Impossible Things

Mary’s response to the angel is so incredible
because it is a response to impossible things.

Think about it:
Did she actually say “Yes”
because she was told
that two women–
who could not possibly be pregnant–
would be pregnant?

Mary herself, who is a virgin
and “who has no husband”
and her aging cousin Elizabeth–
she “who was called barren.”

But Mary was able to say “Yes”
because she believed the angel’s words:

“Nothing is impossible with God.”

When you think about it,
our capacity to hope depends very much
on our ability to believe the angel’s claim.

Do you really believe that
“nothing is impossible with God?”

The only way we can believe
that everything is possible with God
is if we’ve experienced impossibly good things in our lives–
things so implausible and so unlikely
that they were virtually impossible.
Yet, against every odd,
these impossible blessings were given
to you anyway.

Can you think of
one such “impossible” gift
that you’ve received from God?
It may be a truly unforgettable experience
that you’ve had,
or a truly awesome person
who is in your life.

Why not share below
what you regard as
an “impossible” gift in your life?

Why do you consider it
an impossible gift–
and why is it a gift
in the first place?

Gratitude for “impossible” gifts
received in the past
increases our capacity
to hope for more in the future.


43 replies on “Impossible Things”

I was given a second chance by my wife and children. Now, with guidance and support from two priests and a wellness doctor I am putting my life in order and focusing on my family. God is Good.

One impossible gift was to heal from deep depression and anxiety, then be well enough to take care of my parents until they died, and then live on my own, and support myself… hopefully, until it is my turn to go home to God.

The business I work on has been bleeding financially, and we will be having salary cuts in January. Previous to this, the Lord has provided for me and my needs, health, and safety. I am worried about the new year’s threat to my income and sustenance , but I continue to work and trust in God, that he will provide, and keep me in the palm of His hand. I also pray for my co-workers’ well-being, since most of them have families of their own, and are breadwinners.

My son is the greatest gift that God has given me.
Despite the sudden changes, I am teaching online and learning so much.
I have rekindled an old friendship and it has blessed me so much this year.

Having a job during these uncertain times is so much blessing! I cannot ask for more. So far, my family and the household have been in good health and we have food on our table. These is already abundance! My family and friends and officemates show care and love in different ways for me, I am happy and thankful for these! Working from home have afforded me to have time to “smell the flowers” – enjoy God’s creation in so many ways – birds chirping early in the morning, the sunrise, sunset, my pets, plants etc. So deeply thankful. There’s hope. With God, nothing is impossible!

The gift of forgiveness. I never expected that I would be able to forgive myself for the things I have done wrong and for this other person who has hurt me so bad to forgive me. I thought it was impossible. Yet, they happened.

Some of the “new” people in my life have come to lead me to Jesus. They have taught me how to be patient and how to entrust my future to him, to be surprised by him. In the midst of temptation and quitting in life, these people have let me hold on and have guided me as a fight my personal battles. They have allowed a safe space for me to confront innermost self.

My family is complete and healthy. My kids are all safe and sound, my son had a successful knee surgery despite the lockdown and recuperating now. My work is secure, the biz is turning around slowly but surely. Nothing is impossible with God. Praise the Lord!

I thank our Father God for so much blessings that are beyond my expectations or what I ask for, like an opportunity to volunteer work at Notre Dame de Lourdes Sanctuary in France.

survived painful failed relationships but made it through the miracle of His abiding love and mercy. Praise and thanksgiving!!

So many blessings, too many to count and too impossible to believe. I can only kneel in prayer and gratitude for the timing. Truly with God all things are possible.

An impossible gift that i received from God are my parents. My parents are old but they are still very much alive and healthy. Amidst this pandemic, i have always been grateful that they are spared from the disease and continue to live normally.

They have been taking care of me since i was a baby until now that im an adult. When i started working from home, i have become more appreciative of what they do for me. They prepare my food, my clothes and respect my time for work.

I couldn’t have ease in well into WFH if not for their love and support.

Thank you, God!

An impossible blessing my family received from God this year was my father’s recovery from Covid-19. All the odds were against him, from his age to his co-morbidities. But he survived, with God’s grace, and we are forever grateful.

God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and children, whom He has kept safe during this pandemic. He has blessed me with household help that I can rely on to help take care of my young children and my home. My industry was hard hit by the pandemic, but He saved me by helping me shift successfully to online classes. He has kept my husband’s income intact, and I recovered my income while still having time to help my children with distance learning and serve my community. He has truly blessed me, even though feel I do not deserve it.

Paying debt with the generosity of others; paying without interest due to the pandemic. Who would have thought? Hope!

I received the gift of faith when i was 9 years old, after my first holy communion. I consider this an “impossible gift” because at that time, our home was not a Catholic home. Aside from that, I felt a calling to the religious life since my childhood years. Although i was “called but not chosen” to the consecrated life, the Lord has blessed my married life with 2 children, both conceived in old age.

Keeping a job in 2020 is such a blessing. Knowing big companies have laid off staff, having a company that is still afloat and thriving is a miracle. I pray this continues, and I pray for everyone in the team.

The miracle of healing for my loved ones, and for someone who holds my heart. She is a blessing. I do not know how I would find my way closer to Jesus without her. She has changed me for the better. I hope to one day be with her.

Family. Despite distance, I am very grateful that our bond has become stronger. May God continue to bless our humble home.

