. You are with us even in our despair, but we find strength in You as we step out of it and into Your light.

We love your and praise you, Lord. Work in us so we can experience a better world with You constantly in it.

Thank you Lord for your gift of life and salvation.

Thank you for the community who put up this retreat.

May God bless us all.

It is very encouraging to see so many people turning to God at this time, sharing prayers, reflections which help us cope with all the stresses of this confinement. I love how the reflections in this retreat were so in tune with our current situation and it made me feel more emphatically God’s hand in this pandemic…in the kindnessess shown by strangers to strangers, in the generosity and selflessness shown by soooo many, in the hope we give to each other by this sharing. I have come to realize that perhaps the greater pain for Jesus was that distancing from the Father, to be so alone and suffering, just like how so many covid patients have to be today. I also especially liked that the reflections always had a personal aspect and that it made us look inward, connect ourselves to our Lord’s passion and see ourselves and how our actions either bring us closer to, or distance ourselves from Him. Despite the isolation, I feel like I have observed this Holy Week more spiritually than I ever have in the past. Thank you Fr. Johnny and everyone who made this retreat possible. God bless you and your work!

I am truly grateful to everyone who made this online retreat possible for the last 13 years!! Pins of Light has been my source of Lenten spiritual enlightenment and reflection. I have shared my experiences and have encouraged countless people to make this part of their spiritual journey.

With God, all things are possible! I praise Him that He gave His only Son for our redemption. In Jesus’ Resurrection, He was victorious over sin and death. I pray fervently that we will also be victorious and claim the world’s healing from this global pandemic.

Thank you Jesus, for by Your death and resurrection, You made removed the distance between us and our Father. You freed us from sin. I feel God’s love today, and I know in my heart that we have an unstoppable God! We just have to believe, have courageous faith and trust in Him.

Thank you for once again letting me experience a meaningful three days. This is my 7th retreat and each time I experience the awesome power of God’s love for all of us. May we all find courage to step out of our tombs and start anew. God will never leave us empty. We just have to have faith that he will be there for us every step of the way. Just let go and let him. Let him lead the way. God bless us all.

Its my first time joining this online retreat and it made my holy week so meaningful especially during this difficult time. Thank you to the team! God bless us all.

Thank you for making this retreat so relevant to the challenging times we face. The themes on distancing, washing, and infection – they make the reflections and process of the retreat more meaningful. God bless you and may you continue to be inspired by Him. Happy Easter!

This lockdown and retreat have made me realize all the more what and Who is really important in leading a meaningful and purposeful life. I am hopeful that we will come out of this pandemic persons moulded more to His likeness the way we were all meant to be.

First of all, I thank my friends for being my angels who shared this wonderful online retreat. This is my first time to join an online retreat and so far, it has made me become a better version of myself. The modules of this retreat help me realize many things in my life that I have to be thankful for, to be sorry for and to be hopeful for. Thank you BIGTIME for all the people behind this online retreat. I pray for more graces in your families and more love to your vocation so that you can continue to inspire and change lives of the many who are still distant to our Lord. Thank you very much for this opportunity. May we all be blessed this Easter. Lastly, thank you Lord God for EVERYTHING. I know how underserving I am of your forgiveness for all my sins but thank you very much for embracing me with your great love for me. I love you Lord!

It has been a meaningful 3 days of reflection and prayer. Thank you Fr. Johnny and team for this beautiful Retreat. And reading everyone else’s reflections made me feel like I was with a community, even if I was really alone. In this time of isolation and sometimes, despair of what has become of the world…this retreat has given me hope, again. That God is now here. He has saved all of us. A blessed and joyful Easter to all!

Thank you for this online retreat. It has helped me cope with some of the anxieties that we all feel because of Covid 19. May we come out of this experience for the better. May we be kinder and more prayerful people.

This is my first time to join this retreat (I was looking for an online retreat because of the lock down). My actual experience was beautiful and meaningful way way beyond my expectations! I like that we can take time to reflect and pray. The choice of songs were great!!! The music, the videos and images were very helpful and seemed to have facilitated well what each topic wanted to tell us. THANK YOU Fr. Johnny G. S.J. and team for this retreat! I will definitely recommend it to family and friends! More power and hope you will offer again in the years to come! <3

Thank you very much for this online retreat! May you continue to share your reflections and lessons to others, especially to the online community!

