Join us in praying the WAY OF THE CROSS–one station at a time. Only one station each day–to start the day, to end it, or anytime just to take time out from whatever it is you’re doing in these uncertain times. Feel free to share with friends.
Month: March 2020
This homily is on the healing of the blind man as recounted in John 9:1-41.
The healing stories in the Gospel take on new meaning in times like this! Our Lord’s healing of the blind man in today’s Gospel story offers us a much-needed message.
This healing miracle, unlike others, did not happen instantaneously. While the other healings of our Lord were achieved with almost just one word or a single touch, this one involved several steps–including the use of the bizarre mixture of saliva and spittle.

In this episode of SUNDAYS FOR SKEPTICS, Fr. Ernald Andal SJ shares with us his timely reflections on this encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.

Back in the 90s Jesuit Communications broadcast a different kind of TV Sunday Mass back called “Sundays for Skeptics.”
We’re bringing a version of it back starting tomorrow. It’s not a substitute for attending an actual Mass, but what if offers are timely reflections about the Sunday readings.
So spread the word: SUNDAYS FOR SKEPTICS (and ASEPTICS!) on #sundays4skeptics #s4s