Here is our One-Minute Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter, based on John 20:19-31.
Here is our One-Minute Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter, based on John 20:19-31.
These ONE-MINUTE HOMILIES for Easter (Year B) are authored by Fr. J, edited by Ernestine Tamana, and translated into SANGMINUTONG SERMON by Paolo Ven Paculan.
Easter Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
3rd Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
6th Sunday of Easter
Our One-Minute Homily for Easter Sunday is based on John 20:1-9.
As usual, our annual online Holy Week retreat will be conducted from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday. This year, however, since a lot of people use Zoom, we will have a live session from 9:30 am to 11 am Manila time. We will post details on this blog, as well as on the PINS OF LIGHT Facebook Page.
Our Holy Week retreat has an intriguing title: “LETTING GOOD, LETTING EVIL, LETTING GOD.” Find out what it means by joining our online faith community this year.
This One-Minute Homily, based on Mark 11:1-10, is for Palm Sunday.