One of the most moving–
albeit imagined–scenes
in “The Passion of the Christ,”
happens after the scourging of Jesus:
Mary his mother is shown on her knees,
trying to save what she could
of the precious blood of her son.

With her is the woman caught in adultery
(though in this film, she is
inaccurately identified as Mary Magdalene).

In this scene, she remembers
her first encounter with Jesus.
Her mind is confused,
and her heart is broken.
This is the way we mourn someone:
We remember.
We let the memories rush back,
we make sense of them,
and we try to draw strength from them.

Remembering is an essential part of grieving–
the gathering of memories created of–
and with–the person
who, in this case, will soon be gone.

Holy Saturday is the one day we have
to mourn the death of our Lord Jesus.
Take time out to mourn Jesus
by recalling your fondest memory of him.

Whether it’s personal or vicarious,
ask yourself:
“What is one distinct experience of Jesus
when you felt his presence most strongly
or when you knew
he was especially active in your life?

This memory could be from a retreat,
or from an actual event in your life.

Think about this for a moment
and consider sharing the memory below.


Song: “See You Again” (Charlie Puth)

114 replies on “MOURNING JESUS”

It was always in the quiet moments. Moments where, instead of focusing on what I could do for God, I allowed myself to feel how much He loves me. Those moments where God seemed to know my heart, and I knew He was taking care of me and those that I love.

I recently stopped acting on a sinful habit of mine that I’ve been addicted to for decades. I never expected to stop my thoughts and actions in engaging with this destructive habit. Only through the mercy and love of God I could’ve achieved the impossible.

As I read through the comments and intimate experiences of my co-retreatants with the Lord, I only have this to say:

Jesus will love you, no matter who you are.
Jesus will forgive you no matter what you do.

As you journey in life and you STUMBLE, He is there to pick you up, hold you steady, and nudge you on.

As you joutney in life and you WIN, He is there to share in your triumph.

As you journey in life and you LOSE, He whispers in your ear, win some, lose some. Learn and move on.

As you journey in life and you encounter GRIEF, He is there silently embracing and comforting you.

JESUS, thank you for your love and endless mercy. Thank you for always being there.❤️❤️❤️

There was a time that I felt so far away from God. Not that it was obvious, I still went to Mass on Sundays, did the regular Catholic traditions I grew up with, tried to live by being kind, as good a Christian as I should be, but deep inside I harbored a deep shame because there were times in the past that I got into bad relationships that I know deeply saddened God. For so many years, maybe 10 years or so, I could not go to confession because I was deeply ashamed so I thought I would just make a personal, direct confession to God, change my life and promise to be chaste for the rest of my life.
It worked for awhile but then I suddenly had this strong urge to go to a real confession, but only to a priest who seemed the most understanding to me. I tried many times to go to him but somehow could not do so, what with one thing or the other, one excuse after another. When I finally overcame my fears and my pride, I went to church only to be told this priest had been transferred to another parish. And, the next day, I was leaving on a work trip. So I had no choice but to put my confession on hold.
I was not supposed to go to Rome, certainly I did not have enough money to put this side trip on my itinerary. But by God’s grace, I found myself in Rome and one morning, I found myself in St. Peter’s Basilica. There must have been hundreds of people there, the lines were long and we barely had time to look around and say a prayer inside the church.
On the way out, by chance I saw a small sign posted at the entrance stating a Mass scheduled that afternoon.
We left the Vatican to continue our tour but I wanted to go to that Mass. So with a friend, we left our tour and went back, giving ourselves time to queue again if we had to.
But when we got to St Peter’s, the square was empty, and we just breezed straight through and into the church. We were too early for the Mass but lo and behold, there were priests hearing Confessions!
My heart leapt with joy for that wondrous, wondrous gift from God! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that, when I was really ready, he made a way for me to do my heart’s desire, and in the one place where I very strongly felt his presence.
I can never forget this!
God truly loves me, He knows my heart. And if I just bow down, surrender to His will, He will find a way to lead me to His heart.

Everytime there’s a situation I feel I may not be able to go out from, I feel blessed that the Lord is there to lend a helping hand to take me out of the darkness. I will be surprised just how powerful his presence is in our lives. He will tap you on your shoulder in the most unexpected time and you’ll be surprised, but feel very blessed and grateful.

So many years have passed, I and my wife have joined the Marriage Encounter. We have to travelled to the Philippines coming from Canada. The experience was overwhelming and most of the days I cried. I can feel the Holy Spirit is within me. I know the Lord have love me so much and I can feel his presence. I will always cherished this unforgettable memory with him and my wife who always support me.

Jesus has been with me, always. The most recent was, helping me during this period.
Before the lockdown, I got colds,flu. I was unable to surrender my laptop as I resigned already.
God made me feel better so I was able to On my last day, I was able to go to the office, then in the afternoon, lockdown was declared. I did not have any ride then, so I quickly managed to surrender it just 5pm when most HR will probably go home. By 450pm, I was able to complete the exit process (what I believe). Quickly went to SM for grocery as lockdown has been declared and curfew has been implemented. I was able to go home on time. Jesus waited for me to be well before He allowed the lockdown.
Jesus does this help to me all the time. I thank Him so much for all the little and big miracles He give me. I Know He loves us all and He will help us through all of our concerns. While, for a logical person, doubts on the future is there, I don’t because I trust Him and His promises. I know He will take care of me

The Lord has always been with me without me being aware of it. However, I felt His presence stronger than before in 2018, when I was trying to move on from a toxic relationship. Suddenly there was an urge to hear mass at the Gesu, to which I obliged. In hindsight, I believe it was God reaching out to me when I needed it the most, when my life was in complete shambles. His voice and aura were too irresistible that I found myself hearing mass week after week.

One particular highlight I have had was before Christmas. During the homily, the priest asked, “What did you allow to reign in your life?” I have realised how I have let worldly things govern me; I have crowned the wrong king. Just right after the final song, I had to walk faster towards SOM Forest and cry everything out in shame. From then on, I have decided to regard Christ as my king and saviour. And while my efforts are imperfect, I know that He continues to govern my life in a lot of ways.

And right now, I couldn’t be any happier with God’s presence in my life. I’d like to believe that His presence has become stronger than ever these days, and I hope it doesn’t change whatever my circumstance.

I had three wonderful sunrises with our Father:

First one was when we were almost done with the 8-day Silent Retreat when I decided to catch the sunrise, and it was cloudy. We had a laugh with that one, me and Tatay.

