For your closing prayer, just speak to the Lord about what you learned during our online recollection, thanking Him for whatever graces you may have received.

You may want to speak to Him about the kind of waiting you feel he is calling you to, as well as the image of God, the Advent grace and invitation being offered to you–and what all this means concretely in your life.

Play this instrumental piece as you say your closing prayer.

Finally, please consider posting below a prayer or any comment to share your experiences, insights, and graces with your fellow online retreatants.

THANK YOU for joining our virtual faith community this Advent. If you know of people who could use an Advent recollection like this, feel free to share this with them.

Please pray for us! A blessed Advent to all!



I thought at first that my type of waiting was in “HOPING”, but as i reflected further, i found myself in ANTICIPATING & EXPECTING likewise. I wanted to see the Face of God in all 3; I wanted to challenge myself on the 3 Advent Invitations & i humbly accept i needed the 3 Advent Grace to help me find joy during this season of “waiting”.

Thank you for this site & to my pastoral worker who forwarded me this online advent recollection.

I would like take the oppurnity to thank STV for sharing with me this type of recollection…she knows my condition and I know the grace of God showers at me during my meditation…

Waiting and hoping, even when times are tough ties in to the message that was shared during Gaudete Sunday – bear in mind the words of Pope Francis, “Hard times may come, when the cross casts its shadow, yet nothing can destroy the supernatural joy that ‘adapts and changes,’ but always endures even as a flicker of light born of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved” (Gaudete St Exsultate, no.125)

Thank you my Lord for my Christmas gift/message. I can’t ask for more. My wait wasnt as burden, You have embraced my worries. I am always at your mercy & my gratefulness in this life is forever in you.

All three faces of God was what I needed but my waiting is for when I stopped hoping for miracles. Yet God, in His infinite goodness, kept the fire burning even I gave up already in mending my fences and my heart being broken. I am yet to understand why, I am yet to understand what goes and why do I still hope for healing and peace. Praying for all our journeys as we wait for His birth.

It was His message that i always anticipate to hear before the Novena Mass begin, and i heard Him clearly before it starts today. I am ready for the 9day masses to attend and be attentively listen to His words for me. Thank you! I stand in awe for His greatness!

Magsisimba sana me ng first anticipated mass at this hour but God chose me this virtual advent recollection and feeling very blessed today. More power and God’s Blessings to you and your team.

I am in both moments: Waiting with Anticipation & Expectation >> a year ago it was Waiting with Hope …. but by God’s Grace, He has given me an unexpected GIFT, a BLESSING that is now the REASON for my Waiting & waiting with JOY in my heart. Truly, we cannot oudo our Lord in his generosity ~ even if we feel unworthy & undeserving because of the bad choices we have made in the past He continues to Bless us & give us our hearts’ fervent prayer & desire.
Your on-line retreats have always been my source of self-reflection & deeper relationship with our Lord , i have intoduced my daughter & friends to this . Thank you & more blessings!

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