This reflection is based on Luke 7:11-17.

In our Gospel story today, our Lord performs one of his more awesome miracles: He raises someone back to life. He’s done this before: The daughter of Jairus comes to mind, a twelve year old girl whose hand Jesus held and to whom he said, “Little girl, get up!”
And then there’s Jesus’ good friend from Bethany, Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary. “If only you had been here…” Martha had said to him in tears when she ran over to him at her brother’s tomb.
So it is tempting to shrug our shoulders and say, “Just another person resuscitated from the dead!” Been there, done that!
Except there’s one significant difference. The miracles that restored Jairus’ daughter and Martha’s brother to life were both solicited: Jairus sought Jesus out and begged him to come home with him to see his daughter. When Martha rushed to meet him at Lazarus’ tomb, she relayed to him a request wrapped in accusation. She said to him in tears, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
Unlike those two, the miracle at Nain was totally initiated by our Lord. Also, he did it specifically for one person only–the dead man’s mother. Luke points out how seeing the grieving widow walking behind her son’s coffin Jesus was moved with pity for her. “Do not weep,” he assured her right before raising him to life.
If we put ourselves in Jesus’ place, we would have done nothing less. He met an inconsolable widow mourning the death of her only son. How could Jesus not have thought of his own mother when he laid his eyes on that weeping widow–and himself at the sight the coffin of the young man? He was quite aware that at the rate that his ministry was going, he would most probably suffer death at the hands of his enemies. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, just imagine the misery that his poor mother–also a widow– would be subjected to!
It is no wonder then that Jesus should volunteer to perform this miracle for the widow. He did here what he would not be able to do for his own mother: to spare her from the unimaginable grief of burying her own son.
This miracle, therefore, is by no means just another miracle performed by our Lord. It is Jesus opening his heart and telling the mother of the young man: “Do not weep. For I will do for you what I will never be able to do for my own mother: I will bring your son back to you safe and sound the very same way I can never save myself for my mother.”
What happened at Nain was as much a powerful miracle as a son’s quiet, personal loving act for his own mother.
That’s my theory.
10 replies on “A PERSONAL MIRACLE”
I like your theory. Thank you for sharing it.
I think Jesus is still performing some miracles through us for others.As St.Therese of Avila,the mystic says that,’We are His Body now for Christ has no body.”
Thank you for sharing this inspiring messages to us,that we may continue to live the life of Christ in us everyday.God bless and keep you well for always.
Thank you
Jesus loved his Mother so much that what He could not do for Her in his lifetime, He did for OTHERS. In heaven, what His Mother comes to Him for OTHERS, He cannot deny. We are beneficiaries of that love!
This has touched me beyond words. Thank you.
This has touched me beyond words. Thank you.
Miracles! All of us need a miracle to happen whether health, in relationship, financial, job,etc? I personally need one now! Health, the uncertainty of the unknown? Jesus did all those miracles out of love! I hope He singles me out now to cure me of this debilitating illness of Cancer! Just want more time for cleansing, a little more time for prayers, Lord Jesus it is 3:04 AM, Sunday please heal me, a miracle! Thanks po Fr Johnny
I will include you, Eleanor, in my prayers for healing and blessing.
How comforting to know that Jesus’s love and mercy is far and wide. This extends not only to those who call on Him, but also to those He chooses to touch. Why? I do not know. He has reasons only He knows why. So when I forget to call on Him, I know that He is always there by my side. What I find most touching in what you call ‘your theory’ is this: Nothing escapes Jesus–especially the suffering of His dear Mother who joined Him in His suffering to fulfill the prophecy of redemptive love. It is no wonder that She holds a very special place in His heart. He never denies Her requests as seen in the Wedding Feast at Cana. And when once I prayed for the conversion of my husband, through Mary, my prayer was immediately answered.
Oh Fr. Johnny, you know a mother’s heart…..but more than this, you have fathomed Jesus’ heart…thank you for sharing …..