Thank you for joining us
in our tenth Pins of Line online Holy Week retreat!
It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years,
and some of you have been faithfully joining
our virtual community of retreatants
all those years.
Join us in thanking God
for all the shared memories and graces
all these years.
Before you go,
as usual, we invite you
to post your insights, experiences,
prayers, and questions
in the COMMENTS section below
For those who wish to avail
of our online spiritual conversation,
just go HERE.
Special thanks to our online team
of spiritual directors,
and to Fr. Eric Escandor SJ of
for the online spiritual chatroom.
Please remember to say a prayer
for us in the Society of Jesus,
especially our newly elected Superior General.
May God bless you and all your loved ones!
Images from
87 replies on “END-OF-RETREAT SHARING”
It’s such a comforting feeling to find some semblance of hope amidst all the trials and temptations. Thanks once again Fr J for this meaningful retreat. You always find ways to tell the Lord’s story in different viewpoints. I am very grateful to be one of your followers as you help draw me closer to God despite all the difficulties.
I love this part of the series!!
Hope may be depleting, but it is indeed a renewable resource. Our spirituality sustains our needs to keep going, to keep doing what we ought to do.
On another thought, I was also reminded that God respects human freedom and in most cases, does not interfere with natural laws.
As to why he lets us be and tolerate interim suffering, we will never fully comprehend. Hope keeps us directed and focused in using our freedom in fulfill our respective vocations.
Hope makes believe that with God, all will always be well in the end.
Thank you. This is exactly what I needed. May God bless you & your good works!
Thank you, Fr. J for putting these together, and praise the Lord for 10 years of grace and sustenance!
This retreat allows Psalm 23 to deeply sink in my heart – Jesus, my shepherd – I shall not want. He is with me even though I walk through dark valleys. I fear no evil.
I also thank the Lord for has prepared my being before going through this retreat, for he knows well how to speak to me.
Praying that the Lord may continue to use you and your team, and like what Mama Mary said, continue to “do what He tells you.” Be blessed! Happy Easter!
It’s my second time to go through this online retreat but this year is especially close to a life situation.
I went through the Ds – disillusionment, disenchantment, dismay and discernment and working on figuring out what God what’s me to do next.
Allow me to add to the Ds in light of your Easter message of re-enchantment, I’d add DELIGHT. To me it captures that feeling of enchantment, joy, thrill especially from the eyes of a child.
Thank you so much for sharing this to all.
What struck me the most really, was how Jesus was also so uncertain and afraid of going through what He knew he had to go through. Even going so far as to ask God to “remove this cup from me”. It makes me feel relieved, thinking that despite these feelings of doubt and uncertainty in life – we should continuously seek to understand God’s will and allow Him to guide us – as a dance partner, as a farmer, as a mountain stream.
Just as Jesus allowed Himself to go through the suffering He knew he needed to attain His goal and purpose in life, I truly hope we too will have the courage and humility to do the same.
Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts and reflections and forming this wonderful online retreat.
Hope your Holy Week was full of grace.
As usual. It was the highlight of my Holy Week. Thanks Boss!
Fr. Johnny – i attended two days of the retreat and did the online for the third day. I never did get to ask or share my question – in “Praying in Disenchantment”. Like you and the lady who stood up and said her husband died and she was still in grief, i too walked the long dark tunnel of grief. And while i now remember the cries of desolation and anguished prayers, i can not remember feeling disenchanted. Amidst the cries of anguish and days spent in the silence of the Adoration chapel, holding up my hands to Him, unable to know what tp say or ask for, the image i have of Jesus is the hand that appears through thr dark fog always beside mine. It is a hand that invites mine to just hold on and keep walking. Another constant image is the Jesus who sits beside me, aleays quietly. So i feel no disenchantment. And that is grace. And the grace of faith to always understand that, imperfect as I may be, He is always near. Thank you again, and may you always feel blessed with His spirit and loving guidance.