Second was I was on a plane to Bali for my 25th birthday. I woke up from my sleep and there it was. Still is the most beautiful sunrise I got to witness.

Last one was when I was on a plane again, now going to the US, when I visited my grandfather who was sick (died couple of weeks after) and I had that sunrise to mark that I was meant to be there exactly at that time (not having an idea of what would happen next).

To me it’s not one moment, it’s every time I sin then ask for his forgiveness and he forgives. I know that he loves all of us and he doesn’t want us to suffer.

My dad was just diagnosed to have fourth stage lung cancer and his attending physician who was a friend tole me honestly that dad had 3 to 6 months to live. It was a blessing the doctor said that he was pain free and asymptomatic all these time. complications sat in that my dad could not even be sedated for further testing for fear that he might not wake up from the meds. I was very bothered and was at First Friday mass when I pleaded to the Lord to take dad earlier as long as he is spared from pain. I remember the feeling that I was talking to our Lord and He was answering me with assurance when He accepted my total surrender of Dad to Him. Two months later Dad passed away peacefully. My Lord kept His end of the bargain.

We don’t notice especially in our childhood as we have no heavy burdens to carry just yet(im saying just yet because as we grow up our problems also grow) little did we know that Jesus is ever present in our lives. He unfolds our life each day for us beautifully and although our life is struggle-laden,full of uncertainties and pain. We never know what is in store for us unless we live our lives and ask for His guidance, mercy and grace each day. Only when we receive the miracles we asked for or the blessings that resulted to an event do we realize how God has a better plan for us. I have received a miracle and I like to always remember how I was saved by this miracle and how my faith deepened because of it.

I have attended funeral wakes in the past (family friends and relatives), while I stayed during those events of mournings, I tried to recall, when was really the last time I mourned to someone? Honestly, some of those dead ones were not familiar to me, but when I started listening to the stories of the bereaved families on how they lived their lives, i could say that remembering is like turning back a mobile phone to its “original settings,” no other complicated and useless apps, a clear slate.. it’s just the person.

My general memory of Jesus includes something more than just a specific event, but a general impression of how my life evolved and continues to evolve after college. During college, I still was not sure of my desired career or job, so I was more of the type to just “go with the flow” while trying to “do good” daily. Little by little, opportunities came by until I became a research assistant in the academe, then I became comfortable in my field and entertained the idea of research further. Eventually, I became a faculty member of a university. Looking back, there seems to be a reminder that I need not worry about the “big things” in the future, Jesus is always there. I can look at the daily little things first, and eventually He will take it from there.

If I have been indifferent it is because of this, I grew up as a child being made to strictly observe Holy Week to the point that on Good Friday we were not supposed to move around so much (i.e. it was more for us to behave like grown-ups want children to behave in place). Then with teenage freedom I learned to ignore the rituals and traditions for “other better things to do”. My desensitization moved up to denial of tradition.
I find “moving on” overrated. When you are at a loss for something, or especially someone; when there is a sense of loss due to unforeseen or unexpected circumstances, indeed, remembering becomes important. You look for someone to talk to and recall memories to organize your thoughts – have clarity of mind. You need to treasure the memories, good or bad, for the person or events are part of your wholeness.
Most of the time you are told right away to “move on”. In a way you are compelled to forget. Your handling of the pain is incomplete. Your acceptance of the loss is incomplete. Your grieving is incomplete.
There then, is laid out my indifference. I moved on from tradition. I moved on from appreciating the value of Holy Week. I moved on from grasping the Love of our Lord.
I have to recall my memories of him. If there are memories to be recalled it should be these: in my near death experiences (there have been four of them), I always remembered him but not deeply. I thanked him and that was that.
Did the woman, who committed adultery, did she change? Did she, “sin no more?” Did she choose to follow him after remembering her experience with him?
These are the question I, too, have to ask myself. For I know, after all these years he was always there. And I have been indifferent.

I always felt that Jesus is with me, that He loved me. He saved me everytime. Since I was young up to now that I am a mother. He gave me good people around. In all my failures, He accepted me and pushed me to try again. Last year He got my dad, the most important man in my life aside from my husband. It is so painful bec that is the same time I am catching up my dream. I just moved forward and relied on Him. In all his plans, which that time, mine was so unclear. But He was so clear. He lead me on. I believed that He and my dad guided me all the way. It’s hard to let go of someone u loved most but God said and until now I believed that, He has something better for me… To mourn with Him is not my idea but being so grateful to Him, to His words, to His promises, to His unconditional love to us… He should always be remembered and be given glory forever! I love you Papa Jesus… Regards to my dad there in heaven?

I couldn’t name just one event when I felt His presence in me. But, one moment I’ll never forget was during my first confession (after how many years of not being able to confess my sins). During that confession, I emptied myself out to Him. It lasted for about an hour but I was so relieved, I felt so renewed. It’s as if I was born and baptized again.

I am a devotee of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and have always tried to convince friends and family to do the 9 First Friday devotional novena, because one of His promises was devotees would die a “beautiful death”, never alone, never violent, or sudden, but given the grace to confess one’s sins before death. Several of my friends did become His devotees and I am witness to the sometimes unbelievable answered prayers of those I have “turned on” to His Sacred Heart. One day, I wanted to go to First Friday mass and was led to a church at the back of a QC mall. After mass, the lector called people to come to the front and I could not understand his exact words, or why people were being called but I went forward, only to find out they were consecrating a group to the Sacred Heart and were giving out the red scapulars, after the priest blessed everyone – including me! I never expected to receive this reward, but I knew it was Jesus’ smiling down at me, letting me know he appreciated how I would promote the First Friday devotion because of its efficacy and His Sacred Heart’s love and compassion for those who need help.
For the first days of this pandemic, I was so so scared to die of COVID, because I am diabetic and have hypertension. 2 of my classmates died of it. And then a friend who always reminds me on a Thursday texted that it was First Friday on April 3, so I attended an online mass, and then slowly, it came to me – as if Jesus was whispering in my ear – to have faith, wasn’t I a devotee of His Sacred Heart? Did I forget His promise of a beautiful death? Would He forsake me or would I just remember and believe? Since then, I was less scared, and remembering His promise gives me hope and consolation.

There was this a time in my life where I refused to believe in God. I was not in a good place. Out of nowhere, one day, I just decided to enter the church in our school I felt lifted and comforted. It was if the Lord is saying, “Welcome home.”

