Let’s try something different.

We believe that God transcends time. Always before Him are the past, the present, and the future. God hears every prayer from every era and can grant them for any point in time.

If that is the case, is it possible that our prayers today can help those in the past? If He desires, can God not grant our requests for the past as much as our requests for the future?



My guess is: Yes!

We have taken time out to pray with Scripture. Perhaps now, more than before, we appreciate our Lord Jesus more and the suffering and death that he bore out of love and mercy for us.

Would you like to spend some time to say a prayer for him for the time he most needed it?

We invite you to say a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving for him for the moment he was hanging on the cross.

Maybe our prayers today can help bring him the graces he needed when he was at his darkest moments, when he was most alone, most frightened.

Remember: If God indeed transcends time, maybe He can hear your prayers today and grant it for the past.

Take a moment and pray using this montage of images from our Lord’s passion and death. Let the song be your prayer of blessing for Jesus. Let the words be your own. Who knows? Perhaps he will feel less alone, less frightened, and more hopeful.

If you wish, feel free to write a short prayer to Jesus below. Again, you need not use your real name.

If it’s helpful, play this music as you write your prayer.

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Image sources: chaparral.org
Video edited by John Mactal
Music source: “In Dreams” performed by Jai Jagdeesh
“L’ Heure Exquise” from Unexpected Songs by Julian Lloyd Webber/John Lenehan. Released: 2006.

98 replies on “A BLESSING FOR JESUS”

I fear what you fear, My Lord.
You are not alone.
Your burdens are heavy. Share these burdens with me.
Let me quench Your thirst. Let me shield Your body.
You are suffering for me and I am very grateful.
Let me suffer with You.
Allow me to wipe your tears, sweat and blood.
Let me carry Your cross.

May this prayer be
As a breath of wind upon your tired body
As a drop of saliva in your parched throat
As a thought of hope that one day
Someone would pray for you
As we do now.

My Lord, thank you for unconditionally loving me. Thank you for telling me I am perfect, just as I am. Thank you for accepting me wholeheartedly without expecting me to change. Let me comfort you in your pain just as you are comforting me in mine. Thank you Lord, thank you.

“Loving Jesus, the cross where you died is a reminder of our sins and your GREAT love to us.. you walked to that lonely road, just to be with us.. forgive our sins and bring us to your glory, AMEN.”

Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for always Loving us and continuously showering us with your infinite mercy despite our wretchedness. Give us the strength to follow your example of love and mercy. Despite our unworthiness of God’s mercy, help us to realise the love of God is unfathomable and that we long for His love and mercy and that we may tell God that we love Him.

Dearest Lord,
As I watch you suffer, how I long to comfort you and hold you in my arms. But I reminded that you are going through this suffering because you have embraced my wretchedness. You sre doing this for me so I could experience your unconditional love. I am unworthy of your love but such is your mercy Lord. Help me remember that the least I can do is to acknowledge your pain and suffering. Help me comfort you by staying steadfast in your love, sharing your love with others and living a life guided by your teachings. Let your love and suffering not be wasted on me , Lord. Let me go out and live a life of faith, compassion and love with the help of your grace.
I love you Lord .

Dear Jesus, my Lord, Older brother and friend,I do not even know what kind of prayer of blessing to say to you. You are GOd and nothing in my prayer can add to your greatness. All I can say is thank you for everything, for your unconditional love and sacrifice.You are awesome! Help me become like you,that when people see me, they see your face in me and I may be instrumental in bringing them back to you.Amen.

Lord Jesus,
I am a nobody and yet you died for me. I do not even deserve your death on that cross. And yet you died for me. I feel so blessed and so loved by you. I know that saying “thank you” is never enough. But thanks, anyway…

Lord, you are truly the Truth, the Life and the Way!

Let me show my love to you through loving my brethren.

Dear Jesus,
More than ever, I realize how much pain you had to endure for all of us. You stripped yourself so much – to be even away from the Father – to let us see and know that You are one with us and You know how our own sufferings feel. Thank You Jesus for your love that is without hope and agenda. Thank you.