Thank you Father G and your team for being instruments of God’s love, mercy and grace. It means so much to us who are far away from home to be able to experience this retreat. Thank you for making this happen. Thank you for paving the way to nurture our soul. May God continue to bless us all and may you continue to touch more lives.
Luceat Lux!
Happy Easter to all!
Thank you to you, Fr. J and the rest of ththe team.
I found the connections of Coldplay’s Everglow a truly refreshing insight. I never saw that
Song as connected to the message Of Jesus until now. Nice reflection there.
It’s still a very sad and uncertain world at the moment. But like the mountain stream
I remain hopeful the God’s will
Shall prevail, the question is what should we do to allow
God’s will to happen? We can’t do nothing in the midst of the bad things
Happening in the country
Now. I have not concrete answers.
I am so grateful for this online retreat. Will certainly join again next year.
“All shall be well. All shall be well. If it’s not well then it’s not the end.”
Thank you for this online retreat. It is such a blessing to go through this. Bless the Pins of LIght team and Society of Jesus.
Sadly, I finished this retreat still feeling the disenchantment. The circumstances of my life did not change and the uncertainty remains. I did not feel the overwhelming presence of God as in last year’s retreat and the rest and resolution I want are still nowhere to be found.
Maybe this year, God wanted to emphasize the point that He is always present in the most ordinary things that happen in daily life. Unlike last year’s overwhelming encounter, I’m thinking that maybe this time, God wants me to remember I can always find Him in the people around me, and even at work.
The person I am being led to build a bridge to is my toxic boss. This retreat just affirmed what I have been feeling in my heart. Even before the retreat, I was already praying for her, though honestly, part of the reason is self-preservation! It won’t be easy to pray for her out of love or concern, but if it is what God wants, I will obey.
My present line of work has me in contact with new people every time. I will see it as opportunities for new encounters with God, or at least, new lessons in life. As for office politics, last Friday, my friend was giving me tips on swimming with the corporate sharks and I wanted to heave my guts out. I pray to God that I would not need to be plastic to keep my job and get promoted.
As for the man who has awakened my heart, I will just continue praying for a resolution.
I still don’t have my happy ending, my life is still a question mark, but thankfully, even if the happy feelings aren’t there, the hope in God remains. For now, that is enough.
Thank you, Lord, for this year’s encounter. Please bless the Pins of Light team for being a bridge to Your goodness.
Happy Easter to all
Thank you for this Pins of Light! What a way to use technology to guide and to send God’s message to others. It is my first time, and it was a wonderful journey. Thank you for the three days! May God bless you.
Thank you so much Fr. J!
I was late but still received the “everglow” experience.
You’re a blessing…God bless you and the Jesuit Society always.
Thank you for this!
Thank you! A Joyous Easter to all!
This retreat has helped me know Christ and Our Father better. It was easy to understand yet thought-provoking. For a mom of a 1 yo who cannot go out of the house as easily even during Holy Week, this is such a great gift. Thank you! Congratulations on your 10th year and looking forward to more years of spiritual inspiration!
Thank you!!!! Just what I needed and what I was looking for. Thank you.
Thank you Lord for yet another beautiful retreat! Thank you also to the Jesuit Community and Pins of Light for giving us yet another perspective of the things and the people we have been hearing from the Bible.
Until then, I will stay in awe of the mystery that is the Lord, especially through his Son. Happy Easter!
Thank you, to all staff who share there time for this on line retreat, its wonderfull and as Xavierians quote ” men’s for others “. If can give me who to contact for another on line retreat, which i would like to share to my parish, if ok by the pastor.
With great gratitude ” 感恩”
Luceat Lux
Thank you so much Pins of Light for your love and effort. This retreat is so great. It is actually my first time to have an online retreat, and the experiences I had here were really wonderful. I hope and pray that each one of you would be able to have more strength and courage to keep up the good work. Your divine mission inspires a lot of people to keep their light of faith glow brighter. Again, thank you very much and God bless you all!