I felt the presence of God every time I have struggles in my life and most especially when my mother passed away so suddenly and my brother was very sick for a long time and eventually passed away. He was there when I felt pain and grieved. Thank you, Lord, for being there with me when I needed you the most! I know that I’m not worthy of your love but you’ve always been there for me giving me strength and support to get over the challenges in my life.

He was with us after my father got terribly sick and won’t wake up, when he finally did, it truly felt like Easter morn! And I know that through that suffering He was there,

He was with me when I met an accident few years back. He didn’t leave and forsaken me. He was with me in my agony, pain and sufferings. He was with me at the most when I am about to give up. Not because of the physical pain but because of the pain that I have been going thru emotionally. I am so used to a fast-paced life but why He allowed me not to walk for months. And through the recuperating moths, I fully understood His plan for me. Walk with me Lord so I can lead the others to your way.

He was with me with my mother died and I was grieving. Since then, he has been there whenever I feel helpless and alone though sometimes I think he does not answer, I feel his presence.

I was not aware that it was Him, but then I realized that Jesus was with me. For six months when I battled with suicidal thoughts, for the times when I fought for my life after being diagnosed with what was supposed to be a “curse” or a “death sentence.” I realized that it is Jesus living in me when I struggle, when I fight, when I hope.

I know and feel Jesus’ presence in me every hour, every minute and second of the day. That’s why I fear nothing at all even though I live alone. He has shown more His love for me than I love Him and I ask Him for pardon because I know my capacity to love is so limited. I know He forgives and understands me. I continually thank Him the whole day for taking care of me and for loving me so much. I pray I would love Him more snd more eavh day.

It was during the 2nd night wake of my mother and I have a misunderstanding with my elder sister. I felt Jesus during that moment that I did not react to my sister who was hurting me by her bad words and all I say was asking for her forgiveness to my fault I have done to him. Amen.

It was 2016, I was holding my chest and gasping for air.

I saw a bright flash of white light and then my whole life was shown in front of me. It went through very very quickly but I seemed to understand what was happening.

In the end, I was asked – “Are you happy with how you lived your life? Would you like to continue your stay on Earth or would you like to move on?”

There, I felt your very very warm presence – full of love, patience and understanding.

Lord, thank you for giving me another chance to serve You, my family, and others.

I feel Jesus’ presence and closeness everyday because He puts people and events in my life to ease my anxieties and needless worries specially because i live alone. Thank you, Jesus.

In all the deaths of my parents and aunts who have taken care of me from birth to adulthood, I would not be able to overcome my grief without Jesus, the Lord. These were when I feel His presence for long periods of time, maybe because the loss of a loved one always give great pain to me.

I felt God’s presence very strongly during the time when my marriage was put to test. I almost had a postpartum that time. But I believed my constant prayer to Jesus had provided me the strength I need to surpass that marital crisis. I am forever thankful to God for His loving presence and reassuring love.

There are lots of specifically fond moments that I felt His presence. One of these is my whole college experience. I was confused with college life back then. I took up a program but shifted to another after just a semester. I always thought I wouldn’t be able to graduate on time, but I did. I also met wonderful people who made college life bearable.

Also, just last month, I finally acknowledged and acted upon what God was asking me to do. I had someone in my life who I consider my best friend, and I also loved him romantically. I knew God was asking me to let go of our relationship, I don’t know how exactly but all I can say is I can feel it. I literally feel it in my gut that this was His message. Apparently, my friend was also feeling the same. He also felt that God was asking him to let me go. And we did. We let go of each other, and it’s surprising that I can feel the peace that this situation brought. I shed only a few tears, but I am confident that I am now abiding in Christ’s peace. I miss my friend so much, but I know God has a better plan for the two of us.

It really hurts when you loşt a love one. It’ll be in you’re heart forever. My 10-year old daughter joined with the Lord @ that age. After that I felt stronger from any pains that comes in my life. So I felt how Mother Mary feels, how Jesus was tortured and suffers from his death. I hope every people in this world will enlighten how Jesus sacrificed for us. And compensate everything with good deeds. Amen!

Just yesterday, while watching the online Veneration of the Cross in Manila Cathedral, I knelt down before the Cross my husband and I brought home from Rome (we went there in Christmas of 2015 to ask for a baby). As soon as I touched the Cross, tears started flowing, and I found myself crying heavily, as I heard Jesus whisper to my ear that God has heard our prayers and that I will be finally pregnant this year!

My husband and I were childless for many years. I was praying very hard for a child and we underwent several procedures to have one biologically. However, these were not successful. My OB cousin had always asked us if we were open to adoption. At that time I was not open to the idea. However, my husband and I agreed that if by the end of a certain year the procedures were not successful then we would consider adoption. Just one day after our deadline, my cousin called me and said that one of his patients wanted to abort her baby and would we be interested in adopting the baby instead. It hit me that this was God’s answer to our prayers and I was not seeing it before. To make a long story short, we adopted our son and we have never been happier. Truly God answered our prayers and when we accepted his answer, His gift was so much more than what we asked for.

There were many more answered prayers but this was one of the more significant ones

My mom was diagnosed with Lukemia in 2007. The fear of losing her hit me after staying a day at the hospital . I fervently prayed that Jesus and Mother Mary help and guide me. I immediately felt so light as though I was being lifted. It was indeed a different experience

I cannot recall any special moment but oddly enough it seems it’s when I am most sad that I feel your presence most, Lord. It’s when I pour out to you the things that are hurting me, troubling me or just simply making me sad. Not that I don’t feel your presence when I am happy because I do especially the times when I have so much to be thankful for.
Thank you for always making me feel your presence in my life through the people that surround me and the experiences I undergo.

I can think of at least three significant events in my life, each one with a different focus, so to speak. The first, I felt the cleansing of forgiveness. The second, delivery from unemployment and, the third and most dear experience, I learned to share in Jesus’ suffering. In all, love was common denominator. Love and always, love.

not one distinct memory–but Jesus is with me everyday. I know this because my family is always safe from crime or theft, we always get to our destination safely. When I lived abroad alone, I was afraid every time I went out, yet nothing scary ever happened to me. And to me, that is because Jesus is always with us, protecting us.

It is whenever i went to the lowest point of my life when nothing seems nice is coming i often came across this passage from Isaiah 43:1-3 Fear not for I am with you You are called by your name You are mine… it has happened to me not only once it is when I surely believe that my God is a living God, he hears me he sees me he feels my pain …

The Lord and I have a special time together every year during our annual retreat at work. It is our ‘we’ time. He never fails to affirm, console, validate and show that He loves me faithfully.

