The Way of the Cross in a Time of Pandemic

via crucis jesusWe invite you to join us
on a different kind of Way of the Cross.

You need not go anywhere;
you need not even say any word.

Just remain in your seat
and in silence contemplate
the one single image
that is presented to you at every station.

But as you begin every station,
imagine holding YOUR HEART
in your hands:
your NEEDS and FEARS–
but  also all your faith, courage, and hope–
especially during this time of the pandemic.

Also imagine cupping the whole world
in your hands, as you offer it up to the Lord
in this time of peril and uncertainty.

As  you  hold  the world in your hand,
remember that God holds us all in His hands.
We are in good hands.

At the beginning of each station,
you will listen to a portion of the song “Behold the Wood.”
Play the excerpt until the end (it is only one minute long)
and use that time to prepare for prayer.

The song begins this way:
“Behold, behold the wood of the cross,
on which is hung our salvation…”

Take your time.
Linger at the Station for the Day.
There is a grace waiting to be unwrapped.

Images used in the stations: Fratel Venzo


52 replies on “The Way of the Cross in a Time of Pandemic”

Dearest Father God, we humbly pray and plea our

Prayer intentions
For the HEALING of all those who are sick,

For the PROTECTION of:
Our children, grandchildren and other family members, here and abroad

For our countrymen, especially the marginalized

For our government

For the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom to our leaders

Our parents and also us the senior citizens

Those who were displaced due to closing of businesses

All our frontliners

For the big companies to share their resources to purchase medical equipment

For our government officials, may they work with honesty, dignity and compassion.

For Pope Francis and all the religious

For countries that have increasing Covid+ patients especially in Europe and the US

For the people to have increased faith, hope, perseverance and courage

That we may contribute today in word and deed only that which is pleasing to God and helpful to our neighbor

Dearest Mama Mary, please keep us all under the mantle of your protection. And with the power of the Holy Trinity with your intercession, crash/end Covid-19 and save humanity!

Please save us all. Amen.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


Maraming Salamat.

Thank you Lord for this special moment with you. I now wonder myself, of the 24 hours a day during this ECQ, how many times do I pause and say a prayer or simply say Hi Lord. Yet, I realize as i do my morning walking exercise, i can continue to converse with you or simply be with you or appreciate all that is around me… a wild flower coming out of the concrete wall for instance. Thank you Lord.

Thank you very much for this, Fr. Johnny Go. Your reflection points make us feel and understand that God is still present even during this difficult time. I am starting to have sleepless nights due to anxiety but you make me continue to believe in Him.

I will be sharing the link with others so that more and more people will feel uplifted with your help. ? Many, many thanks again to you Fr. Johnny Go!

It’s very different, one can feel the emotion connected to each station. I hope I can receive the rest of the meditations- I was able to pray until the fourth station today.
Thank you very much.
Keep safe..

Thank you for taking time to put this together. I’ve been looking for something like this. God bless and prosper your ministry.

Thank you for sharing this . We just need faith and hope thru prayers. God will not abandon us. He is with us all the time.

Heavenly Father loves all of us. We believed that we are his Adopted children, created unto his image. If you believe in Him, Trust Him and Have Faith in Him, and knowing that He is the Only One True God and no other idols God will spare us from all of this crisis. At this time we unite our sufferings with the Lord in Jesus Name Born Of Mary Amen.

Thank you for this moment of reflection. Being alone while my children are in different islands manila and cebu while I am in Mindanao is seriously stressing me out. Will call them now. Salamat Father for keeping me company.

Thank you Father Johnny for reminding me and us, Our Almighty Father Jesus Christ, God Bless You and your family.

Can you pls feature the first station if you have started so we can catch up with the others in prayer

Thank you for doing this everyday. Am so looking forward to pray the way of the cross with the reflection that will go with it. Perfect timing for everyone.

Thank you for this spiritual nourishment in this time of fear and anxiety. We are in good hands. We have to look to the cross. God bless you.

Thank you, Fr Johnny Go! One with you all in prayer as we go through this particular Station of the Cross of our common life together. God bless.

Have you started ? I you have, then tomorrow March 25 at 8 am will be the second station. How early will it be posted? Have I missed the first Station? Thank you.

We will be ff your way of the cross. Really need inspirational and spiritual thoughts during this time. Thank you and God bless.

Lord, we feel helpless in the midst of this pandemic. We take all the necessary precautions yet we cannot be sure that we are safe. You alone know where this is going and how it will end. Now more than ever we realize that You alone are God. Look upon us with mercy and lead us on to safety, O good and loving God. Amen.

Hi thanks for sharing your inspirational and pandemic inspired way of the cross. It is really a soul opener. Could we request a copy of the rest of the stations. We wish to share it to other parishioners in time for the coming pascal triduum. Thanks so much and may God’s choicest blessings be on you.

Thanks for this. In time like this, even the church is close. I was thinking if a way to di the station if yhe cross. Kudos for the brilliant idea. The ierson who foreard this to me is a friend way back hi-school tears batch 76. She been a blessing to me.

Hi, Fr. Johnny. Its alright thanks for sharing. I will eagerly anticipate your daily inputs starting at 8 am. Together joined in spirit, with other members of the family of Christ, will walk the way of the Cross for these special times.

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