We now come to the close of our Holy Thursday retreat. And we do so with a song called “Don’t You (Forget About Me)”–first recorded by a band called Simple Minds for an iconic movie called “The Breakfast Club.” The version I’ve picked is a cover by James Morrison.
I selected this song because in many ways, it expresses what the Breaking of the Bread is all about. First of all, it’s about our Lord making a special request on the night before his death: that we break bread “in memory of (him),” that we remember him, and that we recognize that he will be always present with us–though in a different–but no less physical way–through the Eucharist.

But the song also reminds us not to forget those unwelcome guests to our table: These include not only those who are outside our usual circles, but also our very enemies and persecutors, people who have hurt us in the past or continue to do so in the present.
We know that our Lord broke bread not just with those who were powerful or popular, but also with the marginalized and rejected by society–such as the tax collectors and prostitutes.
At the Last Supper he expands his practice of breaking bread even further: He breaks bread even with those who will hurt him.
Breaking bread means stretching our guest list to include our enemies and preparing a longer table so that even they will be welcome to a place at our table.
Let the song speak to you and let it be our closing prayer for Holy Thursday.
Image from The Passion of the Christ
Edited by Galvin Radley Ngo