I have certainly been disenchanted, disillusioned and dismayed. But I know I can’t live this way. I am a son, husband, father and great many more. I have vowed to redeem myself with the faith in our Lord Jesus. And I insist to do so not with blind faith but with intentional faith because I can and will understand and so that I can be credible to others too. Last year, I was able to learn to forgive and not be consumed by fear nor hate. But I was filled with sadness. And while it didn’t paralyze me, it certainly slowed me down to at times frustration and pain. And this year, I seek the happiness and joy in all these, so I may be strong again. And this year, I believe I have found my answer, my faith. Yes, All is Well. Now with the Passion of Christ, this is all a grand plan of joy…while we somehow highlight the pains in the life of Christ, it is one that begins with joy, continues with joy and concludes eternal with joy. This is God’s will of love in all life. Now I know, just as I’m sure Mary finally knew which gave her the strength and courage to live through the passion and pain of Jesus. In my search for the smile of Jesus, I found it when He tells the disciples, us, to be like Him. While Jesus was sad for the obvious times and reasons, He was in Joy and Love to do so. And He is happy for us, me, to understand our, my faith and what it is to LOVE.
Thank you to the entire Pins of Light group for all your hard work. Thanks for making it possible for people like me who couldn’t make it to the Lent Triduum, still be able to participate, reflect and pray. Thanks for thinking out of the box in order for us to see Jesus in a new light, so to speak. Thanks for the comfort and the healing your on line retreat brings to so many people. Thanks for inspiring us to see Him more clearly, follow Him more nearly and love Him more dearly.
I was lucky enough to attend 3 other retreats this Lent. Two by Fr. Dennis Paez SDB and the other by Fr. Arnel Aquino SJ. This is my second time to participate in your online Lenten retreat. I promise to pray for all of you that he may keep you in good health, protect you all from harm and from the wiles of the enemy , and that you may always be steadfast in your ministries so you may continue to be a blessing to people like us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift of this retreat. I know I have been moved by the Spirit to join you again this year (last year was my first time), and there can be no greater proof of that than the fact that at the page where we were asked to reflect on Jesus’ giving up His Spirit right after He gave a loud cry, it was just about it 3 o’clock (I had forgotten to begin the retreat on Thursday and had to do that one first before proceeding to the Good Friday portion. The timing just blew my mind.)
Lord Jesus, thank you for letting me fall in love with you all over again, and in a much deeper way this time around. Please come and find me whenever I feel lost and alone. Amen.
Thank you for a superb online retreat! The experience brought me back to God and I felt God’s presence. Thank you ?
Thank you so much for this.
My spirit is renewed and I have discovered so much about my faith. And most importantly, I’ve found the answers to questions that I’ve kept inside me for so long.
Thank you so much for touching our lives! God bless us all and more power!
You are a blessing Pinsoflight! Thank you my Jesus for your presence and to all you’ve guided to breathe life into this retreat. Amen.
So grateful for this opportunity to have an online retreat. It’s difficult to be in another country during this time, when the country you are in does not really observe Holy Week. This was very helpful in my journey this week. Truly, God finds us wherever we are.
Thank you to the people behind this site.
Thank you. ??
I am so grateful for this opportunity — I was almost at the point of dismay but the Lord in his abundant mercy and patient understanding, gently lifted me up through this online retreat. His love is everlasting and his presence always abiding, even when everything seems dark and scary.
Thank you Lord for keeping me in your arms, for letting me find my way back to you.
To Fr. Johnny and company – Thank You! I will remember you in my prayers. Happy Easter!
Thank you for this online retreat. This is my first time to try participating in an online retreat. I was hesitant at first since I prefer a “live” retreat versus a virtual one. Much to my surprise and delight, it has exceeded my expectations and I found myself sharing the site with my friends for them to also experience this wonderful Grace.
Thank you for this wonderful blessing! I hope someday soon you can also do a Tagalog version of the retreat. I know of people who would be interested but I think they would be more adept at reading the vernacular.
May God continue to bless and guide you in all your endeavors.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. We adore thee O Christ, because of thy Holy Cross thou has redeemed the world. Amen.