When my late husband died, it was like walking through a long dark tunnel. Grief was like a heavy physical weight on the chest, like a dark heavy cloak muffling everything around your face and head. I could not share my burden with my young children. I also had stopped working and also found out we had debts from the business my husband was managing. I would stay in the Adoration chapel and in my head, my hands were just lifted to Him. I did not know what to say or ask. I only knew He was walking beside me, that his hand was just within reach of mine, and that with faith, i should continue along that tunnel and just take each step in faith. I was often in the Adoration chapel. He gave me victory, led me to the light. I believe, I know, He is always with me, that as I ask, it is given, even when i do not know what to pray.

When I started attending Bible studies and being a mission volunteer for a young adult community, I know He was at work in me. It wasn’t easy, but it was all worth it. The long trips, the talks, the fellowships, the inconveniences, the long waits, the triumphs, the defeats, all of that I have experienced in mission proclaiming the Good News and His great love for all us are all worth it.

In the darkest and moat doffocult times in my life – whether spiritual darkness or physical challenges, or psychological distress – Jesus has always journeyed with me, stood by me, strengthened me, whether or not I was fully aware of it in those moments. Now, in this time of pandemic, the more I cling to him, hold on to him.
I don’t know what the future holds – I am taking it one day at a time, and offering each day to Jesus.

When my son was 9 months old, we had to give him up to God, and to the heart surgical team for open heart surgery. From a very healthy almost 8lb newborn, he had been slowly declining until he looked like a malnourished child. Aside from his heart condition, he had severe allergies to even the hypoallergenic milk that he was taking. While we hoped the surgery would heal him, handing him over to the surgical team was unbearably difficult – would he come back to us healed, or would God call our son home to Him? As a mother, I gave my son up to God asking for His will for our son and yet begging Him, if at all possible, to please give him back to us whole again. In what seems an impossibly short time, God answered our prayers. I had just finished praying the rosary, when the surgeon came to the waiting lounge and told us our son was healed, his surgery succesful, nothing artificial inserted and his prognosis very, very good. We know this was God’s hand in our lives.

I have felt the presence of Jesus with me in the many difficult moments of my life. It is because of Him that i can carry on and am able to put one foot after the other. It is because of Him that i persevere. When i think of what he had to endure during Holy Week, that gives me strength to face despair, heartbreak, betrayal. And because of the events of Holy Week and the triumph of Easter, i am given hope and courage. In prayer He is with me, and my most fervent prayer is that He will never abandon me and that i trust completely in Him. That i can endure just as long as He is with me. But i also feel his presence in the many moments and blessings that i have received, as i know that all things are made possible through Him.

I have had several instances in my life when I felt closest to Jesus, and one of them is now. As we go through the uncertainties of this pandemic, not really knowing its cure, and its deadly characteristics and the havoc it has wreaked on the whole world is really mind-boggling. But amidst all these, I hear Him and feel Him prodding and urging each and every one of us to reassess how we have been think less of ourselves and more of the others around us…of trying to create a more just and humane world where everyone enjoys the fruits of God’s blessings. I pray , more than ever, that we come out of this experience , doing our own little share in living and loving more like Jesus. Lord Jesus, heal our land.

My fondest memory with Jesus when I had to stay in the ICU of pregnant women due to signs of contraction on my 32nd week of gestation. I do not have any companion in my room, and not allowed to use my fon. The extrovert in me was like screaming in silence. At least I had the constant monitoring of nurses and doctors which I dread and made my BP elevate due to fear. There is a TV in the room but I seem to look at the monitor blankly and had difficulty in sleeping. I woke up early and switched to watch Sunday Mass. Then words started to sink in my mind. The priest’s sermon pierced through my heart- The Lord will not give sufferings you cannot bear. Because he knows how it felt to also suffer.
After that, I was calmer. With God’s grace I gave birth to our eldest daughter. Always thankful to Him for our lives.

Jesus SENDS people to me. When I started a new chapter of my life where I had begun thinking of myself as now “alone” Jesus comes to me right when I need him most. Sometimes I see him in my daughters. Often too, I feel him in my friends. Even when I am alone, I feel him as courage. I feel him as solace. I feel him as laughter and love for myself. I feel him as strength.

There were several moments in my life now that reminded me how much Jeses has been there for me. He gave me a second life when I was about to die at age 4. Back then my mother surrendered my life to Him. If i should leave may it be in peace. If i was meant to live with them its all up to Him. I lived and grew up to be a God-fearing person. Then came another trial in 2007 when I was diagnosed with tumor. Mye career just started and I don’t know why things happen. Back in 2014 the disease was in remission. Then I was almost where I wanted my career would be. I prayed for healing. In 2016 i was declared free from
My disease. I am now living my 3rd life through His mercy. I am praying for guidance to help me go through the years of my life trusting Him fully that I may live according to His will.

The birth of our first child, a boy, left me awestruck at the miracle of birth. And, how God has gifted us with a wonderful son. In time, I also realized the enormous responsibility God has given us to be his parents. To take care of him & to make him a responsbile Christian.

My closest moments with Jesus were in events of mourning and sadness as well as in great joy. In the passing of both my dad and my mom, I felt very much the presence of Jesus in making both events manageable and bearable for me. In the case of my dad, I was not around and I was just informed that he had passed on in his sleep when recovering from a respiratory infection. It was a surprise but not totally because he had been sickly. In the case of my mom, there were my siblings particularly my older sister who was a steady companion of my mom through her difficult periods before she died. In both cases, I felt very strongly the presence of Jesus with my parents and with me. I also felt the presence of Jesus when our special child whom I thought would not be accepted in any of the “regular” schools was allowed to enrol and she eventually did very well not only in school but at work today. Jesus has always been present in big events in my life. Certainly at Calvary, he demonstrated how immeasurable and unconditional his love is for all of us/me. His love continues to overwhelm me.

