What is remarkable, however, is that though beaten, our Lord is not defeated. Though He is exhausted, He awaits the next day in order to see His mission through to its completion.
On Holy Thursday midnight, our Lord is the exemplar of grit and resilience. They took His freedom and dignity; and tomorrow they will take His life, but no amount of pain is going to tempt Him to turn away from His mission. He is determined to run this race till the end, to fight until the end.
We end our Holy Thursday by contemplating on this enduring commitment of our Lord to fight till the end. He is badly bruised, but he’s still breathing, and he’s still alive. The source could only come from love.
There is a song called “Alive” (written by the singer Sia and her collaborators). For me, it may capture the Holy Thursday spirit of Jesus, His resilience and determination to finish what He has started. Listen to the song, its words and emotions, and let the song provoke you into prayer and into asking yourself what the Lord can teach you about your life.
What could the Lord be teaching you about resilience and survival, about facing the troubles that befall you in your life?
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