Thank you very much for this online retreat. It is the first time. I found it and though i started late managed to be reminded of how much Jesus loved us so that he suffered so much pain heartaches and humiliation for all our sins. God is truly love,
Thank you for this online retreat. 3 people who became our guide for the last 3 days Martha, John the Baptist and Mary help a lot on how to respond to our Lord Jesus’ actions in our life. God bless…
Thank you for this online retreat. I have been home bound due to back problem then surgery Andy recovery these past two years so this online retreat has been invaluable to me. Every year somehow the retreat speaks so personally to what I am going through… feel the love of God despite it all, to trust that He journeys with me….and yes! the best is yet to come. “I wait for the Lord, I trust in his word, I wait for the Lord, more that the sentinels wait for the dawn. For with the Lord is compassion and with Him is plenteous redemption.”
I had prayed that I would understand the Passion of Christ more deeply this Lenten season, and this retreat has greatly contributed in making that happen. It was my first time to join and to think that I came across this retreat only by accident on Holy Wednesday! Indeed, God works in mysterious but miraculous ways.
I realized that I “know” in my head what Jesus is asking from me, but I must admit that it was not the answer I hoped for. For the past weeks, I had been reluctant to accept His plan, because I could not see how it would change my situation and where it would lead to. This retreat made me realize that I had been trying to bargain with Jesus, instead of patiently accepting His answer and trusting that all will be well in the end.
Thank you, Fr J and to the team who made this online retreat happen! May you continue to touch people’s lives through this website and through your work. I will pray for you and the Society of Jesus.
I thank the Lord for blessing us through your ministry. Truly, you are touching people’s lives by allowing us to refrain fron our usual activities, reflect, and rediscover what’s missing in our lives. You are helping us to deepen our relationship with Him and to learn more about God’s great love for us.
May the Holy Spirit and abounding graces of our Father be upon you that may continue to be His instrument of reaching more people throughout the world; by sharing and explaining the Word to the people in the way that we could really relate.
You may want to check out the song by Twila Paris, “How beautiful…”. I’m sorry that I can’t remember the whole title. It is such a heart warming and wonderful depiction of Jesus’ passion and ultimate sacrifice for all of us.
Thank you Society of Jesus! May you be blessed even more.
Thank you Lord for always being there for us. In our conceit, we think that we know everything. We think that you do not understand us or are not there when we need. Easter shows that You have always been there & will always be there.
Open our hearts all Lord that we will always know that You are there & that by following Your will is the best way even it puzzles us.
Thank you Lord for being there!
many thanks for the beautiful/meaningful online retreat. Ii came to know more about JESUS.. that like me there are times I feel alone ignored. Now i know its part of being His child. Mabuhay po and SJ Team.
Lord God,
I just want to thank you for being sooo patient with me. Thank you for planting that holy longing deep within my heart. Thank you for meeting me where I am, thank you for meeting me at the lowest point of my life. Thank you for lifting me up from the mudyard of sin. And thank you for being patient with me during the times I fell again and again and again and again. Thank you for understanding that conversion is a process, especially for me. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for letting me grow and picking me up whenever I fall. Yes Lord, as You reveal Yourself to me more and more and know you more, I get disillusioned, my knowledge of You becomes different, but at the end of it, my faith in You becomes deeper. Grant me the grace, oh Lord, to not be disenchanted and dismayed with You; furthermore, grant me the courage and humility to always seek you, most especially in the troubling and darkest of times and discern Your will to me. This I ask, through Your Son, Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen.
Dearest Mother, thank you for teaching us the value of humility, courage and discernment. Model our hearts like yours and kindly lift up our prayers and petitions to Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Wow, lots of surprises. Coldplay ending the meaningful prayer. Again we thank everyone for this online retreat, to SJ team, more blessings and more power in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. One hour of doing this and the result, I am very in love with Jesus more seriously. I prayed now to our Lord Jesus to share the All the Blessings we received from him to my friends especially to those who are very poor in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank Fr J ! I’ve been joining this online retreat for a number of years now and it never ceases to touch me . The insights and metaphors are fantastic. Thank you for this three days of being intimate with the Lord. More power to the Jesuits! HAPPY EASTER!