My closest moments with Jesus were in events of mourning and sadness as well as in great joy. In the passing of both my dad and my mom, I felt very much the presence of Jesus in making both events manageable and bearable for me. In the case of my dad, I was not around and I was just informed that he had passed on in his sleep when recovering from a respiratory infection. It was a surprise but not totally because he had been sickly. In the case of my mom, there were my siblings particularly my older sister who was a steady companion of my mom through her difficult periods before she died. In both cases, I felt very strongly the presence of Jesus with my parents and with me. I also felt the presence of Jesus when our special child whom I thought would not be accepted in any of the “regular” schools was allowed to enrol and she eventually did very well not only in school but at work today. Jesus has always been present in big events in my life. Certainly at Calvary, he demonstrated how immeasurable and unconditional his love is for all of us/me but also in special events of my life, he has always been present.

At a very low point in my life, I really felt like I had nowhere else to go or turn to. That’s when I did a return, when I found my faith, when I wept in prayer for mercy. I attended charismatic prayer service (by chance) and there, with strangers, I found myself embraced by a love so profound as we sang with arms outstretched in prayer. I’m not usually “the type” to do that. I’ve always found it cheesy. But there I was, instinctively drawn to ask for forgiveness, give thanks, as the Lord let Him use me for His will. Suddenly, thoughts of self-inflicted harm dissipated and I felt accepted in my failure, accepted in my dry season, and accepted even in my little faith. I still vacillate every now and then, but when I still the kind long enough and open the heart, I always remember his accepting love.

This i can’t forget.
While on board a flight from uk to ph via hk, i ask 2 shots of whisky before mealtime. While meals were serve i asked 2 glasses of red wine.
After the meal, i felt dizzy. Had my stomach upset. So i went to the nearest cr.
While waiting for my turn, i lost my senses. My vision was darken. My hearing was deafening. My balance suddenly lost. I fell on the slowly. Thinking the plane was going to crash or it was just a dream.
Then suddenly a short-haired bearded Caucasian man extended his hands, helping me to stand up and are you ok? I dont know how much time i was unconscious.
And when i stood up, a flight stewardess held me in her arms and laid me back again on the floor. As she tried to ask if im ok until im fully recovered.
Recalling the situation, i asked myself was that Jesus in human form helped me stood up? I can also imagine when that stewardess held me in her lap is like the picture Pieta where Mama Mary held her dead Son.
That experience is so meaningful to me. This happened this January 2020 when we go back home from our UK holiday.

My mom passed away last July…. 1.5 months after we found out she had several tumors in her brain….. it was a very ‘short’ illness….. I felt the Lord was really blessing her telling her that it’s her time but assuring her that it will be painless and that she will be given time to say her goodbyes…… true enough, relatives, friends were able to come ….. the kids got to see her everyday and talk to her, hold her and comfort her….. even if she knew the end was coming because she had refused any kind of treatment or life saving procedures…….
In hindsight…..I was glad she’s now in heaven w my dad and not having to go thru this Covid disease…… God is great!! He’s plans are really unquestionable….

Whenever I go to confession and after, when I say my penance, I feel the Lord so completely with me, wrapping me in His love as he heals and forgives me. I end up weeping when I confess and do my penance, “Who am I Lord, that you repeatedly forgive even though I fall, again and again?”

I’ve experienced Jesus in a lot of ways, both big and small, and every time, my faith grows deeper and deeper. I think that the most profoundly I experienced Him was during what I consider the darkest days of my family’s life.

My father has been an alcoholic for some years then and we’ve gone through a lot of hurt and pain as a result. He was brought to the hospital a lot of times because of problems with his liver and injuries sustained when drunk. There were a lot of harsh words said from my end, and every day we were always on the watch for another knock on the door or another call from people we didn’t know who’s seen my father somewhere drunk. We’ve brought him to alcohol rehab, asked him to stay with our grandmother for a change of scene, and advised him to work in his brother’s family business, but nothing worked for long. For my part, I began to distance myself from him as a defense mechanism. I started acting as if he wasn’t there just so I could avoid being affected by whatever was happening. I prayed every night, surrendering everything to God because I didn’t know what to do. I thought that everything was too much for me at that time. What I said in my prayers was “Lord, kayo na po ang bahala kung anong pinaka-makakabuti para sa kanya.” (“Lord, may you will whatever is best for him.”) Last 2018, he was again brought to the hospital because of severe liver damage. He was turning yellow, bloated, and very thin. After a week or two in the hospital, he passed away.

It was devastating because I know that I hadn’t been good in his last days. I rarely talked to him, more so asked how he was doing. But during his last minutes, I told him I was sorry and his two-word reply still moves me to this day. He said, “Alam ko.” (“I know.”) I keep thinking that however sad the ending to my father’s story was, it was, in a way, God’s answer to my prayer. My father has been consumed by alcohol too much that he has never been able to find peace for many years. I know he tried hard but he kept coming back to what has already been a habit. It might not have been what we wanted or expected, but it must be God’s way of bringing him peace. It must also be God’s way of bringing me peace, because his last words lifted a lot from my heart. I have always been guilty of my words and actions towards him, but saying “alam ko” was more than forgiveness to me. He was telling me that he understood and that he knew all those times that I was sorry.

My mom had an aneurysm and was hospitalized for four months in ICU. My husband was assigned out of town for a month and so every day, after work, I would go to the hospital and then go home by myself. I felt the Lord with me. In fact, he told me that He was all I need. My mom eventually passed but it was only the Lord’s grace and presence that allowed me to carry on.

In 2018, when I had to undergo a surgery that I could not be put to sleep. Someone held my hand through the whole process. I could not see his face but I felt God’s reassurance during that time.

I went through a period of deep pain, inflicted by several people whom I cared for. The pain subsided as each conflict was resolved, either in a good way or a bad way.
I moved on, as best I could, praying for strength, on my own.
The. I decided to go on retreat , something I had postponed for many many years. It was wonderful to feel God.s presence as real. But, I still kept to myself my deepest pain, and tried to offer them all to our Lord.
When I went on retreat the following year, I felt stronger, and I shared it all, with God. Aloud, with no fear. And, I felt His presence even more. His love and mercy.
Right after that, I discovered I had cancer. Y first reaction was, Lord, why now, just when I have rediscovered you . And, an inexplicable ld peace came over me. I felt his embrace. It was Good Friday and I had just prayed the first day of the divine mercy Novena.
I am now a cancer survivor of 3 years.
Although Good Friday is a movable feast day, i mark it as the day I felt closest to our Lord. Thank you, Lord!

It was when I am weakest and lowest where the Lord has been there. Come to think of it that it was similar to the woman who comitted adultery. She was also feeling weak and low when the Lord showed his presence.