I looked up and saw Jesus on the cross, with his hands and feet nailed to the cross, his head bowed down, his face and body wounded, his spirit broken. And then there were no words.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the trials and tribulations that have come into my life. These have, in a way, made me empathize with your passion and death. I rest assured that all shall pass and I will share with your resurrection. Amen

Oh my Lord Jesus, thank you for opening the door to your heart that leads to our salvation. You paid the ultimate price to win for us our redemption if we so decide to claim it. I claim this now Lord as I struggle free from my wretchedness to walk with you, my elder brother, towards the welcoming embrace of our Father. As I journey on, help me to always see the Passion story for what it is – the magnum opus of God’s love and mercy for His people, and to frame all that has happened, is happening and will happen in my life according to the purpose for which You came to be with us – to stand “in our place” and “for our sake”. May by Your example, I too may give love and mercy not only to those who have wronged or hurt me, but also to those who may need these most. Thank you Lord.

Alam ko na wala nang mas hihigit pa sa pagbubukas ng iyong puso’t pagkatao, mailigtas lamang kami sa dilim. Hayaan mong magbukas din ang mga pusong naninimdim at maihayag ang pagkatao namin nang aming kalingain ang kapwa namin.

Alone, abandoned and feeling unloved, from the solitude to the journey with our sins on your cross, you Lord accepted to be both our blood sacrifice and our scapegoat.

Ending being crucified and mocked, still alone in the ugly din of the world, the Father seemed silent as you felt… (as I often feel in my spiritual aridness)… but was He? (Is He?)

The noise of mocking crowd, equalised the Father’s silence.

Again and again, I often only want to hear what I want to hear. In reality the noise (my sins and distractions) were cancelled out by that silence, if really I cared to listen hard enough.

You were sent to heal us… lead us not into temptation to sin again and again, but in the goodness of the open door of your heart, give us the courage to enter into full communion to thy God-self.

Lord, very often I also feel so alone, abandoned and unloved. Please give me the grace to accept your endless Compassion, Mercy and Love, Amen.

Thank you for suffering and dying in atonement for my sins. I hope to be able to be worthy of your sacrifice.

Walang hanggang pasasalamat sa walang hanggang pagibig, foolish love for humanity….to the King of Love, I give you my heart????????

I give you my heart……sorry for the incorrect punctuation mark and its Marissa Ayson not Larissa

Lord Jesus, thank you for everything: from laying Your life for our sins and for saving us from the burdens of these sins. Teach me, Lord Jesus, to lovingly embrace and carry my own cross as I follow You on the path to everlasting joy and everlasting life. As I do so, may these lighten the burden rested upon Your shoulders. But if my cross gets too heavy that I can’t go on walking, carry me Lord, help me carry it to the end. Let not my soul be crushed in the process. Amen.

Dear Jesus, thank you for tearing apart the veil which separates us from you and for allowing yoir heart to pour out Your love and mercy to those like me who have lost their way. Keep me in your grace so that I can serve you and love yoi freely as you have loved us first. Amen.

Dear Jesus, reflecting upon your death on the cross made me realized the pain and suffering you went through. Thank you
Jesus for saving us. Thank you for your love and compassion.
Thank you for granting my prayers even though I’m a sinner.
Help us to be always merciful and loving towards others. Amen.

Dear Jesus, let me join You as You die on the cross! Let me bear my own cross…..for I learned today that crosses are actually blessings! I love You and I offer my entire life to You……until I breathe my last!!!

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying for us. thank you
For saving us even if we’re not worth dying for. Let all the wounds and hurt you receive heal our sins

Dear Jesus,

I am truly grateful for all you have done to save us. I am very sorry for hurting you and for the times I did not value your sacrifice and love for me.

Thank you very much for everything and I pray that you will continue to be with us in our life’s journey.