Maraming salamat po!
Thank you Fr. Johnny! Thank you Jess for always loving me, no matter what. I have gone astray countless times, I have questioned You so many times, but You always take me back in Your loving and reassuring embrace each time I come back. Believing in Your unconditional love and finding comfort in it, I shall never be afraid to follow You and Your will.
Thank you to all who have made this online retreat possible, truly you are doing God’s work. I have been joining this for a few years now and it is always an excellent source of insight into the Catholic faith. Mabuhay po! Happy Easter!
Thank you very much for this inspiring online Lenten retreat. I’ve been following this for the past six years already. I truly appreciate the meaningful message every year. Thank you Lord for speaking to me. Please forgive me of my moments of doubt & disenchantment. You still never gave up on me. The best is yet to come. All shall be well. Let us all be still and know we have a great God.
Thank you very much to the online team & Society of Jesus. May God bless you more.
Thank you very much for this online retreat! This is my first time joining one. I have learned a lot. The retreat has left me a lot to think about, and to be thankful for. This retreat has made this year’s Lent extra meaningful. Once again, thank you with all my heart, and I pray God bless you that you may continue to bless us, too!
What did I learn from our three guides on my way to love the Lord? From St. Martha, her candor. If every conversation with the Lord is a prayer, certainly St. Martha showed me how to pray. Be candid. I should say exactly what I want to say. From St. John the Baptist, I learned that I should hold back my negative thoughts and unkindly expressions. From Mother Mary, I should learn how to be still, to listen not to what I want myself to hear but to discern God’s silence.
Thank you for this first experience which I found enlightening, consoling and inspiring.
I hope I will be able to join again next year.
Thank you Fr. J, Fr. Eric and everyone who made this online retreat possible! God’s love overflows indeed more than ever with the Risen Christ in our midst. May He continue to bless each one of you, your families and all your ministries in the Philippines and abroad!
Dear Lord, if only Judas felt your everglow!
I am grateful to have done your Pins of Light Lenten retreat for the 2nd consecutive year. I realize that it is possible to pray our disenchantments to the Lord…
Lyrics of a particular song brings to mind while praying my disenchantments….
“One day we’ll find our place
For all things fall in place
For all things have a place
In the greater scheme of things.” (Pilgrim’s Theme)
Thank you Fr. J for being our guide and companion all these three days while striving to seek out the Lord’s will for us despite our personal disenchantments in life.
The three analogies on our relationship with God are very reassuring. I would say that’s the highlight of this year’s online retreat. Thank you for this online retreat Fr.j!
Thank you for this year’s retreat, Fr. J. Your image of God as a mountain stream caught my attention today. Amidst the boulders and the trees along its path, the stream eventually finds its way down to the river. Oftentimes, I run away from God when I get disenchanted and disappointed. But he never gives up on me. He eventually leads me to where I rightfully belong.
Thank you, Lord, for your never-ending patience, mercy and compassion.
This is my third year of joining this online retreat and I am ever grateful for the opportunity that I can still be able to have a solemn experience with our Lord. Thank you for the insights!
Thank you very much! This is my third year of joining this online retreat. I’m looking forward to next year’s retreat.
This year’s retreat made realize how truly blessed I am because i realized that He has answered my call when all the while i thought He didn’t.
He has always been there.
And so i will continue run to Him whenever I feel that I’m goinng nowhere.
God bless you all!
Thanks again
this is my first retreat… thank you. you have helped me know God’s ways not only with my mind but with my heart. may i continue to live with the afterglow… a flickering hope that through this seemingly chaotic world, THE BEST IS YET TO COME. may i live in the love of our RISEN LORD.
Thank you for all the remarkable insights this past decade!
More power to the Jesuits!
