Listen to this song
paying close attention to the words.
Watch out for which lines speak to you.

Pause here for a moment,
and ask yourself the following questions:

What stories are inscribed
on the pages of your book?
What silences are hidden there?

What hopes and dreams,
fears and anxieties,
are written between its lines?

Whose names can be found
between the pages?

For the next few days of this retreat,
are you willing to open its pages
to yourself and to the Lord?

Play this instrumental piece
as you reflect on these questions.

“Music When Soft Voices Die” from Unexpected Songs by Julian Lloyd Webber/John Lenehan. Released: 2006. Track 13 of 20. Genre: Classical.

Feel free to post a short prayer
or reflection below,
if you like.

Whenever you’re ready,
proceed to the next section.


92 replies on “OUT OF ROADS”

My life’s pages are dotted with sadness and heartbreaks, disappointments and failures, and I often tend to focus on these. But there are far more stories of victories, redemption, restoration, and God’s faithfulness, if only I look closer (or perhaps from a broader perspective) and shift focus. Thank you God for your abiding love, patience, and generosity for this sinner. May I never forget Your goodness and providence in my life.

I wasn’t expecting what I found delving into the question, “How am I? What is in between the lines?” I find myself scared of what I am feeling. I feel a roaring of anger and sadness. A feeling of being let down – we deserve so much more than this. We deserve good governance, we deserve competent government officials, a strategic response. The poorest of the poor, those who have nothing to eat if they don’t work everyday, those who are sick, those who are risking their lives for the people – they deserve so much more than this. I don’t know what to do with this anger. What do I do with this sadness that comes from the current state of things. I thought I could step away and come back renewed. But what do I do with this, Lord? I offer the pain up to you — change me, use me, according to Your will.

The pages of my book is comprised of moments of regrets,of doubts and fears, there were pages of victories and of jubilations as well. I stand naked before my Lord as I picture him reading each page of my book. In my shame, I see Him.embracing and affirming me. I see His gaze looking at me with understanding as He leads me back to that road this time not alone,this time not in doubt nor fear but rejuvenated by his ever faithful love.

Lord Jesus Christ,

I believe that my future are safe in your hands… This is a time of crisis and I never expect to be on this situation, but it amazes YOU are a faithful God you never fail to provide me with all the good things…. I am assured with your love and grace. Love you, Raymond R

Lord God in heaven, i thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you which I believed I have been doing long time ago. But I am entrusting my whole family to you, may you find them and may they find you in the middle of their lives. And also give my husband the wisdom to lead our family to the path of righteousness and towards you. Grant us also protection and good health in the midst of the crises we are now facing. And make me an instrument of your ministries in spreading your goodness and your provision.

Lord, I find myself not in a crossroad but nearing the end of my earthly pilgrimage. But there are still a lot of things I need to accomplish, not worldly goals any more, but the ones that really matter in your kingdom. Show me, Lord, how I can lead my children back to you. They are very good people—kind, generous, responsible—but they are lost. They are just starting their adult lives but the clutches of the secular world are gripping them. They are not looking for you, Lord, so please find them and make them Yours.

“I Ran Out of Road Again..”
“Too Afraid to Stay..”

These lines define who I am right now. Always looking for a better road, until all roads were taken and I am nowhere to go which made me feel afraid. Uncertainty scared me a lot.

Lead me Lord and let me have faith in your ways. Cover me and everyone I hold dear in my life with the mantle of your protection. Use us to be instruments of your love and of your peace. Forgive us for the times we’ve sinned and for the times we’ve failed to do what is good, specially when you have given us a chance to. Sorry for the times we’ve failed to listen to your word and follow your ways. We lift up all our worries and anxieties. May your wisdom be our wisdom, may your strength be our strength. We are nothing without You so please lead us and take our hands so we can take the road you’ve paved for us. Send your grace upon me so I can forever be in your mercy and service.