It is when you are weakest that we are strong. Jesus presence in my life is most felt in those moments of surrender when I feel my personal efforts will fail or will have no results, or am in quandary. Like moments of material or financial need and He provides from unexpected source. Or those moments of monumental decision on a family matter and I find Him whispering in my morning meditation. The times when He pointed me to a different direction from that I have predilection to follow. Thank you for not abandoning me, my Lord and my God.

I can remember how He saved my life again and again before I was born. Jesus saved my life when my mother attempted to abort me. Jesus saved my life when my mother and my auntie are on their way to the hospital for a prenatal check up and they met a road accident, where my mother flew off the motorcycle (i was already 7 months in her womb). Jesus saved my life when my mother told these stories to me and taught me to forgive my mother.

I remember all the times Jesus taught me how it should be to love like Him — unconditionally.

The strongest memory I have of being in Jesus’ presence was in a retreat and after praying about this passage about the adulterous woman. I had a strong sense of being forgiven for my own sins. In prayer, I reached a point of stillness, of peace. I try to go back to this sense of peace, a gift, which I would not have had I not been forgiven.

I remember the times He rescued me. Several times. From people and places – ruining me. He healed me several times. He answered my prayers several times. He gave me so much several times. All that others will be envied of.

Lord, You love me so much. Sorry to bring You down, sometimes. Sorry, if I have not acknowledged and received some of the gifts. Could You please return them. I now recognize those blessings. I will wait for Your promises.

I will continue to glorify You and speak Highly of You.

There are many moments I can recall where God manifested His presence in my life. And in those times, I felt He was there holding my hand, whispering to me always that I will be okay and I just needed to entrust everything to Him. As soon I lifted my situation to Him, there was always the feeling of peace, calmness and relief. To this day, He always sees me through all the storms in my life, even if at times I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. He is always faithful to His promises to those who call upon His name.

My family has been in crisis since January, almost simultaneously when Taal Volcano erupted… we woke up one day and lost almost everything. My heart was crushed into pieces. I cried until my eyes couldn’t shed anymore tears. I questioned why God gave me such an epic Cross to bear, beyond my human comprehension. I questioned and i cried —- the pain pierced through my heart. .. then I realized I had no right to question God. This was my cross and I had to accept it, carry it with total surrender and complete trust in our Lord. I persevered in prayer … i talked to God, poured out my pain, anxiety and fears. I begged for His mercy and compassion, I begged Him to hold my hand each step of the way. To this day there is no clear solution to our problems, but I am still here.. In 2 months, Covid 19 happened and eclipsed my own crisis. I cannot even be with my children now because of the crisis and another problem of having zero income for an indefinite period of time looms. I am confident that one day, this too shall pass because God is with me each step of the way. I wake up each day telling myself that each day is a day nearer to the end of my difficult journey. I remain calm amidst all these because I know that God is with me and He will help me through. Thank you for loving me Lord.

I still remember vividly the months leading to my father’s death. We were the closest growing up, so there are many things about him that I dont understand. Now that he’s gone, I was able to string up the pieces, though not everything yet, and I realized how misunderstood he has been, by me, all through many years. Now, only tje memories remain. I have forgiven him wholeheartedly 2days before he died; and I hope, that he has forgiven me too. He was unconscious already at this time, but I was able to be with him until his last breath. He died in our house. It was during these moments during my father’s critical illness leading up to his death, that I found many things about the faith that is relevant to me. Even the simple lyrics of a song suddenly means so much. And I know Jesus was there all the way, for all of us, especially my Papa.

I realize how God has been so real to me when I was orphaned by my father then my mother (after several years…. I couldn’t think of just one specific moment but my mind is filled with so many instances of His Presence and providence. So true that the orphans and widows he sustains…

When i am low in my prayer time or when i get too busy n my prayer are like speed of light, Jesus makes me feel His presence to stop and stay a little longer in my prayer time. In that moment of silence, i enjoy His presence the most.

Hanging on the Cross Lord Jesus Christ is lover of life to all whether you are bad or good. This is one of memories in one of my mission, as I prepared in prayer for my assignment – watching the Passion of Christ. My prayer lead me into tears… Tears.. Tears… Why I judge or condemn men, they are created in the image of likeness of God. Kawangis sila ni Hesus. Lord Jesus Christ love us all. I am sorry for all my sins…and Lord Jesus Christ is my Kuya, my big brother, I am telling to Him all my thoughts and plans in journey of life. I am His Beloved…. and called to go forth – to radiate and share the love of my beautiful Saviour and Glorious Lord Jesus Christ.

I felt Jesus’ presence most strongly in 2007 when I was looking for a new job. It came to a point of desperation when all I got was a deafening silence from prospective employers after reaching the ultimate interview. To make the story short, because I lifted that need in prayer, God in his omniscience and omnipotence, I got accepted by a company that I least preferred for some reasons. Why here, Lord? Why not there? There was so much grumbling inside of me. And guess what happened not long after, I really thank God for His wisdom and guidance. Why? My preferred companies, multinational companies declared bankruptcy and shut down because of the economic recession in the US of A. And thank God, I am going 13 years now in this company that has made me grow exponentially in terms of spiritual formation. I’m grateful as well for the way this company takes care of their employees especially in this time of crisis.
I’m praising and thanking Jesus every moment as He really does amazing things for me and my family. ❤️??

Jesus is mostly silent but always in all things. He meets me where I am. I feel his presence the most when the Spirit leads me to do the right thing at the moment, whatever that is, with great humility, which I admit is difficult to do at times. I feel Jesus is near when he graces my spirit with fortitude, resilience to bear difficulties and humility to accept things I cannot change. He is most present during these difficult times. Other times, He walks beside me reminding me of what I ought to be.

My fondest memory of Jesus was on an Easter Sunday several decades ago when I was finally able to attend mass after months of staying in bed due to a delicate pregnancy. When I saw His statue in the Church, I felt He was looking at me and I suddenly felt an overwhelming joy, if not ecstasy, and a sense of loving gratitude, which I could not explain and which suddenly moved me to uncontrollable tears. He has always been with me in my most difficult and trying periods, and amazingly carries me through with timely Bible readings, and even Divine intervention. I am eternally grateful for His love and only pray that I make Him happy so one day I can be with Him forever…

During a silent retreat in the Sacred Heart Novitiate, I just felt and knew that God was answering every single question and prayer I had. It was as if at least 90% of my questions, he heard and answered. He knew, at that moment, that those are what I needed and he generously gave them. He was speaking so clearly to me – in my thoughts, through everything that was happening around me, through the wind and even the bees, the sunlight and the sunset. That was a beautiful experience I always go back to.

