The second–more painful–question that our Lord asked that night in the garden was not addressed to His disciples, but directed at the Father in his prayer.

“Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me,
but not as I will, but as You will!” (Matthew 26:39)
It does not sound like a question, but Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane contained a whole bunch of questions that He needed to ask the Father:
Is it possible that I be spared from the horror that’s about to unfold?
Must I go through this?
Do I need to do this all the way?
All the three accounts of Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane leave no doubt that it was a most difficult prayer for Jesus. He felt “sorrowful unto death” (Matthew and Mark), and His sweat was like “drops of blood” (Luke).
No doubt our Lord struggled deeply in reaching His decision. It is important that today Holy Thursday, we stop and contemplate on this painful decision that our Lord made–for our sake.
Let us stop here a while and spend some time being with the Lord and keeping Him company in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Here is an image you may want to gaze upon during your prayer. Or if you wish, you may opt to sit or kneel somewhere, imagining the ocean of emotions that must have been engulfing our Lord.

What could the Lord be thinking and feeling alone in Gethsemane? What would you like to tell Him?
Again play this music to time and pace your contemplation of Gethsemane.