Dear Lord,
Whatever road I find myself in, please hold my had and guide me. Lead me along the right path. Protect my family and me and never let us be separated from you. I ask your mercy on the souls of my loved ones who went ahead of us. Bring them with You to Your Kingdom. Amen

Dear Lord,
I thought I would finally begin to dream for myself again. Now, I feel so lost. Why did you allow me to hope again, only to bring my life at a standstill again? Please enlighten me and show me the way because I don’t know what to do. All I have is an uncertain dream and lots of yearning for a future that I can’t see clearly now. I surrender my plans and frustrations, my disappointments to you, Lord. I will wait for clarity from you.

It’s been years since I felt that I am in a crossroad that I can’t seem to pass in my life. I always feel so lost although in reality, I know what my options are, what I want to do and what I need to do . I have no courage to take the step towards the road I want and can’t let go of the road I’m currently taking.

Recently I realized that maybe I am not loving myself as I should. Maybe the reason why I can’t decide is because I always prioritize what the people around me would feel and think. I know they love me and would support me on whatever choice I make but I still can’t let go thinking that they would experience inconveniences when I take the road I want to take. Aside from that, I also doubt my capacity to stand firm on my decisions.

Kaya ko ba talagang panindigan? Because of these thoughts, most of the time I distract myself from thinking what I need to ponder. I busy myself with other things. I tell myself that the last thing I want is to hear your whisper, Lord. The whisper that may have been telling me that I can’t not go through the storm. I need to face it headstrong and calm because You will be there, Lord.

But still, still… I’m still at this crossroad and can’t seem to take a step. Lord, help me. Help me take courage.

If sooner or later i will die, i want to leave my children three things that are most important- my faith my hope and my love. My love i fervently hope they have felt and appreciate it, my hope, i believe ive shown in many instances but my faith…Just recently i realized ive been remiss in guiding my kids in understanding and deepening of their faith. I realized as kids my method was just to enforce and coerce to make them attend mass, join the rosary and the rituals without explaining why we are doing it. Now that they are adults and have a choice of their own, i cannot force them anymore, they have to have their personal belief that there is value in every church ceremony and rituals that we have to attend. My greatest consolation is they still go to mass. It is my shortcoming… i dont wat to say it is my fault…for i realized i myself does not have a deeper understanding of my faith, i realized i myself is in crisis

Lord. I am decluttering my catholic faith, pls guide me na mahimay himay ko at muling mabuo ang aking pananampalataya upang kahit sa huli ay maibahagi at maiwan ko ito sa aking mga anak

Dear Father,
my soul thirsts for your presence. I hae been so anxious of myself and my child in my womb. I have been thinking of how to go about life taking care of my 2 toddlers. I have been carrying a burden on ow to care of my family. I pray for my Father in Davao, my sister and her family, and my brother who is alone. I have not realized this till last Sunday when I heard the homily. That just like how JESUS ENTERED JERUSALEM, you revealed yourself in All these things. You constantly assure us of your presence. You have always been accompanying us. You entered our lives gently but firmly.

Today, thank you for reminding me that You are here, You are near. Emmanuel. Thank you that in the midst of this crisis, you gently whisper your assuring thoughts and constantly let us feel your constant mercy.

May I be consoled of thy grace – to know, to feel and to walk in the path you have prepared for me. My I be reminded that you are always full of compassion and always know what is best.

Teach me Father, hold my hand and lead me to the way of goodness, of joyful strength and calming peace. Amen

Dear Lord,
For years I’ve had what I’d like to call a “dry spell.” I know my heart is in the right place. I know my faith in You will not waver but there’s an emptiness that is within me. I still don’t know what it is. What is haunting me is the this void. I know that I believe and trust in You and i know and believe it’s not just a superficial statement but it’s like it’s not reaching someplace in me… in my heart…still can’t understand it.. maybe tomorrow… hopefully tomorrow. In Your time. I trust You’re preparing me for it
I kove you Lord and i thank You

Dear Lord,
You always guide me to the right path. Sometimes, I questioned your ways because it is different from mine without realising that you reroute me to a better path. In this difficult times, away from my family and friends, being alone in this foreign country, grant me the grace to be strong and never let hope fade on me. Amen

Lord, it has been a year of overlapping challenges and struggles. The end of a ten year relationship, the slow and painful recovery from a triple bypass of a parent, midlife crisis and some personal health concerns. And now, a pandemic. Sometimes, I feel like I cant breathe from one challenge to another. But then, I am reminded of the small respites when I can feel Your Presence powerfully and tangibly. Often times it is when I am hiking, canoeing or just walking outdoors on an incredibly beautiful day. I trust that You hold the future in your hands.

