
“CHANGED FOR GOOD” (Lk 24:13-35): 06 April 2008 (Third Sunday of Easter)

“CHANGED FOR GOOD” (Lk 24:13-35):  06 April 2008 (Third Sunday of Easter)

Today’s Readings

Reading the story of Emmaus reminds me of a song from the hit Broadway musical “Wicked,”  a refreshingly new take on “The Wizard of Oz.”  The song is called “For Good” and is sung by—of all people—two witches!   In the musical, Glinda and Elphaba (better known as the “Good Witch” and the “Wicked Witch of the West,” respectively) are the best of friends who have to part ways.  Together they sing this song of goodbye and talk about how their friendship has made a difference in their lives.