We’ve just reflected on both what we’ll take with us to the retreat and what may take us away from our retreat.

Now, to prepare for our little journey, make sure we do some PLANNING and PRAYING ahead of time.


PLAN for the actual retreat by addressing the difficulties and barriers that you have foreseen, if you can. Think especially about what time of day and where it’s best for you to do the retreat.

PRAY for your concerns that have surfaced during this preparatory activity, entrusting them to the Lord as you bring them with you into the retreat.

Our retreat will be a retreat of mercy. But bear in mind that far from just a divine feeling, God’s mercy is a power that can transform us if we let it.

Read Pope Francis’ words:


“God’s mercy can make even the driest land
become a garden;
it can restore life to dry bones (Ez 37:1-14)….
Let us be renewed by God’s mercy.
Let us be loved by Jesus.
Let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives too;
and let us become agents of this mercy,
channels through which God can water the earth,
protect all creation
and make justice and peace flourish.”

— Easter Urbi et Orbi message on March 31, 2013

Let us pray for our virtual community of retreatants! See you on Holy Thursday!

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