Dearest Lord, I am lost. I don’t know where I am going or where I am heading to. Am I on the right path? Am I serving my purpose? Each day I am questioning my worth. Where do you want me to go, Lord? I want to go home.

Dearest Lord, how far have we come when I entrusted myself to you! Many things are still uncertain, yet you calm my heart thru the presence and support of my family and friends! Neither are they nor I perfect, and yet it is comforting to feel your presence in this situation.

I have always sensed that the ways of the world would not last, given how we disregard the life it brings forth for us. I cannot see the end or purpose of the road which I have been nudged and have also chosen to take. How I wish I can fully make sense of it and how it connects to what the world in dire need! Indeed you called me out of my comfort zone and how often I feel my time is running out! Should I call it quits and go home? Are all my sacrifices worth it? Which road will I best flourish as a human being and not just as measured by worldly success? I have always felt you calling, but how uncertain my path seems! Guide me and help me hold steadfast to this mission I slowly unravel each day. Bless us despite our struggles, our weaknesses and may we glorify you in the end and join you in everlasting happiness. Amen.

I am too focused on what others think of me. I fear failure the most. I always think I am right. I overthink a lot of things. I always think I am being doubted, being judged, and being thrown away by people I so want to please. I always feel like I’m being wronged. I am not anymore sure if I’m leading to the right direction.

Lead me Lord. Let me hear you clearly. I pray that with the clarity comes focus, strength and determination — all needing Your divine assistance and intervention — to pursue the direction that reflects the best version of myself. As you intended. Speak to me Lord. Allow me to listen with an open heart and open mind.

I could not identify with either of the songs. I tried looking for a song with the title, Change of Plan, because that is the theme of the current chapter of my life. This pandemic has thrown off my big plan to travel this year. But this infectious virus has brought more clarity to how much we are connected in this world and how our lives are so interrelated. A simple act of washing hands or staying at home could mean life and death to some. And I have found grace in this stark realization. What I do as an individual matters … in big and small ways… and in ways I that I could not comprehend nor anticipate …

“I’ll need to go home soon but maybe tomorrow, not now”
“This haunting need for you”

Lord God, as I open my whole heart to you through this online platform, bless my soul. Guide me. Stay with me. Give me the assurance that you’re with me. I want to return to my home but I’m afraid, I’m anxious, I’m worried.

Light my path. Give the grace and the courage to stand on my own and not relying unto my loved ones.

Lord, I come to realize that life is so uncertain and that not one of us is in control.. that Tom may never come for me and it would be too late for me to say Jesus I love you and too late to ask for forgiveness. I am so very sorry for the many days that I fall asleep without saying Thank you for the wonderful life You’ve so generously given me and my children.. it’s not perfect.. failed marriage but I have wonderful children, a comfortable life .. I want to say thank you and I am sorry. Pls forgive me if I had been ungrateful. I should not worry what tomorrow brings because i know you’re with me in this journey. This life is not mine, my children are not mine but yours. Thank you Lord for a wonderful life. Amen.

Dear Jesus, please open my heart to welcome You and let You dwell within me always. Please guide me constantly on discerning the right priorities at this stage of my life. May I be always grateful for all the blessings and be mindful of the opportunities along the way. Thank you for your faithful guidance and protection even if I have not been as loyal and devoted as I should have been. Amen.

Dear Lord

I am thankful I finally got here to talk to you. I am grateful that you have helped me acknowledge and live out my purpose. But often I grapple with the question “Did I make good use of the time you gave me?” and “Why does time pass so quickly?” Show me how how not to worry about TIME, Lord

Lord, you have blessed me all throughout my life. It is just now that I realized that the small stories of my defeat will turn out to be partial victories in my book of life. You love me and my family unconditonally and I promise to love and honor you forever. I surrender everything to you, Oh Lord. Lead my way and I will follow you.