Lord, you are not alone. Your dying on the cross will not be in vain. I am here , Lord, to honor your name. For I have witnessed your great love for every human, I will live to tell your story, dear Lord. As your eyes and heart reached out, I reach out to you, Lord. You are not alone. I am here with your, Lord.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you … it is my whole heart writing to you … you know what’s in the deepest recesses of my soul … just know that I deeply appreciate what you’ve done for me on the cross …
I am so sorry that you had to suffer because of my disobedience … my sinfulness, my selfishness … I am so sorry … know that I am at the foot of your cross and am kissing your feet … just to assure you that you are not alone …

Dearest Jesus,

I am sorry for all my sins. I am sorry for leaving you in the dark, abandoning you in your suffering.
Thank you for loving me and for forgiving me endlessly.

I will hold your hand and never let go.

I love you, Jesus.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving us Jesus our redeemer… We are very sorry for all the things that we have done….


Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for us. Thank you for saving us.

I’m sorry for all of my sins.. Please forgive me.

Lord, kung pwede lang, dadamayan kita diyan, kasi alam ko kung gaano natatakot mag-isa sa panahon ng kadiliman.

Thank you Lord for dying for me, for all your sacrifices and love.
Thank you Lord for your unconditional love and everlasting mercy.
I love you Lord.
Thank you.

Dear Jesus,
I praise and thank you for giving us your unconditional love, giving your life on the cross; to save us, sinners.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your mercy and compassion despite the repeated times that we neglect our faith and commit sins time and again.
May your passion in cross remind us of your unending love to redeem us from sins. And may you give us courage, by your grace, to face and hurdle all the trials in life and become a better follower and servant of God.. This I ask, in your Mighty name, Jesus, who lives and reigns with God and the Holy Spirit… Amen.

Dearest Jesus,
Thank you for loving us like no other. Give us the grace to be like you – merciful and compassionate.
We pray for the people we know who do not know that they are committing sins against you. Enlighten them Oh Lord with your grace and Holy Spirit.
Shower us with your wisdom. Forgive us of our sins and the times we hurt you. Holy God. Holy Mighty One. Holy Immortal One Have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen

Lord, I love you & I’m sorry for all the pain & suffering I’ve caused you. I was once lost but you found me. I thank you for the love you have shown me, for teaching me the value of suffering. Thank you for showing me your face of mercy. Lord, know that you are loved; know that you are not alone because I have chosen you to accompany in my life’s journey. Thank you for the gift of life, for your friendship, for being a blessing to all of us. May I be a blessing too to others.

Lord, allow my tears to quench Your thirst for love. Let the silence of the people you love be a moment to hear their remorseful hearts.

My dearest Lord,

Thank you so much for your greatest love shown and given us today. Forgive me of my multitude of sins.

I love you, Jesus. Amen.

In your hour of need, I offer you Lord Jesus, with sincerity my love and prayers as You experience the sufferings, humiliation, betrayal, and desertion for my sake. I thank You Lord Jesus for the extreme acts of selflessness that have brought me back into Your fold. May your sufferings be my constant reminder of Your boundless love and mercy. Amen

Dear Jesus,

I am yours.

You have gone through great lengths and great pain to win me back, to save me.

I am not worthy. But prefect in your eyes. And worth any price. Even the price of your life!

Oh Jesus, remind me of the price you paid for me, for my freedom and salvation.

Help me not to waste my life. But to make it matter. Teach me daily to choose joy and love, and to ease suffering and pain. Guide me and give me the desire to waste my time with you in prayer.

May I be worth your sacrifice, O, Lord. In spite of all my imperfections. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen

Dear Jesus,

I am yours.

You have gone through great lengths and great pain to win me back, to save me.

I am not worthy. But prefect in your eyes. And worth any price. Even the price of your life!

Oh Jesus, remind me of the price you paid for me, for my freedom and salvation.

Help me not to waste my life. But to make it matter. Teach me daily to choose joy and love, and to ease suffering and pain. Guide me and give me the desire to waste my time with you in prayer.

