
“IS IT I, LORD?” (Mt 26:14-25): 19 March 2008 (Holy Wednesday)

“IS IT I, LORD?” (Mt 26:14-25):  19 March 2008 (Holy Wednesday)

Today’s Readings

I haven’t seen the movie, but I read Khaled Hosseini’s first novel The Kite Runnersometime last year. Set in Afghanistan, the story revolves around two childhood friends, Amir and Hassan.  Hassan is the son of the servant of Amir’s father, and is his loyal kite runner–the one who runs to fetch the kites that Amir defeats in the  game of kite-fighting.  To avoid spoiling the novel or the movie, all I will say is that Amir ends up betraying his friend, and for many years, long after he has moved to a faraway country, he is haunted by the memory of his treacherous act.