THANK YOU once again for joining us
on our retreat today!

We invite you once more
to share your experience, thoughts, and prayers
with our community of online retreatants.

Remember: When you share the graces you’ve received,
you multiply these graces for others as well as for yourself.
Here’s are some questions you may want to reflect about:
What struck you during today’s retreat?
What are you most grateful for today?
Share your response–or any experience, thought, or prayer.
Make sure also to take time to read the sharing of your fellow retreatants,
so that you can pray for them and if you wish, to respond to them.
Click HERE for the SHARING SITE for Good Friday.

If you wish to request
for your fellow retreatants’ prayers
for your petitions
or those of your loved ones,
feel free to post your prayer requests
Click HERE.
Let us continue praying for one another
on this holiest of weeks.
See you again tomorrow
for our Black Saturday retreat!
If you have a FACEBOOK account,
by clicking HERE.
If you have a TWITTER account,
by clicking HERE.