So much for the silent and peaceful Christmas. Here we go. Life happens. Things go wrong. People do wrong. And others suffer the consequences–in this case, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

So much for the silent and peaceful Christmas. Here we go. Life happens. Things go wrong. People do wrong. And others suffer the consequences–in this case, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.
This homily, which is based on Luke 2:1-14, was delivered for the Christmas Midnight Mass at the Cor Jesu at the Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu on 24 December 2019.
This Christmas eve we are reminded of a familiar story. We’ve heard this story countless of times before, but the story never gets old. It is always new. If we let it, it never fails to touch our hearts because it is so simple yet so beautiful.
We’ve met all its characters before, but each time we meet them again, if we let them, we end up loving them more.
Today we remember the silent dreamer, Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. He does not speak a work in the passages that mention him, but his actions speak volumes.
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This reflection is based on Luke 1:26-38 for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
“You are not nearer God than we,” the angel declares almost resentfully to Mary in Rilke’s poem “Annunciation: Words of the Angel.” But no sooner has the angel said these words when he gazes into Mary’s eyes and is stunned by God’s shimmering presence in her. In fact, so surprised is the angel, according to Rilke, that he nearly forgets the message he has been sent to announce in the first place.