

Thanks to this pandemic, it’s going to be a very different kind of Christmas…

woman in black and white floral shirt holding white and red paper

But it is precisely why–more than ever–we need Christmas!

Those of us who are lucky enough to keep our jobs have been largely Working From Home, where we actually seem to have ended up working more! Those virtual meetings and online classes have pretty much turned many of us into zoombies.

Maybe an Advent recollection can help: A time to slow down, to gather our selves, and to prepare for the coming Christmas season.

This Online Advent Recollection is called “WORK FROM HOPE.” If we want to find the spirit and the meaning of Christmas during these strange times, we can’t just Work From Home. We need to start from a place of hope.

We hope you find that place here. And we hope you find the Lord here.

For what and for whom would you like to offer your prayers and this recollection?

Feel free to post your petitions below so that our faith community can pray for them.

Let us also say a prayer for all those who will undergo this recollection.

Whenever you’re ready to begin this online recollection, click NEXT below.

“Work from Hope” was coined by Ali Sangalang of Linya-Linya



I offer this recollection for my 80-year-old Mommy who had a stroke 1-1/2 years ago and for our family. We have offered her to the Lord as we know she has been suffering through all this time. I pray for strength and the grace of acceptance at this time of our own advent in the family.

I offer this recollection for myself, and my family. I lift prayers for those who do not have work and are struggling right now in this pandemic. May God heal the world and our hearts.

For the healing of Meeming. For provision and protection of the poor, the destitute, the dying, informal settlers, jobless, homeless, street children, street dwellers, internally displaced, migrants, refugees, women and children who are in abusive households and are trafficked, and all sick.

I pray for my mother, my father, my older brother, little sister and baby sibling. I pray for my best friend’s heart that it may always be filled with love, joy and peace. I pray for my healing and for all those who have hurt me and have been hurt by me. I pray for courage, deeper faith, trust in the Lord and peace in my mind and heart. I feel like I have psychological issues because of past trauma. I pray that I may have an open heart to God’s surprises, an open mind, patience and resilience, and also the graces needed to accept God’s plan for my life.

I would like to pray for my grandmother who suffered from a stroke in October and adopting to her new life with obstacles to accept. I also pray for my father that he may be granted with strength to accept the effects of aging and to coop with Parkison disease. I see God working in how he has become vibrant by coming to accept the nature of life and let others intervene instead of his will and interpretations. Thank you my dearest father in heaven. I pray for the two friends I had to say goodbye this year. They maybe assured of their rest beside you soon. Both too young to be taken up there but I understand that their life was full of your love and missions.
I pray for myself that I will be attentive and awake to praise you and to communicate with you. More that I desire and work in your name, I remember the tiredness physically and I am tempted to listen to the wrong voices.
Lord, please watch us that me and my friend from the church who join this recollection that we stay with you and find your plan for our lives and not what we want for our lives.

I would like to pray for my Mom who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease this year. May she find purpose and meaning in the midst of her condition. May her devotion to the Blessed Mother continue to give her consolation and strength.

I pray for my sister who has been her primary caregiver, that she may likewise find strength to care for our Mom and for herself as well, despite her own stresses and struggles. I pray in gratitude for my brother-in-law for his loving and patient support for both my sister and my Mom. May my other siblings and I also find ways, big and small, to support them despite our physical distance due to the pandemic.

I pray for healing for many wounds among us siblings that have caused hurt feelings and division. May we find the grace of forgiveness and humility, of owning up to our contribution to the situation, rather than simply putting the blame on others. May we extend an open hand to reach out to each other, especially at this time. May we find healing as we ask the Lord for healing for our Mom.

Come Lord Jesus and fill our hearts! Our hope is in You!

Praying for resilience to get us through these trying times. That we may learn to put our utmost trust in Our Lord.

May our family keep the light of Hope in our hearts as we mourn our dad’s peaceful journey to join our Lord God Jesus Christ. Humbly asking God’s blessing to keep my family healthy, safe, and loving towards each other.

Lord, may Your will be done in my life in all things. Help me to rely upon You, so that I may accomplish all that You call me to do. I pray that I will be able to wait with patience, persevere in faith, and with absolute trust in Your plan for me.

I would like to pray for my wife who passed on very early this year and for my children who seem to be struggling with their faith in the Lord.

This year is particularly sad and depressing for me. I lost the love of my life whom I’ve lived with for more than half my lifetime very quickly to cancer very early this year. Taal then erupted and then the pandemic came upon us.