May I be worth your sacrifice, O, Lord. In spite of all my imperfections. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen

Dear Lord,
You get it. You’ve risked all to get it. You know and understand. Thank you. I love you, Dear Lord. Help me truly see your great love so that I shall not want and need anything else.

Maraming Salamat sa online retreat channel na ito. When you are far away from home and yearn for an intimacy with the Lord in an environment one has been used to, this helps one feel like home again. thank you for reminding us of our Lord Jesus Christ unwavering And unconditional love for all of us. His Love continues to bring us peace..

congratulations to all pinsoflight staff! You are God’s gift to us! God’s light shines through in you..


My Lord and My God, I am very sorry for the pain and the suffering you endured just to save us from our slavery. You have been good and yet we allowed these horrible things to happen. I am sorry. I love you and bless you, My Lord. Thank you. Love us always.

Lord, thank you for bearing the cross for us. May we always do our part in spreading the Word. May we also walk in Your glory. Amen

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being my big brother, for seeking me out and not imposing your love upon me.

Know that the Father loves you so much. Be at peace on the cross Jesus, my brother, my Kuya.

Dear Jesus, Thank You so much for sacrificing Your life to redeem us from our sins. Had I only been there, I woulnd’t have been too sure as well if I would have the courage and faith to partake of Your suffering by volunteering to help You carry your cross. You did it, Lord, because of Your unconditional love for us and I couldn’t thank You enough for that. In my sinfulness, Lord, please help give me the strength to follow Your cross and bear all the challenges as I journey here on Earth in the hope of one day being with You in God’s Kingdom by Your grace. I know that I could never fully deserve your graces and blessings much less thank you enough for them. Please be with me every step of the way, Lord, that I may never lose track of my faith and desire to follow You and be with You in eternity. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Dear Lord in my darkest time when i thought it’s all over im ready to throw in the towel when i felt that You loved me the most. My parents whom I saw as something very far away is so near. That is what i always pray for in the past and now You’ve granted it. Lord salamat.Its this time that I really felt my mothers love the most because before she seemed so far away. I always wanted that.Slowly but surely I pray things will slowly be in place with all of us:me mama papa my bro and sister physically healthy mentally healthy emotionally healthy and financially healthy. Amen


Now you are sufferring because of us, you know we are not perfect and we are sinners. But this doesnt stop you from loving us, from accepting us and for forgiving all of us.
Lord thank you for the unconditional love that you’ve given, that you sacrificed yourself in order to save us sinners. Forgive us Lord that you’re in pain because of us. Help us to change, help us to be like you, to be mericiful and loving.
Help us to forgive others and especially to forgive ourselves. Help us to love one another, to be humble, and to be caring, like you.thank you for everything that you’ve done to us and touch our hearts with your love everyday.


Jesus, Thank You.

For being our elder brother.
Not only to be the Lamb, but to be the Shepherd.
Despite everything we have done,
You went all the way.
From heaven, to Earth, to the Cross.
To lead us back to the Heavenly Father.

For being the outcast.
More than being a human,
You felt how to be like us.
Pain.Fear. Abandonment. Betrayal.
So that You can be with us.

But more than anything,
You, on that Cross,
became the wide, open door.
The ladder that linked Heaven and Earth
to the Father.

May we be like You, submit to Him, as You say:
“Father into Your Hands, I commend My spirit.”


Jesus, Thank You.

For being our elder brother.
Not only to be the Lamb, but to be the Shepherd.
Despite everything we have done,
You went all the way.
From heaven, to Earth, to the Cross.
To lead us back to the Heavenly Father.

For being the outcast.
More than being a human,
You felt how to be like us.
Pain.Fear. Abandonment. Betrayal.
So that You can be with us.

But more than anything,
You, on that Cross,
became the wide, open door.
The ladder that linked Heaven and Earth
to the Father.

May we be like You, submit to Him, as You say:
“Father into Your Hands, I commend My spirit.”


Dear Jesus,

I have no words except Thank YOU! Even Mama Mary had to witness all of these!

I pray that your suffering and death on the cross will not be in vain as I continue to live my life.

