“WHAT ARE YOU FISHING FOR?” (Mk 1:14-20): 14 January 2008 (Monday)
Reading: www.nccbuscc.org/nab/011408.shtml
More than twenty years ago, I worked as a brand manager in a food manufacturing company, and was assigned to marketing the ready-to-drink juices–the type that came in bottles and tetra briks. On my first couple of months, I was eager to learn everything about the job, so I decided to get a first-hand experience of how market research was done. One morning I joined a team of researchers that went door to door to survey the brands of juices found in different households in Little Baguio, San Juan. I watched the team interview whoever opened the door for us. On maybe the fourth house, an unforgettable wide-eyed girl opened the door, and very graciously agreed to undergo the interview.