X. Jesus is stripped.

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Behold your heart and the world that it holds.
Station 10

There’s a lot going on here.
Scholars and historians say that unlike our crucifixes,
where Jesus discreetly wears a loincloth,
the Roman practice was, in fact, to strip the convicted men completely
and to crucified them buck naked.

There is a reason for this–
The Romans understood that the Jews were a modest people,
so what better way to humiliate their criminals
than this public exposure of their bodies?
This station is about stripping Jesus
not just of his clothes, but of his dignity.
This is about his humiliation and helplessness.

How did the Lord feel?
Did he feel an anger rising inside–as we would–
when he was violated?
What was going on inside him?
Sometimes anger is a moral response.

 Pandemics have a way of bringing out the best
and the worst in people.
We already know of so many
who have stepped up as heroes

and risen to the challenge
of saving lives and helping others
in so many ways.

Unfortunately, there are also others–
ugly men with uglier souls–
who have opted to take advantage of the crisis
to uplift and enthrone themselves.
Unfortunately, some of them wield undeserved power,
so that today, thanks to them,
when we contemplate Jesus
stripped naked and helpless,
we understand.
We know the feeling.

We know what it feels like to be violated,
to feel humiliated and helpless.

I wish we could mouth what the Lord said
while all that was happening to him:
“Forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing.”
Don’t they?

Lord, we know that you are watching over us.
We pray that you will not abandon us.
We believe that as the Good Shepherd,
you will not leave your flock
at the mercy of wolves–especially with
“demons are prowling everywhere nowadays…”

Help us to hang on

and show us what we can do.

“Behold the Wood” (St. Louis Jesuits). Image for Station (Fratel Venzo). “Not While I’m Around” (Kiera Guloien)

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10 replies on “X. Jesus is stripped.”

It’s really hard. We can criticize day in and day out, but unfortunately, a lot still defends, patronizes and ‘worships’ the inefficiencies of our incompetent leaders! But still, I would like to believe that most of them are just blinded and I do hope that one day, their eyes will be opened to the truth.

Dear Lord, teach us to always pursue the truth. Grant us humility when we criticize, that we may do it in a spirit of loving correction. May we also accept with humility if we are being criticized. Amen.

Lord, let me be humble, yet courageous. Give me wisdom to differentiate between the two.

How You have suffered so much, yet kept obedient and humble. With that, the evil could not penetrate through You. Your Precious Blood and the Holy Cross can cure and are dreaded by the evil spirits. Your name and invocation to Mama Mary drive away the evil spirits. Thank You Lord for the salvation. Thank You Mama Mary for the humility and submission.

Lord strip me of my pride, self-righteousness, unforgiving attitude unwilling to forgive past hurts. I know this is most difficult but with You nothing is impossible. I am working on it.
Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto Thine. Amen.

It’s hard to love your enemies.
At the very moment of the being stripped, He prays and shows His love for them. Wow! Dear lord, pls give me the grace so I can show my love to my enemies.

Lord, why you did not react when the soldiers stripped your clothes? What do you want to teach me?
Lord, now I understand and feel the struggles that you are going through. In my life, these days I won’t react to a certain situation but then as a reflect the consequences I opted to be indifferent. Lord, through your examples I gain wisdom and to discern the right time to react. Please help me Lord in my present struggle. Let me one with you.

Dear Lord,
We know nothing’s gonna harm us, not even a den of wolves ready to devour us and strip us from our dignity , while YOU are around.
Forgive those who provoke us, hurt us and cause us so much pain amidst all
these uncertainties when all we long for is to unite and help each other.
Please continue to make us see your face in generous souls who open their hearts to bring comfort and joy especially to those who are in most need. Amen

Dear Lord during this time please help us to realize that in the end we will be left with nothing… all the things we have been hanging on to will be of no use to us. Help us to build a better relationship with you dear Lord so that whatever happens we will be prepared.

I have been wanting cake as if it would be the medicine that takes away my anxiety or it would take away the anger that I feel in my heart. But no matter how I try, I can’t get cake. I find a baker but I can’t pay for it with their mode of payment or the baker can’t send it to me. I just couldn’t get cake. So that added more to my frustration. I have taken for granted that I can get a slice of cake when I want to, even when I don’t want to. But not today. Not for a long time, it seems. I expressed my bitterness with everything on my wall and ended with the statement that I needed cake but I can’t have it.

Then, a private message arrived. I got an offer for cake.

Expressing my dismay, disappointment and anger sometimes leads to someone saying “I feel the same”, “I am sorry you feel that way”, and “I want to give you cake. Tell me how to get it to you”.

When my heart was filled with anger (and anger fills it still), God sends someone to me to say it’s ok, don’t worry about feeling that way because it’ll be better. And I can’t help but think, that I should do the same for others and help make things better despite my anger.

I thanked the lovely people who offered but I said I will wait for the day when I can go out and buy myself cake and eat it. God does promise a better tomorrow.

Lord please strip me of my pride, self-righteousness, envy, failure to forgive and forget past hurts . I know it is difficult but with you nothing is impossible. Let me emulate your humility and compassion as you forgive those who crucified you.Jesus meet and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

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