Dear Jesus,

I cannot imagine how you endured the pain just to save us. I have no words except Thank YOU! Even Mama Mary had to witness all of these!

I pray that your suffering and death on the cross will not be in vain as I continue to live my life.

I know you are in pain, i know you may not understand the cruelty of people around you, or why your friends abandoned you. It is the darkest of times, the loneliest and the most frightening moment.

Across the times, we are sending you our love and our gratitude. Know you are loved and that we would share your pain if we could. Know that your sacrifice has not been in vain and that we are all made whole and saved because of you.

My dear Jesus, thank you.

My Lord and my God, I.m very sorry for my sins. Thank you for your example of unconditional love. I want to follow you to accompany you especially in your darkest hour . Please I need the grace to extend unconditional love to others especially those outcast and poor.. Thank you Lord for this day. May I go on loving you and do your will. Amen.

Thank you for taking up the cross, and for dying for all of us and all of our sins. Forgive me for crucifying you, as I do each time I commit sin – of self righteousness, of narcissism- forgetting that no matter how good a person I may be, I will never be worthy, I will never be perfect, I will never be sin-less. Thank you.
As you are crucified, I pray that u efforts too be better be sips of water for you. Thank you.

Dear Lord,
No words are enough to comfort you when you were on the cross.
Your moment of deep anguish and suffering on the cross.
Makes me weep…I am sorry lord, forgive me for crucifying you.
Your love for us is so great. You sacrificed your life so we can continue to live. Such is your kind of love…unconditional.
I love you Lord Jesus, make me in your likeness.
Loving & forgiving.

Dear Loving Jesus,
I am sorry for denying you.
Thank you for your infinite love and mercy.
You had to give up your life to save me.Let me ever be conscious of your love.

Dear Jesus,
I pray for You as You hang on the cross. Hurt and afraid. Feeling alone and abandoned. I ask the Father to let His presence embrace You so You can feel His love, care and overwhelming acceptance of your obedience to His will. I ask that In all my trials, hurts, feeling of abandonment, You will go before the Father and pray for His love and care for me.

I thank you, Jesus for sacrificing for me and taking away the consequences of my sins. Amen.

My dearest Jesus,
You are our King. Please forgive us of our sins. Thank you very much for your undying love and mercy. You have sacrificed your life for our salvation. You are forever in our hearts and our lives are meant to glorify Your greatness. I love You.

Dear Lord, if I was there – whis side will I be with? I can only hope that with your Grace – I would be among the Women with your Mother Mary ~ to give you support & strength & let you know you know you are lived so much … Thank you for bearing the Cross for the World that we now live comfortable & joyful lives …& yet complain of our tiny little crosses compaired to yours …

My Lord, I will forever praise and glorify You! I am Yours and all that I am, all that I have is Yours, oh my sweet Jesu!

Lord Jesus, you have sacrificed for me and despite of that, there are times I disobey your commandments. Forgive me, Oh Lord. I now fully understand every trials and challenges I experience and it is because of your great love for me that you sacrificed and died on the cross.

No words Lord. Just an overwhelming feeling of being loved by You and thanking You for Your mercy and compassion. It was like a thorn piercing my heart. I love You my Lord!

Lord Jesus, in Your moment of deep anguish and suffering, I humbly come to You to offer my love and comfort. My love may not be unconditional and perfect as Yours because of my humanness but here I am ready to give You comfort. Thank You for opening Your heart and embracing my sinful and wretched nature.
Forgive me Lord, for my sins that has made Your cross heavier to bear.
And thank You for bearing the cross of my sins.
You are loved and You are not alone, Jesus. I love You.

Lord, I do not fully understand everything. However, I am grateful for your overwhelming love and sacrifice. You did not have to do it but you loved us so and were obedient to the end. Your example is for us to appreciate and realize everyday. We need to be humble. We need to forgive. We need to love. Thank you dear Lord.

to you my big brother, may God grant you even a small relief to the pains that you are enduring. May He grant you courage as you endure the wounds being inflicted on you by my ancestors. In this time of great suffering, i am here. With my imperfect love, let me say this, “You are not alone.”

