Before we close… here’s one more question–a fundamental one: Why do we have to wait in the first place? In short, why is there Advent at all?
The question leads us to the Divine Plan of the Incarnation: Why did God decide to become human–to show up on earth in the flesh, looking and smelling like you and me?

It is an important question to raise because the answer to this question gives us the motivation for our waiting, whichever kind of waiting we might be called to be?
God could have implemented his plan of salvation without the Incarnation. But He chose this particular plan because through his own human example, He wanted to impart a message to us: “Never give up… Be strong…”
This message is echoed by –of all things–a recent collaboration between Coldplay and Big Sean. The song is appropriately called “Miracles (Someone Special).” The song celebrates heroic figures in history including Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, among others, who were “not scared to be strong.”
Watch this music video and pay close attention to the words. One line or two may just be God’s special message for you this Advent.