Lord, thank you for giving me the chance to step back and reflect on your life and death through this online retreat. Please continue to protect us from COVID-19, and please heal the world from this disease soon. As we keep moving forward with this pandemic still gaining control of most of our daily lives, may we have peace of mind by lifting all of our worries and fears to you. May we always remember that You are never far. May we have faith that all this will be alright soon, and that the sun will shine brighter after this storm. Thank you very much. We love You always. Amen.

Thank you, Fr. Johnny Go, SJ and your team for making our retreat journey worthwhile. God bless you. Mutual prayers.

Thank you to the people who made this online retreat possible. You are truly God’s blessings to people like me.
I pray that I will truly become the person that God wants me to be, always praising Him, and doing His will.
I pray for a meaningful Easter for all of us, especially my family. And I pray that God will put an end to this pandemic- for He alone can do so. May we, His children, be able to understand what He is telling us amidst all of these…and realize that He is always with us, no matter what

It is my third year doing this online retreat. I always share and recommend it to my friends because it is so powerful and profound. Thank you once again for leading us into this reflection for the last 3 days. The Lord’s ways are hard to understand and I still find myself asking why He had to suffer and die. The answer I get is always love. I am grateful for His love and for all the second chances. Humans are so stubborn. I pray that in this pandemic, humanity will come out more loving and compassionate. May those who do not know Him encounter Him and believe in Him. May people who are lost come back to Him. Thank you Father. God bless you and your team. Stay safe.

This is my first time to attend an online retreat and I found it to be very relevant and meaningful. Thank you to Fr. Johnny and the team behind this.

Thank you Pins of Light for doing this yearly. As a Filipino abroad in a non-Catholic country, it has been challenging to celebrate Lent yearly. Your work has helped close that distance I experience spiritually. Thank you, thank you for all the work that you do!

Thank you so much for putting this together. This is my first time to experience this, and it was a one-of-a-kind experience. I will definitely be back next year, sans the quarantine.

It has been an uplifting, redemptive and salvific experience. But I still falter in my resolve. Even if the retreat is not done yet, I still go back to the tomb.

Help me, Lord Jesus, to get out from the rut and meet You, You who has given me everything even before I needed anything.

It started with the Daily Stations of the Cross. I liked it because it was light, short but deep and very apt. It gave comfort and guidance when my fears and anxieties were just over the wall! When it was over, i decided to to do this. I initially thought of just skimming through it, thinking 1 hour was too long, but since i could do it at my own pace, i would just skip some pages if i felt that it was already getting too intimate. But I found myself going through each exercise, each page, each reflection and taking my time to do all those, writing my thoughts and prayers. It was a deep spiritual exercise yet done in a very refreshing, unconventional, unboring way. So thank you, Fr. Johnny. I’ve always been a distant fan. Still am. 🙂 But thank you. Thank you for this medium and for your guidance and sharing. You are God’s instrument. God bless you and your team.

A profound experience and I’m very thankful for this retreat to help provide the structure to strike up the proper conversation with our Lord! Thank you for helping set the tone for allowing me to hear God’s message to me this Holy Week!?

This online retreat gave me the opportunity to look back at my life and thank the Lord for always being there even when I was not aware of it. The past 3 days has been a reminder for me to be closer to God, to own my decisions and to leave my tombs behind. Thank you for giving my this opportunity.

Thank you Fr. Johnny. Ever since I read your book, “Quick Questions, Uneasy Answers”, I’ve gathered enough courage to leave my tomb and run towards His call. But daily life has somehow pushed me back in it. The darkness and silence of a tomb can provide comfort from the jeering of peers (and even family) who don’t understand. Through this online retreat, I’ve started talking to God honestly again, with less excuses on the choices I’ve recently made in life. Again, my deepest gratitude.

Blessed, convicted and encouraged by this retreat. Embracing this holy darkness in the hope of Easter. Bless you Fr. Johnny and team for this wonderful gift of a retreat you lovingly put together.

