Thank you for joining us today.
The Holy Saturday Retreat will be available
starting 8 am tomorrow.
Just come back to Pins of Light
for details.
Here are a whole variety
of other online activities
that you might consider doing for Holy Week…

We have a team of Jesuits
offering services for those
who wish to avail of spiritual direction.
We will try to have someone available
as much as possible.
Just click HERE
and then click on the tab that says
“Online Spiritual Directors.”

There is a tradition in some countries
like Mexico and other Latin American countries,
as well as parts of the Iberian peninsula,
where the faithful offer votive offerings
called milagros.
If you have a special prayer intention,
Pick one from our available virtual milagros,
to be pinned on our online Prayer Shrine.
Just click HERE.

The reflections for these 14 Stations of the Cross
have been composed especially in our context of the pandemic.
The coronavirus phenomenon has disrupted our lives,
raising concerns and questions.
What can the Way of the Cross teach us
about a world suddenly full of peril and uncertainty?
You can pray over the Stations anytime–
alone or in groups,
all fourteen Stations at one go,
or piecemeal. Whatever suits you.
Just click HERE.

We have designed an online interactive experience
of a global Visita Iglesia
that will enable you to visit–and pray in–
churches located in cities worst hit
by the coronovirus disease.
You can do this anytime.
Just click HERE.

In case you missed it,
it’s not too late to post your virtual palaspas
to welcome our Lord
to the Jerusalem of our hearts.
Just click HERE.

Here’s a wall for you to post your personal petitions.
You may pray for any intention
and you share them here
so that your fellow retreatants can include your needs
in their prayers.
Just click HERE.
Once again, thank you
for joining us today.
Let us continue to pray for one another–
especially our fellow online retreatants–
and for the world in this time of the pandemic.
See you tomorrow!
Blessings to you and your loved ones!