Dear Lord, thank you for everything you gave me. I am sorry for all the bad things I have done. Please make me an instrument of your holiness. Bless me with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Lord, You have answered my prayers and more. I am deeply grateful. I have another wish. That my skills may be put to the best use. Please put on my path the people and circumstances I need on this journey . Amen .

Dear Lord, You have answered my prayers and more. Thank you. I have another wish. That my skills may be put to the best use. Put on my path the people and circumstances I need in my journey. Amen.

Lord, the road I recalled was being alone. I asked You for a man who will love me unconditionally. I met him unexpectedly and I did not know it. He showed it but I was too busy. Until he got tired. Then I realized it was your gift to me which I did not accept, until it’s too late. In the silence of this period, I remember Your faithfulness and my ingratitude. Help me embrace the present, to value its existence. I have lost people because of this habit. Please cure me. You promise me a happy marriage and I will wait. Help me recognize it, and stop me so I can savor the moment and reciprocate true love.

Dear Jesus, You know that my motivations, intentions. You know my darkness, my sins. I am a sinner. For this, I beg for Your mercy. My hope is in You. Please let me continue to feel this haunting need for You, to do Your will, to be of service to You in whatever capacity. And I hope in the end, I can see You face to face and You won’t turn me away. Amen

I just ran out of roads again… Lord, which way shall I go? I need you Lord, right now… I’m lost!

Lord, you know about me. all my hopes, my dreams, my disappoinments, my shortcomings. thank you Lord because You still accept me and love me. please continue to guide me. please never leave me. please hold me and never let me go. i can’t imagine my life without you. i entrust all my stories to you because you are the Great story teller. 🙂

Lord, I lift up my life stories to You. A book of paradoxes – stories of hope, love and doubt, of humility and pride, of insecurity and certainty. I am opening my heart for You to enter now and stay with me. I pray with the world as we reflect on how we can be near you in silence, and how we can offer ourselves to our neighbors in need.

Dear God,
Please enlighten me completely. Please show me the way. Allow me to hear You clearly despite the noise and all the distractions. Use me to inspire others, to guide them.Keep me always in Your thoughts O Lord.

Lead me to where You want me to be Lord: at the road where You want me to trod or in coming home to You.
I pray for the grace for everyone going through this retreat. May the intercession of the Blessed Mother be with us all.

When you spoke to me this morning lord, you said in Is 52:12: This time you will not have to leave in a hurry, you will not be trying to escape. The lord will guide you and protect you on every side. This message was a great response from the lord for my anxieties and fears. He added, The lord will use His holy power to save his people. At the midst of fear brought by this pandemic, he assures us of his saving power. Thank you Lord for your assurance.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to focus on the pregnant silences and in-betweens of the ‘pages of my book’, the story I’d want to write of my life. To open up, as if a wound, the surface of the image I’m building up of myself and the kind of story I’d want to leave the world somehow. Please allow me and those going on this virtual retreat with me the grace of courage and humility in opening ourselves up to You and to each other. Amen.

Everyone is unprepared with Covid 19.
There were warmings but no one dared to listen because we are occupied with worldly things.
Is this virus a grace? With ECQ, suddenly we have the time and space to realize the basic things in life that we have neglected and even forgotten.
Lord, please give us the grace to review, reset and redefine our priorities in life. Help us Lord to re discover and see again what are essentials in life and give us the resolve to attend to it with passion with you as our compass.

Why am I afraid of this covid 19, oh God? My thoughts and feelings are weird since the pandemic is creeping close to Cebu. My anxiety suggests that I have so little faith in You. I suddenly am afraid of imminent death; methinks I am not ready to die yet.
I am asking You, Lord to strengthen my faith and remove my fears. Grant me the grace of courage to face this life’s uncertainties. Help me to focus instead on what help I can extend to others who are more vulnerable than I am. Grant me the wisdom to know what is your will for me and my life in the midst of this pandemic lockdown. Show me the things that you want me to do for you. I offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dear Lord you do work in mysterious ways. With what is happening now you are giving me a chance to reflect on the book of my life and to rewrite it according to Your will.
Thank you for your unconditional love. Time and again you have opened your arms wide -no questions asked even if I sometimes I go off the road?.