Thank you so much for these 3 days. It was a wonderful time to self-reflect and relish God’s undying love for us!


Thank you Father Johnny for a most relevant and inspiring retreat. Thank you for your beautiful online stations of the Cross which was so meaningful to me in these times. I recommended both to my friends. Yes, faith and hope is what we can only hold on in these times and in many ways, this pandemic could be the Lord’s way of telling the whole world”Come back to Me with all your heart”. Thank again Father and praise God for the wonderful gift and talent He has given you to share. Keep safe

Thank you, Fr Johnny and team. It is my first time to join this retreat — it is very insightful, tagos sa puso. I appreciated the music, the prayer rituals (e.g., taking out the thorns from Jesus’ head, naming tombs in our life, among others), and the questions are piercing (I still can’t get over the possibility of Jesus meeting Judas when Jesus descended to the dead). I pray that you will continue this ministry. Happy Easter to everyone!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for retreat modules like these. It has opened my road to look introspectively. I am grateful to come across this retreat and look forward to many more.

Thank you for preparing innovative approaches for retreats each year. I look forward to another fruitful exercise.

Thank you for allowing us to have a deeper understanding and communication with our Lord. I continue to thank the Lord for his blessings and know that he will continue to guide us to the right path. There have been some difficult times in my life and I know he was always there to listen to what my heart was saying. I pray that he will continue to guide us all specially during this difficult time. I pray for protection and healing for everyone ?

This my first Lent Retreat I know I needed this. Im a nurse but due to the fact that im on leave, I spend my time here at home. I need to stop and rethink what really are my priorities, since I started working, I got into a relationship and everything was different, I was happy but things turn out differently, we broke up last year and I never felt so lost, things got better and he returned, only to find out he was cheating on me and that she is still talking to the girl whom he got into a relationship with when we broke up, again I felt so lost and betrayed like how can he do that knowing he is close to God, he has girl siblings, idk, but things really are crazy right now, but getting better everyday, knowing that God is faithful to His promises. thank u for this retreat. i will be back next year. hopefully im in another country that time 🙂

Thank you , Fr Johnny and Team for this retreat. You are all gifted with a charism for using technology as a channel to bring people the Good News , to enable them to meditate, and to participate in an intimate way, in Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. This is my fourth year of doing the Holy Week recollection and I continue to be blessed.

I hope to find more time for the Lord in my daily life – to live and work in the presence of God, to nourish intimacy with and love for the Lord.

I hope to climb out of this tomb of uncertainty and lack of confidence in God and myself, and to let his light shine through me and my life, through daily activities, acts of kindness, and outputs that will make use of whatever talents God has given me, for his glory .

Yes, Jesus is now here and may I take courage and hope that he is always now here.

Thank you for this once a year opportunity to join your 3 day on line lenten retreat. I do this yearly .I am happy for the many learnings about our Lord and his life. I hope to be a better and if not the best person you want me to be Lord.I love you and i am forever grateful for the life you have given me.
Thanks also Fr J and all the people who made this retreat possible.Congratulations !GOD bless all of you ,all of us.Happy Easter everyone.

Lord Jesus, i am sorry for being unable to do anything about my tomb. I know it and I feel powerless to move it now. Through You, i pray that i will eventually move the rock that blocks my tomb. It is a work in progress and one that i will try to address. I am praying for your Patience and Enlightenment to work thru me to correct my ways in Your Perfect Time and Way. There is no sin you cannot forgive and for now i pray you understand the struggles i have with this tomb and never give up on me.

God is now here. May we remember this during this pandemic. We should recall that you died then went to the dead to save us from our sins. How easy is this pandemic for you. You are now here and we claim that this will go away and all will be alright in time. Thank you God for your love and sacrifice. Amen

To believe in Jesus is a CHOICE.
To believe without 100% certainty is FAITH.

Thank you for the team who prepared this online retreat and the effort to relate it to the current times. Bravo!

To answer the question – what baby steps can I take to nurse my relationship with the Lord post-Easter and post-pandemic?