I have lost friends and relatives this year both because of the pandemic or otherwise.

Our economy together with most of the world are in very bad shape and a lot of people have lost their means of living.

Hope and faith in the Lord it seems are the only thing we can hold on to.

I pray for grace for me to find time for prayer and reflection this Advent.

I pray for those who are losing hope and are in the verge of falling apart. May they find solace and consolation through experiences and people around them.

I pray for the soul of my tita who passed away this October and for her siblings who are very much affected by her passing

I pray for the safety and protection of my family and friends, for those who lost jobs and go through financial and emotional difficulties because of the Pandemic. May we always learn to entrust everything to God. We pray to God to strengthen our faith and increase our hope amid hopelessness and uncertainties.

Lord lead us to the right path. May your will be done always.

Literally praying for HOPE. Praying to get back on track of actively seeking God in all circumstances; and resting in the belief that His grace is sufficient.

Praying for everyone in this faith community, reading and remembering all your intentions.

Praying for all people (and animals) all over the world who need God’s mercy, graces and providence the most. May they be blessed with food, water and shelter, love, comfort, healing and peace.

Praying in gratitude for my family, and now for this online recollection.

I would like to ask for the grace of prayer. This trying times have actually made me struggle with prayer.


I pray for healing, for my Father, my sister and myself.

I pray for the health of my family. For reconnection among family members, and for inner peace among us.

I pray for God’s providence to continue to sustain us so we can also be able to sustain those who depend on us.

And for the gift a child, cominv from a child himself. May we be blessed again.

I offer this recollection for all those asking for prayers, especially the sick and the hungry. I especially pray for my father, Salvador, who needs continuous medication.

I also pray for my family and my children. Christmas this year will be without parties and a lot of gifts but I hope we can all make it even more meaningful. May this recollection allow me to pause and reflect on how I can help others more and how to go through the challenges of the pandemic with faith and hope.

During this recollection, I would like to pray for my friend, T, who is struggling with a very aggressive cancer which is draining her of all strength and hope. I want to pray for all my relatives and friends battling with the big C and other illnesses. I pray for enlightenment and wisdom of the government to serve the Philippines. I pray for those who are struggling with economic and mental issues brought upon or exacerbated by this pandemic. I pray for a solution to end the situation we are in. Good health for family and friends. Continued blessings for the company I work for. Thanksgiving for my miracle.

I pray that this pandemic will soon end; that a vaccine fit for human consumption will soon be available and that the spread of the virus will be contained.

I pray for the entire world, most especially the Philippines, that we will all be able to surpass the challenges we are all facing.

I lift up to God my son, Cholo, that his dreams will come true, especially that of working in New York or Paris, and that his online retail business will continue to flourish. I pray for Chino, for his continued success. I pray for my siblings and their families, and my friends.

Most of all I pray for HOPE, and FAITH, lots of it, when it would seem we are running out of it.

Lastly, I just want to thank God for the gift of life. Amen.

I pray for the health of my family, loved ones, and friends. I pray that God bless the poor and those affected by the virus and the calamities that we have experienced. May He especially bless the teachers and students, who are struggling and bravely plodding on despite the huge challenges they face. Please give us the grace to persevere, to discern what is Your will for us at this time, and to commend to You “yung tila hindi na namin kaya.” Please let us never forget the special graces and miracles You have graced us with during this pandemic.

I pray for good health of body, mind, and spirit of all the members of my family and my household; for peace and harmony in our families and homes; for my son’s wholeness and greater piety; for the recovery of those battling cancer and longstanding illness whom i have promised to pray for; for all those dealing with mental health issues, aggravated by the pandemic; for the moral recovery of Filipinos; for righteous leaders to rise among us; for the economic rehabilitation of our fellowmen, especially those devastated by the supertyphoons; for an end to the suffering wrought by the pandemic; for a universal return to the Lord.

I would like to pray for my family’s health, praying for the souls of the departed (Mr. Dan Mendoza and Mau Aguilar), praying for the government leaders’s wisdom and compassion.

I would like to pray for my family, particularly my dad who just recovered from Covid-19. This was the miracle of my year, which has been plagued by disappointments and heartaches. For this alone, I am forever grateful. I would also like to pray for my son who is having a hard time adjusting to online school, is feeling demotivated, and is mourning the lack of interaction and friendship so crucial in this time of his life. Lastly, I pray for my fellow Filipinos who are experiencing unimaginable difficulties this Christmas. My heart is broken. But in prayer, I hope we can all heal together even as we keep physically apart.