Dear God,
The book of my life have been relatively splendid. I had a wonderful childhood. My parents sent me to a great Catholic school where I knew about You.
I could have entered a life in service to You and others but you had other plans.
Growing up you showered me with blessings Everything I needed You provided.
I could have ended up unstable but You prepared me for that. I could have been hooked on addictions but You spared me.
I know Lord that I am here now struggling to do what you prepared me for. I know I am making a lot of mistakes and almost always making disappointing choices.
Grant me your mercy and also the grace to stay the course and follow Your will.

Lord, teach me to silence my heart and mind. The uncertainties around me prevent me from staying still. This is a welcome break from all the concerns from work and home.

How have I been? How was life prior to this point?
Afraid. Hurt. Envious. Confused. Doubtful. Unhinged. Christ was a come-and-go figure amidst the many things I am trying to control in my life, trying to figure out the answers. I was floating away from myself. Away from the very core that is home: Christ.

Dear Lord, Thank for this opportunity for me to know what are most important things in my life. Just like you were stripped of your clothes, I was also stripped of the non essentials in life. Thank you again for making me realize the important things in this life

As I turn 60 this year, I feel the need to focus more on the Lord. So much of my time and efforts have been spent on work. But the ” haunting need for you” , Lord, draws me to look into how God will awaken and fulfill my love for him. Amidst the bitterness and tiredness with some people who have opposed and even hated me, I choose to move on. Only God and a few family and friends truly matter.

Home is where the heart is, they say. And my heart is where God is. That’s where I am at home. Where I am most at ease and comfortable.

Dear Lord, permit me to come home. I am tired from this journey. I want to rest in You.

Dear Lord, my life has been a mix of joys, successes, disappointments and challenges. I am very grateful for all the blessings. I remain hopeful that you will heal all wounds in our family, allow us to survive this pandemic and begin a more purposeful life after. Show us the way, Lord.

Dear Lord,

I’ve previously questioned why my life was not as what I thought it would be.. difficult pregnancy, death of my one and only baby, financial struggles, career lows, vice addiction and a husband who abandons when you’re not able to support yourself financially. I don’t think this is where my ‘book’ ends Lord because I know You’re a God of abundance. Lord, I hope I would understand Your definition of abundance and the timing that You think is right for me. I love You. Forgive me Lord for all my weaknesses and sins. Thank You for not abandoning me. help me to accept the fate I was given and please give me the strength to see pass the worldly misery so I would be more at peace knowing better things await basta manalig lang Po sa Inyo. Love You.

Lord Jesus Christ, thy will be done. I don’t have to say anything, you know our hearts desire, our fear, our hurt. May I continue to ask for
Your might hands for
Continuously blessing us, touch my daughter’s heart to know you more deeply. Amen

Lord, I remembered the time I heard you say “ focus on me.” It was a time of darkness in my soul. For a while, I focused on you but was not able to sustain it. In the course of life, I am distracted by many things and now, I find myself feeling empty and anxious. I am in that same state again, Lord. I am sorry for taking you for granted. Please forgive my sins. I wish to be closer to you. Help me, remind me, guide me. I also pray for my daughter, that her relationship with you will deepen in time

Lord, i am always out of roads because i have not allowed you to fully take control of my life. I am sorry for always being fearful and anxious about so many things and not allowing myself to put my full trust in You. In these difficult times, thank you for being with me for the past weeks. Thank you for your grace and for your mercy.

Our world is slowly getting out of roads, Lord, we surrender to your mercy and providence. We are tired and fearful and getting hopeless. Please send us your Spirit to encourage us and continue to hope that soon You will take this sufferings from us. Have mercy, O Lord!

Praying for the grace that during this pandemic, we may be purified of attachments, of things that are passing; that we may make a bigger space in our lives for those that truly matter and lead to You?