Acknowledge the grace of God. When the world gets busy again post-pandemic, PAUSE each day to be grateful for the air we breathe without masks on, for the handshakes, hugs, and kisses, for access to food, for the skill and talent to cook, for the absence of fear to go out, for the freedom to move, for the realization that it is ok to slow down. Appreciate each day the world is alive and well.

Happy Easter to all! “And all will be alright in time.”

Thank you for this, Fr. It is the first time I joined and I am overwhelmed with the abundance of blessings I received during the past 3 days. Unbelievable how if one gives time and effort… there are plenty of thoughts that can help one in realizing the beauty of our lives despite the hardships we have created for ourselves. I am now more amazed at how much love there is, we just have to be more mindful. My heart is in a better place. My prayer is that I will be able to sustain this feeling and appreciation. My prayer is that I will choose to be strong and improve my relationship with others and with God.

Thank you for this wonderful encounter with the Lord, bringing Him closer to our lives. More power & God bless!

The first is always something to be remembered. I am blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to discover this online retreat. Not only is it more meaningful in light of the current circumstances in today’s world, it is also ironically more personal and more touching. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for being instruments of our Lord especially in this new world we live in. I pray that you will be able to change more lives.

Thank you for this retreat. It helped me spend this day with Jesus and with God rather than just sleep, go through social media and watch Netflix. It was actually refreshing.

Honestly, there were many questions thrown at me in this retreat that I didn’t know the answer to. I guess in the end this was my main takeaway. I seem to be very familiar with the Bible stories I’ve read here, even the songs I listened to. But when it comes to the questions being asked, it was very difficult for me to answer them. It’s like I’ve had some sort of amnesia. I forgot what hurts me, I forgot what makes me happy, I forgot my shortcomings and I forgot my blessings.

Maybe its what the Lord is asking me to next. To be more sensitive of my relationship with myself, with others and with God.

Thank you Fr. Johnny for this opportunity! Til next time!

Thank you for this beautiful online retreat. It helped me reconnect with God and pray bout how I can be closer to Him and be an instrument of His love to others

Thank you Father Johnny. You don’t know me but I have been a fan since I first attended your mass as a newly ordained Jesuit priest. You are truly a source of inspiration. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and bless all who help you do this work. I pray that more people in the world may come to know God and many more return to HIM through your work. May God give you the grace to continue to persevere and continue to be a blessing and an instrument of his love!
Take care and be safe Fr. Johnny.

My takeaways from the retreat:
* God is here, even during the times when we feel like we are in a tomb.
* Jesus joined us in life, death, and after death (in Hell). He joined us in our tombs.
* He showed us there is a resurrection, that everything will be alright.
* The story is not complete if we remain in our tombs and not follow the voice of Jesus to rise and get out of our tombs.
Thank you for the blessings received from this retreat.

Thank you so much for this beautiful retreat… the treatment was so light and yet it goes to the deep of my being. Thank you so much Fr. Johnny Go, SJ. God bless your generosity

What a wonderful experience! This is my first time to do this and am so grateful that i “discovered” it. It has been an excellent guide in the examination of my conscience, in putting my life in the contextt of God’s love for me despite all my weaknesses and life’s challenges. Best of all it guided me how to pray more fervently and appreciate the true meaning of Lent. Thank you for this privilege.

It was a wonderful 3-day recollection. I’ve followed and benefitted much from these recollections for several years now. This year, i hope to stay outside of my tomb and close it little by little. I know it’s not impossible, if I put my faith and trust in God’s Divine Providence. Staying close to Him is the key; and only by grace can I be saved.

Thank you so much, Fr. Johnny, for this wonderfully curated retreat. The way that you had put together the retreat in light of the pandemic is sheer genius. May the grace of God continue to bless you and keep your talent for the benefit of many.

This has been my 3rd year doing this retreat. This retreat has been very useful to me last year as I was not able to attend to the Holy Week activities because I had to sacrifice them for doing my thesis, and this year, this retreat has helped me pulled out the thorns of my relationship with God (my favorite sin) and has helped me rolled the stone of indifference towards my Ahia/Kuya. Thank you. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you as you decide to do retreats like these in the future. God bless everyone ?

i have been doing this since this was launched. And I always look forward to it. This year is specially difficult and challenging – anxious about what is happening around us. This is always my source of strength, hope — a reminder to be always kind and compassionate — an affirmation that God will never leave us.

