Make no mistake about it: Our Lord’s ultimate goal on Good Friday is to be counted among the LAST, the LEAST, and the LOWEST.

This downward trajectory began with the Incarnation–when God gathered His Infinite Vastness to become a mere mortal–but it reaches new depths in Calvary, when the Lord embraces his humiliating death on the cross.
There must be a reason for God’s insistence on this Divine Humility, but our task today is not so much to understand why, but simply to allow what our Lord has done affect us.
Too often we restrict our faith in our heads–we know intellectually what Jesus has done–but we haven’t allowed it often enough to touch us, to affect us, to change us.
This is the grace that we will pray for today:
The grace not so much to go through Good Friday, but to let Good Friday go through us–and to let it do its work on us.