Thank you Lord for this retreat.
Thank you Society of Jesus.
Thank You Lord for guiding us always. I love You.
Happy Easter to all!?
Thank you for the wonderful retreat. It’s overwhelming. I need to ponder everything.
So grateful! Endless points to ponder after this. Thanks to the team.
Thank you Lord for the wonder of your unfathomable love and boundless mercy. Let you be Lord of the moments; well. Thank you Lord for Fr.J. Bless him abundantly.
Christ is risen! All will be well.
Thank you! God bless the Society of Jesus. God bless us all.
Thank you.
This is my third year in joining this online retreat and as always, I end up being humbled, renewed, and hopeful for what is to come. This retreat helped me fall deeper in love with Jesus and realize how wonderful His love for me is!
I will remember to look for the God hidden in things–even in the most ordinary and simple way. The most striking image I got from this retreat is the torn curtain, which shows the end of separation between God and man. I feel so humbled and grateful to know that through Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we have been given access to God’s kingdom, that we can come boldly to the throne of grace. One of the messages that really spoke to me and brought me to tears is this:
To accept that we haven’t got everything figured out,
or that we haven’t got everything in control,
but life is beautiful, even if it remains a little messy.
despite all the things that go awry in this world,
we are in good hands–
in the tender loving hands of God.
Being a very anxious, cautious, and a bit of a control-freak person, I tend to want to be prepared for things, making “contingency” plans for things that might go wrong, taking precautions to minimize conflicts or harm. I end up being more anxious. This is something that I am continuously working on and I pray that God will teach me how to trust Him more and to lift it all up to Him.
I am in the process of making big life decisions right now and I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me discern what the Lord is asking me to do. Please pray for me also.
Thank you very much for including Coldplay’s “Everglow” in this retreat. I love that song and now it has given me a new meaning. Very moving and beautiful indeed. Thank you for a grace-filled retreat! Happy Easter to all!
Thanks a lot to Fr. J, Fr. Eric, the spiritual directors and all the staff of Pins of Light for this online retreat, which is very convenient and accessible. The retreat has touched, enlightened and blessed me in a special way, strengthening my faith even more. I’m very grateful for this retreat. More power and blessings to everyone behind it.?
Thank you for this grace-filled retreat. It is our first time to join the “pinlight bearers”, if we may call ourselves, and we are awed by how the Lord touches each one of us through His Word in the Scriptures, and also through the word of every retreatant posted online. The imagination of faith truly connects us with one another, and we feel so blessed!
Happy Easter to all!
The Lenten break is made more meaningful when i go through a retreat. Thank you Fr. J for the opportunity to do so in my own pace. I now understand the phrase “and he descended unto hell” evey enlightening.
Each day of the retreat brings me into a deeper understanding of my faith and reflecting on my actions allows me to see situations occuring in my life as a choice. My choice. A choice i need to take more seriously. Now that i know God is giving us the freedom to choose and not as i have believed that all things are predestined.
Thank you for an enlightening retreat. GODBless.
My faith may be shaken but it will continue to grow in the love and light of the Lord.
Thank you Jesus for being once human and forever be our God…
Congratulations for Fr. J and Pins of Light Team for successfully bringing us all together in this wonderful retreat!
Jesus, I love you and thank you!
Thanks to you too Fr. J and your on-line team for a meaningful retreat. Made me appreciate more our Lord and be ever grateful to Him. Love begets love.
Thank you, thank you so very much for this. Disenchantment, disillusionment and dismay have filled my life quite a while now. While they aren’t fully gone, I now have hope that they won’t take over me forever. Muli, maraming salamat po. Have a blessed Easter weekend.
thank you for this. i’ll stay withMary as a guide. hopefully her loving response will rub off on me.
Thank you Father J.
Thank you for this great experience.
Fr. Eric and Team, thank you so much for the renewal of faith given me by joining the Pinsoflight Online Retreat the first time. God is truly great that he uses anything and everything to reach us, wherever we are–so we can feel his love and presence everyday. Thank you for being instruments of his peace and love. God bless you all!