Thanks everyone and until the next one.

Thank you Fr. Johnny for the very meaningful retreat. Thank you also to the others who helped you to put together this online retreat.

I am truly blessed to be able to attend the online retreat over the past years and I always share the link to friends and officemates to share the experience with them.

The current pandemic forced the people to slow down and spend time with the family. This can be seen as a blessing when family members spend time together at home to chat not using the gadgets, pray together, and appreciate technology can still help you function well in work. Though this is also a very hard time for the less privileged but the opportunity for those who can share to share their blessings.

The retreat again reinforced in me how blessed I am that Jesus Christ sacrificed and died on the Cross for me.

I pray that I may continue to find my “me time with Jesus” even we go back to the more stressful work.

Thank you Jesus and I love you.

Yearly, I always look forward to the Lenten Triduum Retreat in ADMU. I was so unhappy when the lockdown happened. I am sooo grateful for this online retreat! My doing it solo in a quiet place allowed me to have deeper reclections. I also loved the music pieces! Thank you to all who have put this together! ??????

Thank you for the team behind this very insightful and meaningful spiritual online retreat.

The questions and exercise are meant to evoke in us a deeper connection to ourselves and God.

I am truly blessed by the modules.

I hope I can live with the lessons in real life.

Thank you ♥️??

Thank you Fr. Johnny. Pins of Light has always been a special blessing every Holy Week for so many years now. It never fails to reconnect me to “the love of Christ on the cross and life in His resurrection.”

A week after the lockdown I’ve been trying my best to be positive and see the opportunities it presented and thank God I have already seen a lot. But this is the most significant blessing so far because if not for the lockdown, I will not be here in Metro Manila and I won’t have access to this online retreat.
It was such a blessing and an unexpectedly personal and intimate experience even for someone who is not tech savvy like me.
Thanks be to God and I thank God for blessing your team with the knowledge, wisdom, skill, and generosity of spirit to make this retreat possible.
Now I am already thinking how to do this again next year, when, without the lockdown I will be far from here and with no internet access. But that’s for next year. Now, I have a renewed vigor to live my life always as an attempt to get to know God more, His message, and His will so I may follow it.
Thank you po Fr. Johnny, Meg, Galvin and whoever else made this grace-filled experience possible for us. May God continue to bless you and your loved ones.

Thank you Father Johnny for taking time to create this online retreat and applying it in our present situation. It is truly touching, easy to understand and applicable in our everyday lives. We continue to pray that this pandemic will end soon. And i will continue to remember not to be scared and be strong .
God is Here.

Much grateful for this retreat which I look forward to every year. This retreat gives me the opportunity to step back, to be honest with myself, to better appreciate how much God loves me, and to be reminded to respond to God’s love.

Thank you so much for being there for us especially in these very trying times. I look foward to this every year and I try my very best to share it to everyone.
This retreat is truly meaningful and will definitely help us all to come closer to Jesus

Thank you for this retreat! It provided me with the perfect opportunity for self introspection, a lot of spiritual guidance as to what Jesus Christ went through for us and I just feel that this has given me the spark to move the stone a bit wider from the tomb. Moving closer to God is certainly the biggest positive for me from this pandemic.

Thank you very much Fr. J and the team! May God be with you always and give you strength and wisdom to be able to reach other people in their spiritual hunger. I’ve realized that really the internet has a good side just do it in a good and godly manner. May you continue this online retreat and thank you because you a very generous to share your wisdom, insights, reflections and even songs that would a great help to regain my faith. More power…God bless!

Thank you! This is my 2nd year with you at Holy Week.
May the blessed inspiration and learnings bring you forward this year until we meet again next year.

Inasmuch as you do this yearly because you are inspired by the comments we make, I want to thank you and the people that help you for making this every Holy Week. This online retreat is so relatable and always is with the times, especially now with the pandemic. the retreat makes me look back at my life. The songs, the videos and your words penetrate deep in my heart. I pray that this online retreat be there for the coming years. We are truly blessed that you are inspired with the words and teachings, and bring it to us in a very easy way for us to understand. I am truly grateful.