Lord, I truly am sorry for all my sins and shortcomings. I have always told you how I want to be a better person, a good person. I really do. But it is not the easiest thing to do. I feel blessed, and blessed more than I deserve. And I am grateful. But again, I sincerely apologise for adding up to all your sorrows and heartaches. I am sorry for the many times I chose to my will and not Yours. I am sorry for choosing to follow the ways of the world and not Your Way. I am sorry for choosing to be selfish and not selfless. I still want to be a good person, Lord. I really do. And I just pray you will not give up on me. Seeing you suffer pains me more than I can describe but it also comforts me, knowing there is hope. You did not die for no reason at all, Lord. I am the reason, we are the reasons. And I just pray that my willingness to be a better person, a good person, is enough. I love you, Lord. I really really do. Amen.

What a gift, Lord. Please guide me so I do not let your sacrifice go to waste. Let us always rest in your incredible love.

Dear Jesus thank you for your forgiveness.For being merciful and compassionate. For our salvation. Thank you for opening your door/heart for us to enter.May we be as merciful and compassionate as you are. May we be as loving as you are.

To my Elder Brother,
Thank You for looking for me, for making me realize how merciful Our Father is. Your immensely great love is unfathomable for mere mortals like me. I am grateful for this online retreat for helping me grasp Your great love. I could only imagine the pain and humiliation You had to endure for my sins. You do not deserve them. But out of your great mercy and unconditional love, You took it. I pray for companionship while You were alone. Courage for when You were afraid. I thank You dear brother for humbly taking my cross so I won’t be hurt and burdened by it. I hope that your love would not be wasted on me. I love you and thank you. Amen.

For all the times that I turned away from you Lord, forgive me. For your love conquers even my darkest sins. You have taken me out of the darkness…my sould you have saved…
Thank you Lord. Please give me the grace to spend my life giving glory to your name.


thank you, thank you, thank you…

forgive me, forgive me, forgive me…

have mercy, have mercy, have mercy…

At the start, praying for the suffering Jesus felt like praying for my father who died almost 20 years ago. I remembered my father suffering from cancer while I was watching Jesus’ suffering. My father loved us so much, that he offered his life to us by working very hard to ensure that we live comfortable and fruitful lives. I saw Jesus in my father. At the latter part of the video, I felt weird praying for Jesus, much more, blessing Him. Who am I to pray for Him and bless Him? I am the one who needs prayer and blessing. I felt thankful for all the suffering Jesus experienced for our sake. He wanted us to live comfortable and fruitful lives, so He bore all the consequences of our sins by suffering and dying on the cross.

My Lord, I love Thee. I bless Thee for You have shown us the greatest expression of Your Love. Have mercy on me for the times when I complain and give up easily on the slightest suffering I am experiencing; You have borne all sufferings with love and without any complaints. Help us all to love You more and more each day of our lives and to carry our crosses out of love for You Amen.

O, Jesus, I hope this prayer will give You comfort during this day’s trials & pain. We are forever grateful for the sacrifices You have taken to save us from our sins. May this gratitude transcend time to give comfort to You on this day.

Dearest Lord I can’t begin to think of the severity of the pain you bore to save me… Son of God you had everything in your power to ask Your Father to spare you yet you endured for love of me… I know I can’t spare you from all these because You allowed the Fathers will to be done. Remembering this ultimate sacrifice I will try to live a life that would try to give glory to You! May it comfort You that You will not die in vain for the many lives that wil be transformed because you loved them first..

Yesterday it was the “Judas in us”. Today, it is Jesus, the Lamb who “takes away the sins of the world”, but also the Lamb that takes away the burden of our wins! What a wonderful, loving and merciful God we have. Thank you, Lord, for this online retreat. Thank you for helping me make this Paschal Triduum a truly different, meaningful and life-changing one.