I would like to pray for my family, particularly my Dad, who just recovered from COVID-19. It was the miracle of my year, which has been plagued with so many disappointments and heartaches. For that alone, I am forever grateful. He is getting much better. May he make a full recovery. I also want to pray for my son who has had a hard time adjusting to online school, is feeling demotivated, and is mourning the lack of interactions and friendships this year and at this crucial time of his life. And lastly, I want to pray for my fellow Filipinos who are experiencing the worst time of their lives this Christmas. My heart is broken. But in prayer, I hope we can all heal together even though we must physically keep apart.

I would like to pray for my family’s health and well-being. I pray that my mother’s wound on her foot heal completely. I am also praying for my daughter and my son’s financial independence.

Ipinagmamakaawa ko sa Diyos ang kalusugan at kaligtasan ng aking pamilya at mga mahal sa buhay. Para rin sa Ateneo at sa mga kababayan ko. Pero higit sa lahat, nagdarasal ako para sa isang mapayapang Pasko kung kailan wala akong ibang kakailanganin kundi ang presenya ni Kristo.

Ipinagmamakaawa ko sa Diyos ang kalusugan at kaligtasan ng aking pamilya at mga mahal sa buhay. Para rin sa Ateneo at sa mga kababayan ko. Pero higit sa lahat, nagdarasal ako para sa isang mapayapang Pasko kung kailan wala akong ibang kakailanganin kundi ang presenya ni Kristo.

Please pray for my father-in-law, Ulrich Hartmann who is in Germany.
Also pray for all the members of the Ruizian Community to which I belong. Our school, Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School, has been beset with many painful experiences and challenges this school year. I pray that each day, all will continue to be reminded that we should not lose hope, be resilient and persevering; and, choose to dwell on the many blessings from God rather than on the hardships that are meant to test our resolve.

I would like to pray for me and family’s health and well-being. I would also like pray for my own healing and health. Living abroad alone while dealing with health issues right now can be scary. I pray that I can overcome this and live in hope.

I pray for a heart that loves the Lord and His people. I pray for the mind of Christ to be manifest in me. I pray for wisdom so I would know how to manage what He has entrusted to me, and for patience and understanding for the people around me.

I pray for people behind the Pins of Light, that God will bless them for their work of bringing hope to His people.

I would like to pray for peace and reconciliation among my colleagues. And for my nephew V and niece M that they may open wide their hearts to the mercy and graces of God.

I would like to pray for my family, my parents abroad, my ninang, my grandparents, my whole family. I pray they stay healthy and safe. I pray for a better year ahead. For strength and wisdom in new endeavors. For a future full of love and happiness.

I would like to pray for healing and health: for myself, for my family and loved ones, for our world. I pray for my sisters, that God hears the desires of their hearts and blesses them abundantly. I pray for my parents’ health and well-being. I pray for hope for the future.

I am praying for my and my best friend’s complete healing. I also pray for all my work colleagues who will be out of work as our project is closing down in 2 months. I work from hope that all will be well for all of us in the coming year and the years thereafter.

I am praying for my and my best friend’s complete healing. I also pray for all my work colleagues who will be out of work as our project is closing down in 2 months. I work from hope that all will be well for all of us in the coming year and the years thereafter.

This pandemic is truly unprecedented. In a span of a few months, I lost 15 people dear to me – family members, relatives, close friends – foremost of whom was my Mama and followed by my niece. I would like to pray that I continue to remain hopeful amidst this seeming hopelessness. <3<3<3

I would like to pray for countless people who are losing hope and for the many families who have lost a loved one and will be experiencing an empty chair for the first time this Christmas. I would like to pray for people who will be spending the holidays alone and isolated. May the spirit of Christmas bring us hope, may it strengthen our faith and provide us the grace to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray for the many frontliners that are working to care for the sick and marginalised. I pray as well for God’s protection for my family and friends, may He keep us safe throughout this time. Amen

I would like to offer a prayer for my son – for his physical, mental, and spiritual healing. May he surpass the challenges associated with the psyche of a young adult. May I have the patience and understanding to deal with it.

I would like to pray for my brother Achilles who is undergoing so much trial right now. I pray that justice be served, and that in this time of trial- God will not only sustain him, but give him an increased trust in him. May he put his trust, hope and confidence in God.

I would like to for my daughter who is working through the difficulties of a young adult. I work from hope that I can be a good mother to her.

I would like to pray for my family, our relationship and common dreams. For my career goals and the community.

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