Once again, thank you very much Fr. J for this wonderful online retreat! I have been participating in this for several years already and have always been looking forward to it. This year is extra special though considering the global situation all of us are in and how you have perfectly connected this to the theme of the retreat. I believe that this retreat has touched me the most specially because I have been assured of our Lord’s love, compassion, and mercy amidst this pandemic and this has given me a deep sense of comfort and gratitude that all of these will come to pass…..in His time. God bless Fr. J!?

Thank you Fr. Johnny and team! This has been a good retreat for me. It is my first time to do this online, and it is a blessing born of the pandemic. If there is something good that came out of the quarantine, it is to find ourselves with God in pins of light. To find ourselves washed and saved by Jesus, is to be the children of Easter morning!

Thank you again for a meaningful retreat this Holy Week, especially in this pandemic that we are all in. Thank you for being an instrument of God’s love for all of us… to me. Being reassured of God’s undying love, Be still I am God, do not be afraid. As we continue to face our unknown future, we continue to trust our known God loves us, and with us, no matter what! God bless everyone and keep the faith!

This is my 3rd year of joining your online retreat and every year, I gather insights to reflect on, making my relationship with Jesus more intimate.
I particularly was touched by the exercise on removing Jesus’ thorns. Going through the motion of removing the thorns made me feel His Love for us. I am struck by the question on spiritual distancing – “ How much distance have I created between me and the Lord, which added to His crown of thorns.?”

Thank you, Fr Johnny for this very moving online retreat.

This is my first time to attend your online retreat! I hope that i will continue to be alive and not be buried on doing things for material convenience! Jesus has already opened the big stone on my tomb, please Jesus help me to be faithful to the mission you want me to do!

This is my first time joining this online retreat. I didn’t realise how much I needed to set aside a time for prayer and introspection, especially during these uncertain times.
The fear and anxiety of being a doctor at this time is unprecedented, so much so that the urge to shirk my duty is strong. But the fear disappeared yesterday, on the second day of this retreat. While I was with a patient, I felt His hand on my shoulder, guiding me, guarding me, and urging me to be strong, so that I could provide a little comfort and hope and encouragement to the sick.
He is NOW HERE, and always has been. This truth was obscured by years of work and toil, but it has become clear to me again. Thank you for this.

Thank you so much for this online retreat. It has helped me to strengthen my faith especially in this time of the pandemic which all of us have never experienced before. It really is a perfect time to slow down and take account of what is important in our lives. Praise be to God! ??????

It is during times like these when it is so easy to forget the value of Holy Week. Through the collective experience of the pandemic, we forget our own individual realities. I believe it is through these where God talks to us the most. I am grateful for this retreat as it had been a channel for me to listen to Him more intently. My heart is full with hope and peace. May we all continue to listen to our Lord and understand what He is telling us through all this.

Thank you and God Bless!

Thank you, Fr. Johnny for this experience. It is my first time here and it has been time well spent. I especially appreciate how the experience and sacrifice of Christ is made meaningful in our current context so that it is not some historical event/story but continues to be relevant today. Thank you Christ for making your presence and love for me manifest during this Holy Week. I love you and my life be a witness to my trust and faith in you. I pray for a chance to be better.

Thank you Fr Johnny Go SJ and team for the online guide to reflect and pray thankfully for our dear Jesus’ gift of redemption. Thank you Lord for guiding me to pinsoflight!❤

Thank you for the very thought provoking insights of the tombs that ensnare us and the promise of being reborn.
This has been a very meaningful Holy Week. It has deepened my relationship with Our Lord and to my family.

6th YEAR! These retreats have given me solace and the strength to carry on and have been a source of healing. Thank you Fr. Johnny and the whole team. God bless us all!

Thank you so much for continuing to reach out to all of us. This has truly made everything so much more significant. Please stay safe and may your kind increase,

Thank you Lord for your love. Thank you for giving me the desire to know you and love you more through this online retreat. My first. Lord bless the organizers of this online retreat. Holy week has become truly blessed and meaningful to me. I am leaving this retreat at peace, comforted, and feeling loved.

