In addition to the online Holy Week retreats, Pins of Light has also occasionally offered online Advent recollections. These online offerings are listed here, and some are still available for you to pray along with.
Advent on the Brink: Waiting with Josep (2008)

Advent began with one man’s Lent: Joseph’s.
At this recollection, we spend time with this silent man
and learn from him.
Annunciations of Advent (2009)
Zechariah | Joseph | Mary
There was not just one,
but three Annunciations at Advent.
Let us learn from Zechariah, Joseph, and Mary.
Home for Christmas:
Giving Your Present to Christ (2010)
This Advent recollection is about Time:
How God has entered it and blessed it.
Let’s prepare for Christmas
by thinking and talking about time
in our lives and our attitude to it.
An Intrusion of Angels (2018)
Zechariah | Joseph | The Wise Men
Advent is a season of angels.
The time preceding Christmas is full
of heavenly visitations and disruptions.
Each angelic appearance offers a message or a mission.
Find out what’s yours this Advent.
Three Lessons in Waiting (2019)
Visitation | Baptism | Prison
For this recollection, we will reflect and pray over
three important moments in the life of Joh the Baptist:
The Visitation (before he was even born),
the Baptism of Jesus (when he was at the height of his prophetic career), and his imprisonment (right before his death).

This Online Advent Recollection is called
If we want to find the spirit and the meaning of Christmas
during these strange times, we can’t just Work From Home.
We need to start from a place of hope.
We hope you find that place here.
And we hope you find the Lord here.
Puncturing the Dark: Advent for Seekers (2021)

“In the deepest, blackest night of despair and anxiety
it only takes a pinhole of light
and all grace can come in.”
(Auburn Sandstrom)
In the midst of the pandemic,
with our days full of uncertainty and anxiety,
we need and seek some kind of light.
How can we do that when we feel hopeless?
That is the Advent question for us this year?
Waiting for God in the Fray (2021)

Waiting in the Aftermath:
A Post-Pandemic Advent Recollection (2023)

Advent isn’t simply about waiting for something
before it happens or arrives.
Our waiting always happens afterwards—
after life has happened—
such as after the Pandemic.
What does that kind of waiting look like
and feel like?
What does it mean to wait for Christ
after life has happened?