I do not claim to have a special relationship with Jesus like everyone else. But if there is one thing that I’ve experienced was his help. When my hubby and I were just about 7 years in our marriage — at that time when we were struggling to make a living which seemed to be the center and focus of our lives — we found ourselves short in our budget. It was most trying times because bills were lining up. I do not know why a certain amount was very specific and so important at that time and I do not know why we could not think of any other ways where to source it out (we were so young and so naive then perhaps) that I just said (for the first time), can we sit down and pray? At that time, it was as if there was no other help but the Lord since we have exhausted all. After the prayer, what I personally felt was that Fear was replaced by Assurance (without really knowing why), Faith, Trust and Hope. We were not devout, we heavily relied on our own resource and initiative not thinking about God at all. Prayer was just an after thought.

But perhaps Jesus really loved us because the answer was instant. When I went back to the office, I was informed of my collection from my client. The collection was not really much but just enough to answer the amount we need. My hubby and I were just relieved to have survived that day.

It was then I realized, Jesus is present and has a big role in our family. It was then that I realized His Power — that He is real and he listens. My eyes were opened.

It was the time I was actively serving in the community. Since I was following the mandate, some brothers and sisters in community were up against me. I tried to seek support with my immediate elder but I felt I was alone in my struggle. So I seek comfort and strength by going daily to the adoration chapel and tried to attend daily mass. It was then I felt peace and assurance through prayers and scriptures. The words ‘Do not be afraid’ and that He is my strength allowed me to continue serving. I praise and thank Jesus.

I didn’t realize that I was greatly struggling with my faith because I was having suspicions and doubts about God and the Church, then God broke through the darkness of my being and understanding and invited me to believe and trust that He loves me deeply. He used another person who also deeply influenced my faith and inner spiritual healing to catch my attention and tell me that He sees me, He cares for me, He loves me, and that more than anyone in the world, He knows exactly what is in my heart and mind, what will make me tick, and what will bring me deeper healing. I felt deeply overwhelmed because I could not deny that I was experiencing God so intimately and personally in my life. I will always return to that experience because it was, for me, a deep well, a deep source of consolation, meaning, and strength.

One of the many memorable moments shared with Jesus was my first silent retreat way back 2016. I was, at that time, heartbroken and I felt lost but He consoled me and promised me healing. He showed me and made me realize that He’s preparing me for something far greater, that there’s more to life than just romantic love, that I have to just open my eyes and take His Hand. By the time the retreat was over, I was able to renew my relationship with Jesus and see the world in a different light. I was not lost after all. He was always there, guiding and protecting me.

My most recent experience of the Lord’s love for me is during this online retreat which made me recall numerous moments of grace and Jesus’ constant love despite my many failings. My very intimate encounters with Him in my everyday life is the boundless grace He has given me to meet one deadline after another. Very prosaic, yes, but I distinctly know that if it were just me, I would have given up. His grace is sufficient and He gently whispers to me, carry on, I am with you.

One of the times that I felt Jesus’ presence strongly was when I was on retreat. During that time I had some problems in the family and I didn’t realize how much it was affecting me until I talked to a spiritual director. When I told the director about the problem, I cried and when I did, I immediately felt Jesus telling me that it’s okay and that He was there with me. He didn’t tell me things would be alright, but his mere presence was enough to calm me.

The last week of September 2001, we had a retreat at Sacred Heart Novitiate ran by the Jesuits , the retreat master then made us recall and spiritually feel the pain of Jesus’ every wound as He was crowned with thorns, scourged, maligned and nailed on the cross. We went home filled up with the hope , love and thanksgiving for that special retreat. A week after, my Dad passed away. The retreat prepared and consoled my heart that in Jesus’ most trying times with all the wounds that He had to endure, my Dad’s death and the pain that came from it, made me endure it all. Thank You dear Lord Jesus. For dying for me on the cross. ❤️??

I have a number of beautiful moments with the Lord, but what clearly popped in my memory right now is when I was going through a bad breakup with my partner of 11 years. I was still confused then so I went on a trip to the beach alone. I tried to find the answers to so many questions. I did prayer walk the next morning along the beach, telling God how heavy and hurt my heart was. Then I met a former leader in our community and told me that a priest friend was around too and would meet him later. I went to meet Fr. Totet to chat briefly because I was returning home that day. The moment Fr. T octet saw me, he knew there’s something wrong and I needed help. He asked me to delay my travel back so we could talk longer, which I did. It was the first time I poured my heart out about my heartbreak. That time, I knew God sent me Jesus in the presence of Fr. Totet. I felt God’s love comforting me and assuring me He’s with me. Fr. Totet consoled me the way Jesus would do, gentle, loving and compassionate. I was prayed over. I felt God’s embrace. The healing process was long and excruciatingly painful because there was betrayal, but I held on to that encounter, to the assurance that God loves me and He’s with me. Fr. Totet would call me and check on me often back then, and would say a prayer for me. This happened in 2008, but I still recall it vividly. God imprinted it in my heart. ♥️

I am blessed to have Jesus with me everyday, even there are times that I distance from Him. I am lucky to have joined a retreat where I met friends that are my companions in the journey.

The trying times when my grandmother and my father were sick I felt Jesus’ presence more. Though the medical expenses were so big, there were opportunities that allowed me to earn extra to be able to cover expenses. Jesus sent earth angels to help me and the family to handle the situation better. The good and compassionate doctors, the care givers, therapist, and caring friends. In the trying times Jesus was ever present to help the family be closer together and trust in Jesus’ love for us.

My first close encounter with Jesus was during the retreat before High School graduation. I was crying as I was sharing to the priest my problems. I felt nobody loved me, not even God. He gave me so many problems that my life was miserable. At the end of our sharing, he placed his hand on top of my head to bless me and I felt that it was God’s hands comforting me, telling me that everything would be all right. I came out with swollen eyes but with a smile on my face and a tingling sensation all over my body. When I got home after the retreat, God answered my prayer and the more I believe in Him. I never felt alone anymore! I never felt I’m not loved anymore! Thank you, God!

In my lowest moment in my life, when my husband and I were about to separate, I distinctly heard the voice of the Lord telling me SO WHAT IF HE DOESNT LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS….This happened at adoration of the Blessed Sacrament…I then knew that everything will be alright that He will not abandon me , that He will always be with me til the end of my life here on earth.