Thank you so much Jesuits Community for this continuous holy week retreat. You did not come to Cebu City as you did previous years. God is so good faithful loving that He made you come to us vicariously. Praise Him !!! After every retreat, am always happy and inspired to go on with my life remember that God is always with me every moment of my ups and downs of my life, He is always ready to lift me up.
Bless you Father J and your community. See you again next year !

It has been probably been a decade since I have been doing the online recollection. I am always grateful for this opportunity to reflect every Holy Week with pinsoflight.net, every year there is something to learn about Jesus’ love.

This year has been a deeper experience living at a time of physical distancing. The stories and exercises have a deeper meaning, a deeper understanding of a shared reality.

Thank you. I pray that I may always remember what I have learned during this spiritual experience.

Thank you Fr J and Pins of Light team for being our channels of God’s grace. May we in turn become channels of God’s hope, love, and faith to the world.

We are truly living in extraordinary times and God has made His Presence felt extraordinarily in the persons we meet online, for the outpouring of kindness and goodwill for humanity, for those praying in the midst of the pandemic, for those who are connecting with us. Thank you Lord, we are never alone.

May we truly believe that Christ is risen and may our lives mirror our belief in the risen Lord!

The garden of Gethsemane, the wood of the Cross & the empty tomb are our timely reminders that God works in our life – all we need is to read between the lines.

…because between the lines, between the seeming ordinariness of life and things, there are glimmers of the Divine waiting for us to behold.

Lord, thank you for Easter. Thank you for raising the “lifeless” in me. Lord, allow me to bask in the light of your grace and love. May I radiate this love & grace to others now and always. Amen.

It need not be a deep realisation. It could be a simple reminder that God is always with us. Thank you for the nudge to know that He is with us. That only our faith and love for Him will help us pull through whatever crisis will come our way.

Thank you for this 3 day retreat

Thank you for this retreat. Have been doing this for couple of years now and it has always brought out the deepest reflection within myself. Grateful for this time to pause and reflect. Your questions, themes, topics have touched deep within my soul which i can never do on my own. You are a blessing to us and may i with the Grace of God, be a blessing likewise to the people whom God have put around me. Make me an instrument of your love to love others in all possible manner. God Bless us all and keep us all in this time. To God be the Glory. Amen

I have been immensely blessed by this online retreat. Made me closer to the one that I have been looking for in my life. Gave me peace. Reminded me of that one great love. Filled me with hope that I too can rise again. Thank you. Thank you.

This online retreat really encouraged my to not be afraid to dig deeper in my relationship with God. This has also helped me in putting the right and loving perspective in the current crisis that we are facing. And not to be scared to be strong because He has shown us the way to be strong.

Once again, thank you Fr. Johnny and the your team.

This retreat is very special to me. It’s my first time, actually. We used to go to different places or have vacations during holy week, though, we always make it a point that during Good Friday, no activity no laag. But this year is different, our vacation was cancelled, in our long time dream destination, due to Covid, made us stay here in our home. And could not even go to church. But I am so grateful for this Online Retreat. I had so much quality time with the Lord, in the comfort of our home. Thank you so much for this. Hopefully next year and the years to come there will be no more pandemic, and it won’t happen ever again. But please continue with this Online Retreat so that wherever we will be, we still have the chance and opportunity to make our Holy Week, a very meaningful time with the Lord. Daghan kaayong salamat.

This has been my 6th year joining this retreat, and I keep coming back because it always gives me new insights to ponder in my relationship with the Lord.
Thank you Fr. Johnny and team for your untiring efforts!
This year’s retreat has strengthened my faith anew in God’s nearness to us, especially in the midst of the fear and sadness that the pandemic has brought.
Deeply grateful that He has closed our distance from Him by being one with us unto death, and for being with us every step of the way as we rise to our new life.
Thank you Jesus for being our God!

Thank you deeply for this on-line retreat. You’re the biggest channel of grace I have received these past three days. More power and God bless you!

I have always joined your on line retreat and I look forward to this every Holy Week. You guide my reflections and deepens my relationship with the Lord. Thank you.