Thank you for the enlightenment, fr.
I am not sure how many times I have joined this online retreat…maybe since the time it started. And I will always be looking forward to the next one.
Mary is our guide for this Black Saturday. And as a mother, I can relate with her… the agony of losing one’s son, the feeling of helplessness, the sadness that engulfs every mother. And yet the strength and grace that she has shown since the time she said YES…Mary kept on following Jesus, often without understanding – finally finding herself at the foot of the cross.
The Lord’s descent to hell is another eye-opener to me. So that is the meaning of the phrase in our creed – On the third day he rose from the dead and descended into hell” – opening up the gates of heaven – all the saints waiting for their eternal life went up to heaven… and of course that was a choice.
I really like Fr. J’s style of mixing the old with new – A Coldplay cover for our Black Saturday retreat – will appeal to our young people.
In the end the assurance that God will always be with us is rekindled. To be re-enchanted is to recognize life’s complexity and uncertainties and to allow ourselves be awed by mystery.
Let us continue our journey… Easter people… that many will find God in us through our daily life… see you all again next year.
Thank you Fr. J and all the Jesuits priests supporting this cause. God bless!
So many are dismayed, but hope can be rekindled in them. It is important to be the risen Christ to them.
This is my first time attending Pins of Light and the timing could not be more perfect. I have been in a state of disillusionment, but have been receiving messages consistent to those shared these past three days. In fact, I have used the phrase “in good hands”, used as one of today’s reflection points (as shown in below tweet), in my personal reflection last April 12th.
Encountering that phrase today threw me, and reinforced the belief that I am on the right track. All I need to do is follow the voice within and, like Mary, let God’s will be done.
Thank you, Fr. Johnny, for this amazing gift. And congratulations on 10 years!
Thank you very much. Although each Online Retreat is about the Death and Ressurection of Christ, each year has a different meaning to me and each year it deepens my faith as well as my understanding of the reason why He died on the cross to save us.
Thank you and God bless us all! Thank you for the grace each Online Retreat allows me to experience.
Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that You are always with me, that I am not dancing alone but You are always there dancing with me.
Our journey continue as Easter people challenged by our daily crosses but strengthen by our faith! Let us keep the faith! Thank you very much for this meaningful on-line retreat. God bless everyone! ??
Thank you for this online retreat. I pray that we may hold on to the grace that we encountered during this retreat.
Easter Arsonist of the Heart
“They protested their right to despair but he said,
‘My Father’s laughter fills the silence of the tomb.’
Because they did not understand, they offered him food.
And in the breaking of the bread
they knew the impostor for who he was –
the arsonist of the heart.”
–The Hour of the Unexpected, John Shea
The resurrection of Christ challenges us to new life – to believe, precisely, that there are surprises hidden at the heart of death: that every scream, tear and cry is redeemed, and that God’s laughter is stronger than death. Ultimately, belief in the resurrection asks us to believe that, despite a strong experience to the contrary, reality is gracious, light does triumph over darkness, love over self-interest, justice over oppression, peace over chaos, fulfilment over hunger. Faith in the resurrection is the trust that, in the end, everything is good.
Ron Rolheiser OMI
Thank you so much for this opportunity to have a very meaningful and fruitful personalized retreat. Thank you Fr J. Go for your ministry and may God bless you and your staff abundantly. Thank you, thank you.
Happy Easter in advance!!
Thank you very much for such an inspired retreat packed with insights and the love of God on every page. May the Lord multiply you and make you all fruitful in the mission! Bless you!
May God bless all of the retreatants and especially Fr J, Fr Eric and the staff of Pins of Light who brought us closer to Him during this Holy Week. Thank you thank you thank you.
Dear Fr J, Fr Eric, and the Team
The retreat has renewed and envigorated my faith, hope and trust in Jesus! I pray I can share this grace and joy with everyone in my life.
Maraming salamat with prayer for you and the Society of Jesus. ???