There are many moments when I feel Jesus’ presence in my life. Everyday, I know He is with me. But when I think of the moments when I feel His concern and love for me the most, these are the times when I was faced with the toughest challenges — board exams, sickness in the family, trials at work, among others. It was perhaps also in those moments when I am most actively praying and talking to Him, asking for His mercy and guidance, seeking for His help and strength, and finding refuge and comfort. Through these experiences, while I was hurting, I never felt alone. I knew He was in control. I let go and trusted Him.

The most moving was the time I went to a retreat in 2013. I was ready to be indifferent, I wanted to just take a break from the noise of the world. But the first night, I came inside the dark room lit with 2 candles and in between them, was His Holy Body. I felt His warm presence welcoming and embracing me, telling me in the clearest terms, “I missed you, Anak. Welcome home.” I felt my tears gush out as I fell on my knees. From that point on, I knew that no matter how far I strayed, He is never far behind.

I felt God’s presence most strongly during and after my Mom’s death. He allowed me to grieve but He was never short of sending good people to my life. Maybe I was just too sad, to bitter then to see it but He has orchestrated a lot of beautiful things to happen to me. And I can only look at it fondly years after my Mom’s death. My faith has since strengthened and I have rekindled a loving, intimate relationship with Him. Love you, Lord. I may never understand why certain things happen but I have full trust that You know what’s best and You are always with me. ♥️?

I attended a silent retreat because I was going through a rough spot. I went to the retreat from the office. I drove by myself to the center. The retreat master gave me a small piece of paper but asked me not to read it until I had let go of all my cares. Stop thinking about work, my spouse, the children, all my responsibilities. It took me half a day to let go of all that. When I opened the piece of paper, it said Psalm 139. I opened the bible to read it – Lord, you have probed me; you know me….
And at that moment I knew that He would always have me.

Jesus, you know all of me, my small dreams and big dreams in life. Several times you made my dreams come true, dreams that I thought would remain a fantasy such as traveling abroad. Thank you.

Thank you for the many times you make me feel so much loved and important, for giving me second chances in life, for claiming me as your precious beloved. Thank you for giving me the grace to be humble and to imitate you by loving the people around me.Thank you Jesus. Thank you with all my heart. Amen.

It was the time when I was betrayed, accused and took away my dignity. But in my prayer period I cried so hard telling Jesus they crumpled my spirit and took away my dignity. It was then that Jesus told me, “ Look at me my child, even my last cloak they took it away from Me”. It was then that I regained my self-composure and moved on with trust in Him.

One of my distinct experience with Jesus is during my silent retreat in Tagaytay back in 2018. I can say i somewhat lost the connection with him and want to have it back so I decided to join the retreat. As i contemplate the things that happened to my life, i realized he’s always there guiding me. Waiting for me to call him again. My prayers was transformed from mere spoken words to meaningful conversations with him. Such a great feeling to know that you have him on your side.

It was that moment when everyone has gone and the imminent has come. Nothing consoled except Your presence.

God is a merciful God. This scene is very significant to me as I think of all the sins I have committed and no matter how bad they are, HE still will forgive me. I cried when watching the scene.
When asked what is my fondest memory i only thought of all the good things that has been given me, and i am always grateful but I take it for granted a lot of the times.. when something bad happens, I always think there is a reason why this is happening. Also, I knew Jesus was with me when my father passed, as I was so calm and I never felt sad. I kept thinking that my dad had a good life and a good death and he was now in a better place. This thought makes me
happy when I think of his passing and how i was able to cope with it. And it is because He is with me always.

i’ve always been consoled with the Lord’s presence whenever I am in awe of the beauty of our world. However, the most consoling memory I have was when I tragically lost a dear friend and I clung to the Lord even though I could not make sense of what had happened. It’s strange that it was in one of this darkest experiences of mine that I felt most consoled of Christ’s presence and is a memory of Him that I will always hold onto.

It was in Baguio, when I felt Him and heard Him answer a question. I was surprised, consoled, but most of all I felt loved.

Wow. I got lost in that beautiful memory. That one morning when I felt your presence in the air. The kind of moment when I couldn’t ask for more. I want to experience that again, just like Elijah who found You in the murmur of a gentle breeze.

I was in a conflict with my co-workers (not all) but it felt like I didn’t have anyone who understands me and what I was going through then. I felt judged and alone. I couldn’t explain myself cos I never liked to explain myself, it was difficult for me. I remember crying from the pain of it all. I had no clear words in prayer, just sounds that I myself didn’t understand, but I thought Jesus did. From then on, I felt braver. Because survived, and that in that abandonment, I felt that I had someone with me and I was never really alone. I survived what I thought I couldn’t, and I’m in a much better place and circumstance now. I think it happened so I would not be so afraid anymore, and to realize I always had Jesus, He never left and He will never leave. I could lose everything in this life but I’d still have Him, and it’s going to be ok.

Everyday whenever I pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I feel Jesus listening. Sometimes I get distracted, but still I understand Jesus forgives me.

Many years ago, sitting at the back bench of the old Gonzaga chapel, I felt God answer my prayer. IT was as if God spoke to me that day. I had been praying and discerning for several weeks about my life’s direction, and at that moment, I felt complete peace as I found my answer.

It started in 2006 after the death of a dear loved one. The pain was so severe for myself and my family. But there was something beyond explanation that carried us everyday, until now. And although the painful death cannot be undone, the grace of Jesus he has blessed us with through people and events constantly serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments He will always be with us

For so long I have been in great pain, emotional pain, and have been asking Him why. I do not feel him in my life, How can He there when it’s full of pain. In a very low point, I even considered ending it all. But He saved me. Yet the pain persisted, years past and again in a very low point in my life, when my life is shattered and my heart is into pieces, I again was ready to put a stop to all my hurts and suffering when He made me feel His presence. In a very clear, in no uncertain terms, in a very physical way, He told me He was with me. That He has not abandoned me. That He was listening to me. I cried, I felt guilty, and I finally surrendered my life to Him with wholehearted confidence and trust.

I always remember Him picking me up in my rock bottom moments even when I don’t ask Him. All it takes is a whisper of His name or a look in His eyes. I always find Him at the end of my tunnel. Thank you!

When i felt so alone with my problems, i cried before picture of Jesus. I cried for a long time knowing he was there with me. When i looked out of the window i saw a beautiful rainbow. I knew it was God telling me how much he loves me.

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