Thank you for this beautiful online retreat. It makes me feel our Lord’s presence and His compassion. My lovebirds love the music. They really listen to it. Another way of our Lord’s showing His presence.

Thank you to everyone behind this. It spoke to me, it created a spark of hope in the midst of fear and uncertainty of the pandemic. Thru God’s grace the stone will be rolled over & over again until that final Ressurection that He has promised ❤️ Happy Easter guysss. Please know I am one with you in praying for your intentions. God bless!!!


It is my first time to join an online retreat. Usually, I am skeptical about any kind of retreat. A few days ago, when I saw this online, I had the strong urge to join. I have no regrets, only happiness that the Lord invited me to know him more. I am blessed! I had so many realizations during this retreat but the most important for me is knowing that God is giving me a second chance to change my life, like a re-set button, especially after this lockdown. Thank you so much Lord for loving me and for blessing my life. I love you

This online retreat has always been a source of grace accompanying and making more meaningful the Holy Week rituals of our Church. Now, because of this pandemic, this has become a solace. Salamat sa Diyos! Thank you very much!

Thank you for always assuring us that God is always in our hearts and around us. Always make time to connect and talk to him. Let us all be guided by his light as we journey through life.

Thank you for this retreat
It was my first time to joinhere and i hope i can do it again next year. This has been a rediscovery of my God, who is all merciful and so loving. I feel so connected to him that i am aware of him in so many things.

Yesterday, I saw Jesus’ HUMILITY in the washing of His disciples’s feet and in choosing to die like a criminal. I realize how proud and vain I have become.

Today, I find HOPE. Someone else has rolled the tomb stone for me.

One need not look farther than Peter — he who fell asleep at Gethsemane, refused to be washed, and denied Jesus thrice — was chosen to lead Jesus’ church. Even those flawed can be used for God’s purpose.

Thank you for this online site. I always go this site for reflections and I especially look forward to the Holy Week retreat.

What a blessing to experience Gods passion and see myself through it all just like He did in a special way. Thank you for making me feel God is “now here”. God bless us all.

Thank you for giving me a chance to be closer to God during this Lenten season through this recollection. Such a blessing to hear Him and pray to Him in a more personal way. God bless.

Thank you for allowing me once again to go through Lent in a meaningful way. You have led me to a personal encounter with God through the various characters and scenario. Since I have been taking this online retreat for many years, I am sometimes tempted to skip and think “ah i know this”. But with more prayers and focus, I am pleased to learn something new, not to gain knowledge, but to increase my faith.

God has closed the distance and I will strive to have a constant closeness with Him. I will not distant myself from other people especially the needy, because it is also my way of keeping close to Him. I am imperfect with my own tombs. I have my sins that are part of the thorns on the crown. But God does not judge me. He loves me. He sees me as someone special.

Thank you for being instrument of my spiritual cleansing. I am ready to infect others – with God’s words, compassion and love. I join you from afar, in continuously praying for this pandemic to end.

This year’s retreat has been intimate, interactive (ex. pulling of thorns, tomb removal) and inclusive (genre choice). And.. introduced me to Ben&Ben ?.

More blessings be upon you.

Thanks Fr. J for your commitment to bring us this online retreat year after year.
Relevant, piercing and true.
The global pandemic brings me to a unique spiritual experience of His passion death and resurrection.
My challenge is to rise up and live out the resurrection, one small concrete step at a time.
God is here. Christ is now.
The thorns activity was the most difficult & emotionally uncomfortable because I allowed myself to face, name and be accountable for my choices.
And there is grace in seeing light and hope beyond the thorns.

Thanks for adding new material, videos & song choices.
Prayers and blessings to you and your team!

The online retreat this year has been truly meaningful and life-changing. The materials allowed me to reflect and be in deep commune with God. Truly the Holy Spirit must have guided Fr. Johnny and his team to make sure that all the elements come together —- especially on relating it with the present pandemic. This retreat helped me make this Holy Week truly special. I feel inspired to do what I can to live a better life—to be my best possible self. I can’t thank you enough for this blessing. Happy Easter!

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