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. Forgive us for our weaknesses and from being estranged with our Father, The Lord God. Thank you for being selfless and for offering everything…to your last breath, to save mankind from their sins. We will never forget the greatest sacrifice you did for our Father and mankind. We ask that You help us keep our faith alive, everyday, until our last breath.

Lord Jesus, i love you for the rest of my life; make me a channel of your peace and love. Teach, guide and help me to live accdg. to you will.amen

Dear Jesus, thank you for your unconditional love for sinners like me. I know I don’t deserve it and you did not deserve the physical, emotional and spiritual pain you bore. Today, as I kiss your feet on the crucifix, I pray that your unconditional love will not be wasted on me. I will love you for the rest of my life. I pray that you help me keep this love on fire for others to feel. Teach me to love like you do. In Jesus name, amen.

Dear Jesus, my greatest brother, I am in awe with your abounding love and mercy. I felt so small in seeing you take the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. I felt so ashamed but at the same time forever grateful for your infinite compassion and love for us. Thank you for opening the door for us and shedding that light coming from you on our own wretched hearts. Help us transform ourselves to becoming better followers and help us not tale your sacrifices for granted. May we learn to open our hearts to your grace and become the salt and light you intend us to be.

Lord, know that you are loved…though wanting and imperfect. Allow me to love you the way I know and feel best. At this moment, allow me to accompany you even from a distance…to walk with you even with halting and unsure steps. Allow me to carry your cross and share its weight…though I may not relieve fully the burden. Allow me to unite myself with you Lord even when I stumble and falter along the way. Allow me this grace dear Lord so that I may enter the door of your mercy which I desire to fully experience today. Amen.

Dear Jesus, thank you for offering your most precious body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and for our salvation. Thank you for your unconditional love, embracing our weaknesses and restoring our sonship. May we be more merciful and compassionate just like You. Give us the courage to lead others back to You. Amen

Dear Jesus, you suffered immensely and felt rejection, humiliation, physical pain, and abandonment from the Father. I want to comfort you, embrace you, and tell you that I am truly sorry for having hurt you. You are my Savior, help me carry my cross, and be like you. May your Holy Death remind me to be a better servant every single day, to love unconditionally, to have mercy and compassion, and to forgive others. I bless you, Crucified Christ.

My Lord you have bore the pain and sufferings if the world. I am part of that you bore everytime I reject your love and mercy. I casteverything unto the foot of your cross all my sins that i may be wash from your precious blood. Thank you for your love and mercy that i may live my life close to you now and forever. Amen.

Dear Lord God,
I thank you for everything in my life…the pains…the gift is family, friends and the works of my hand. Forgive for the times I have offended you. I am nothing without you. I lift my life and children to you. Guide them too Lord as you have guided me…never letting me go.
Thank you for your Love, your son and your unconditional love.

Dear Jesus, reflecting and remembering your passion, most especially the time you spent on the cross, brings me to realize the pain you bore. You are the patient of all patients. The 6 hour suffering before passing on….was, is, the ultimate sacrifice.

I pray for you today, that your pain become bearable, knowing that we pray for you. Mane that your suffering is not in vain. That it will bring the conversion of hearts. Amen.

At this moment of great pain and suffering, Lord Jesus, i offer my love for you. My love may not be perfect like yours but allow me to embrace you with love and care. As you have assured me so many times, allow me to say these words to you, You are not alone! You are loved! All shall be well! Amen!

Dear Lord people tend to cling to things they are comfortable with. You have been misunderstood and unfairly judged. You had to undergo all the suffering for us sinners. Paving our way to the Father. Thank you Lord for your unconditional love for us. I love you Lord. Amen

At this moment of great pain and suffering, Lord Jesus, i offer my love for you. My love may not be perfect like yours but allow me to embrace you with love and care. As you have assured me so many times, allow me to say these words to you, You are not alone! You are loved! All shall be well! ????????

Dear Jesus, thank you for your blessing of mercy and compassion for all of us. May we be as merciful and compassionate as you are throughout our days. Let your love inspire us to be like you always. Amen.

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