We will walk through this Holy Week
with three guides,
three persons who were quite close to the Lord.
They were no strangers to disenchantment.
Each one will be our companion
for each of the three days of the retreat.
Holy Thursday: MARTHA
You may remember her
as the woman working in the kitchen
while her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus
listening to every word that the Master said.
We know she didn’t like that.
John the Baptist is the cousin of our Lord,
the prophet tasked to “prepare the way”
and he does: He was God’s finger pointing to Jesus,
the one greater than he.
That finger was cut off.
Holy Saturday: MARY
Our final guide is Mary, the mother of the Lord.
More than anyone else, she knew her son.
But she too received her share
of disappointments.
We can learn much from her.
It’s time to meet the first of our guides.
images from meinardi.zenfolio.com, fineartamerica.com, croire.la-croix.com, truthbook.com