Dear God, I am so full of myself, of my personal plans and I am tired as well. I know my ways are not your ways. Please give me the grace to trust you and to completely surrender my whole life to you. Make me all yours. I am all yours. Bless my family and friends. Bless the whole humanity. Make us one in your love. Amen.

My life has been a mixture of triumphs and defeats. But I think most of the time, the stories in the pages of my life show the actions I did is largely based on what others will think of me, that I’m conscious of what others will think of me. Meanwhile, unfortunately, the pages of my life lack stories showing my love for my parents and my family. Most of the time, I neglected them, only focusing on the special occasions, and not making myself available for them on a regular or daily basis. I focused on myself way too much that I most of the time I became indifferent to them. Looking back, I can see that most of the cherished moments of my life rarely included my family.

Lord God, thank you for speaking into my heart in a very special way at this time. Thank you for making me realize this. Teach me to be more honest with myself and do things, actions and decisions that will fulfill Your will, including making up for lost time with my family. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, there are many things that have kept me busy and pre-occupied … oftentimes relying on my skilled and strengths …
I know that things that have been burden Ong my and sometimes make me feel that I am at a Cross Road or even at a dead end, you are actually showing me another path.

No matter how much planning I do with my life, I know that without You, all the planning I do will be meaningless. You are all I need, Lord. I need You to guide me, to speak to my heart, to make me remember always of how much my life is meaningless without You. No matter how I try to keep the pages of my life intact and produce beautiful stories, I know inside I am broken, confused, afraid, disoriented, hurt. But You keep me going. Knowing that You are with me and that You have beautiful plans for me – these are the things that keep me going.

In recent times of crises, Lord, I found myself very much aware if the fleeting ness of earthly life and of my great need for you. But always the crisis passed, leaving me broken yet healed. And then I forget, I ignore again the need , now just whispering in my heart.
Today, now, I hear it again , loud and insistent.
Please Lord, help me to pay attention , not only because I am in a crisis, but because the world is in a crisis. And tomorrow is so uncertain.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the graces received in many different forms and ways. Thank you also for the disturbances felt as it hastily lead me to seek your peace. Accompany and guide me Lord with your spirit in these holy days, that I may be able to experience dying from any uncharitable thoughts and deeds. Lord, have mercy. Amen.

Dear Lord,

There is so much noise around and within me. My spirit is uneasy. I beg you to help me . I know you will always be there for me. Grateful for your Love and mercy .

I am nothing without YOU, dear Lord JESUS and thank you for this ECQ for making me realize this even more deeply. Help me give up “control” to “Let Go” and “Let GOD” take over my life. I believe, without the need to understand, that EVERYTHING HAPPENING TO ME & TO THE WORLD IS PART OF YOUR PERFECT PLAN. GLORY to your, My Savior & Redeemer

Lord it has been always a challenge for me to open up my deepest and most secret desires to you because I feel guilty about them.Though I know that it is right to bring them to light and to pour them out to you to purge and purify my thoughts and my heart. Thank you Lord for this retreat that will help me overcome this hesitation and for the chance to be closer to you in silence and in between the lines and the lies that the devil tells me in the secret recesses of my mind and heart. Exorcise my demons today, Lord. Help me see the truth and set me free. I love you, have mercy on me. Amen. ?

Dear God,

I thank you for this opportunity to have experience this online retreat. I now realize again how powerful you are. You let everything happen for a reason. I thank you for all that I have now and I want to cherish this as long as there is life. All my plans, I lift them up to you because you made everything possible. I love you, Lord.

It has been a rough road but I tried to choose a smoother one but then again it leads me to a rougher roads.
I will forgive then asked to be forgiven again and then I will forgive.
Yes, ” I’ve been dreaming of some rainbows end but the colors melt away”…

I have been living in fear the past 3 weeks because of my possible exposure to the corona virus. I have had other fears that keep recurring about other members of the family and how they are coping with their huge challenges in their lives. The song resonates so much with me. I have to learn to listen to the whisper of the Lord Jesus that comes with the wind. I have to prepare to go home to him, to always be by his side and to trust him more. He loves me so much that he will take care of me and my loved ones.