I feel that my family and I live the “Nothing is impossible with God” every single day. Because of the pandemic, we lost our regular, monthly income. And we have no idea when it will come back again. But despite this, God never ceased to give us provision and I thank Him everyday that we can afford this pandemic. That we don’t have to worry about buying the basics because we actually have the money to spend.

Before the pandemic, I never imagined of working out everyday. That was impossible for me, unimaginable too. But since March up to this day, I find myself working out 5 to 6 times a week. I even look forward to Saturday mornings because I get to workout with my high school batchmates. My body looks for it now and it makes me feel real good. Something I never thought would happen, ever! Hahaha!

One of the impossible that has been made possible was consistently praying fevently the Holy Rosary every night with my family since March and up to this
day – my children ages 19, 15, 11 and 7 would take turns in leading

My husband’s work demanded so much time and claimed that he could not have done it without HIM leading the way.

small and big unexpected things everyday. At the top of my head, 2020 started with alot of surprises and unexpected things, 1 thing is, I have never imagined that this year, I will be back in to teaching kids and ONLINE! Nothing is impossible with God, indeed.

I’ve had many dark times in my life. But looking back, God always helped me get through it – by sending me the right people at just the right time or by giving me the fortitude to survive it. And always, I came out stronger and more thankful for all that He has given. And that is what drives me to share those blessings with others, to try and be a blessing to others as well.

An “impossible” gift to me during this pandemic comes because of the favor of the Lord. The company I work with has suffered many blows during this pandemic and has had to lay off many of the workers. I am so glad that I have been retained, even though a huge cut in the remaining employees’ salaries had to be made.
Another “impossible” gift has been the resolution of an almost 40 year old court case over a piece of land which was taken by illegal settlers who claimed the land as theirs using fake documents. The court decided in our favor! Our family can now say, “This land is ours; God gave this land to us.”

Come to think of it, I have time and again thought that I am the luckiest person in the world because I grew up in a loving home, got a degree in college, had a most adventurous experience at work, saw many beautiful places in the world and met the most interesting people. Even if am not rich!

My Father abandoned us and i prayer for years to ser him again. I was able to contact him but our relationship waned after years of absence. I then abandoned the idea and much to my surprise, the téléphone rang five years after reaching out to him. It turned out to be my Father. Since then i became very close to him until his passing months ago. God is still good and He knows how to mend broken hearts. The scar is still there but the wound is healed. i have made peace with my past. And today, i miss his funny messages and unholy morning phone calls.

After 30 year of not being in school, I was first to finish my masters in this particular course in a very prestigious university. I would often ask: how could that be?… only through God’s grace.

Few years back, I quit my job for the sake of a family member in need of personal care. Not long after, I was able to get a new job that enables me to earn money and at the same time look after my loved one. I am incredibly thankful to God for my (new) job and for his unfailing provisions in my life.

I was living by myself in my home for many years after all my children finished college and went on with their lives and married and have their homes with their families. Then this year a niece asked me if she can stay with me for at least a few days each week and I agreed! I truly believe that she was a blessing from God!

I was able to start a business during this pandemic. I am very, very thankful.

I am also thankful for the online Masses. I can even attend the Novena in Singapore.

I could ot get pregnant for 12 years. I went to so many doctors. I did years and years of fertility treatment. Until it came to a point when my doctor told me it was time to give up. I stopped everything. A year after I conceived. Emanuelle – I named her.

I got well and getting better everyday. When doctors could not find what was wrong in the beginning of my illness, I clung to the Lord and held his hand tightly. It seemed getting well was never going to happen for me but it did. I am grateful for God’s mercy and kindness.

At this moment, I’m very blessed that my family are safe from the Covid. And, we are now waiting for a new family member to come in our lives.

my mother was also not able to conceive but i prayed hard and I was given a brother. My brother and I are both adopted but having 2 wonderful parents who brought us up shows that nothing is impossible with God.

So blessed that the pandemic has kept away from family and friends. We have all been blessed to have good health this 2020. All safe at home and will continue to pray for those whose lives have been affected but this pandemic.

Despite the pandemic and how 2020 turn around everyone’s world, God has been true to his Words. I received to many blessings in my life through the people around me. I feel like this year stopped the world but God told me, “Your are progressing.”. I feel this in all aspects of my life now and I can’t thank Him enough for all the blessing I have. There are some trials and struggles too, but I tend to focus on the things I should be grateful for.

A great gift during this pandemic is completing my PhD this 2020. I consider this as God’s blessing given the constraints & against all odds last May 2020 while we were on lockdown. It made me grateful & realize that “all things are possible with God’s grace”.

A gift during this pandemic- I was able to enroll an online class , outside the city where I live. I consider this as God’s gift because this is what I needed now and this was made available and possible for me to take because this was offered online. Nothing is impossible with GOD indeed.

He called me to do something that 20 years ago, I never imagined I’d even consider doing because I didn’t feel equipped for it nor suited for it personality-wise, but now am actually enjoying it. I look back and I recognize that in saying yes even when all I bring to the table are deficiencies, God has used that yes to turn my short-comings into strengths.

Ah… Yes… Absolutely a lot of impossibilities … that became possible… And I should not despair … but sometimes I am weak… and feel in the dark… I am hopeful … now.

So many blessings that i dont deserve were given to me, yes, He closed some doors but He replaced these with much bigger doors making it easier for me to enter. I have been given a love from a person i never looked for nor asked >>>now that is an almost impossible gift one can receive & be really thankful for‼️

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