I started counting stars again, then I lost my way.
I just ran out of time again.
WILL EVER LEARN to stop the chase of hours again, only to learn I’ve lost the day?


Lord, just be with me all the time and let me feel your presence in what i see, what i hear, what i feel n do. Let me always be thankful for all your blessings Lord. Direct me Lord to do your will all of the time. I always forget You are with me and in me.

Dear Lord
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to repent and renew myself. Thank you for giving me the blessing to start all over again. May you take away my anxieties and fears and may I do meaningful work according to your will and all for your glory.

The center of my life is I Me Myself
How do I make myself better , more comfortable , prettier, more attractive , younger , brighter !!! All roads lead to me – Lord help me forget myself or make me love myself so I can accept Me as I am and place my focus on others . This has been my prayer for sometime now . I feel empty , I cannot seem to pray , my focus always ends in Me . I need you – I need your light , I’m afraid to ask for your help because I’m afraid you may ask for something that’s hard for me to let go. I’m afraid to leave my safe comfortable life . Let me trust in you . Allow me to feel your love . Make me see you . I’m afraid Lord. Hold my hand.

The song resonates with me, particularly in how I live my life: how I handle my struggles, how I let significant amounts of time pass, how I feel like I am always running out of options, how I feel there’s always an urge to rush.

I pray that I may find peace in my life’s pace and that I be constantly conscious that the time given me is not finite.

I pray that I may have the wisdom and courage to spend my time in meaningful ways, so that I may not waste lives away–my own and those of the people who make mine meaningful.

So many anxieties lie in between the silence. I kept myself busy with fundraising, household chores… but somewhere in the midst of this lies the anxiety that I feel of the unknown. Is this the end? Is this the life we should all be accustomed right now? Lord, heal me and turn this anxiety into brightness, that I may be a light during this difficult time.

Being 68, living this journey of my life alone, and now listening to the “roads” song awakened many emotions. I have always been a free spirit, an independent person. But this song makes me long for God’s presence in my life.
It has been a somewhat futile exercise. But finding myself in this retreat makes me see hope.
Stay with me Jesus.

Jesus, i have sinned repeatedly and i know you have forgiven me. I am in pain right now and confused. Please Lord God show me the right way and give me strength and courage to bear all these. Thank you for saving me and loving me inspite of all my wrong doings. I love you Jesus.

Lord, what is my overarching purpose in life. I seem to be in a good place yet my spirit, my heart clamors for more. I pray for your guidance, for clarity of vocation. I pray for healing and transformation. ♥️?

“… is this haunting need of you…”

The last lines of the song captures my entire desire as I enter into this retreat.

That as I encounter God, I may also discover myself in the process.

I ask for the grace to intimately encounter the Lord in the unfamiliar spaces of my life and hopefully He leads me to discover the self He wanted me to see.

Dear Lord,
I am on my crossroad and out of my road i have so many things i wanted to do and i do not know where to start or when i am leading. Pls. help me to find my road, my “real road”, road in the end to glorify your name. Just like the song, I am coming home but not now maybe tomorrow as i open my book of life please be with me, I am hardly have difficult time to answer those questions, i am limited… i do not know exactly the best answer but i pray. Oh Lord that this retreat… I may find the road back home.Please guide me. AMEN

Lord Jesus, have mercy have mercy on me..I was still small then & didn’t understand about sinning…I don’t know why I stole money from my grandpa, my father & our neighbor… please forgive me Lord..
Father, I have already confessed this sin, but still I cannot forget even tho am now in my senior years….
In payment for my sin, I have been donating regular amount to a pwd friend every month..& also helping a priest friend on his mission…
I believe God loves me and has forgiven me…still I need to forget…
O God, have mercy on me a sinner.?

My Holy Week wish: Let it also be a period of discernment on : a. What to believe – credible vs. fake news b. What to share – hate vs kindness or hope c. What to advocate – arrogance vs humility, despair vs faith/hope …

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