This homily is based on Matthew 24:37-44 for the First Sunday of Advent.
For many of us these days, despair is a real temptation. Some of us have actually sworn to keep away from our newsfeed and just get ourselves inebriated in premature Christmas carols. Can the news in the country, in the US, and in the world get any worse? And I don’t know about you, but today’s Gospel, which opens the season of Advent, is no help as far as lifting our spirits is concerned.

What we get from today’s Gospel is–of all things–a warning about the unexpected hour that the Son of Man will come. And guess what will characterize the end time? Divisiveness! The Lord tells us:
“Two men will be out in the field;
one will be taken, and one will be left.
Two women will be grinding at the mill;
one will be taken, and one will be left.”
Doesn’t that already feel familiar? I can’t recall a time when there has been greater divisiveness both here and in the US. If you have the stomach for it, all you need to do is to go online and read all the vicious debates that never intend–and never result in–consensus. All the people posting their views and their readers–not to mention the trolls–seem to just end up even more rabidly committed to their opinion. Not surprising–and quite alarming–when you consider that many experts claim that we live in a “post-truth” world, where appeals to emotions are prioritized over rationality and fidelity to the truth.
So, how are we supposed to enter into the season of Advent with all this polarization and hostility? Isn’t Advent supposed to be the season of hope and waiting? So at prayer this morning, I couldn’t help but say to the Lord: “Surely, there must be a better way to begin your Advent!”
The Lord didn’t show up before me to answer me, but I think he may have shown me an answer. In my prayer I felt assured that the Lord is far from absent and far from dormant. My attention was drawn to the following passage in today’s reading:
“As it was in the days of Noah,
so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
In those days before the flood,
they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage,
up to the day that Noah entered the ark.
They did not know until the flood came and carried them all away.
So will it be also at the coming of the Son of Man.”
In other words, in the midst of all the good and the bad that’s going on in our world, the Lord has been busy. He is very much present and very much active in the very midst of all the things that seem to be going wrong in our world. The ark has been built, and its doors are already flung wide open to those like Noah who choose to enter it. There is hope, but we need to look for it and choose to enter into it.
And so it dawned on me: Could it be the case that precisely because we find ourselves on the brink of despair that we now–more than ever–will flail our arms in the hope of snatching some hope? Is it possible that it’s precisely because our people and our hearts are so divided that we will–this time around–actually wait and long for healing? Could it be that it is precisely because we find ourselves drowning in the flood of all the untruths and viciousness, that we will considering entering the ark that the Lord has prepared for us?
Perhaps contrary to my previous thoughts, this is exactly the best way to get into the spirit of Advent. Because now, more than ever, we feel that we are in greatest need of the Lord, so our hearts will truly cry out: “Come, Lord Jesus!”
16 replies on “FINDING NOAH’S ARK”
You are right Father…. and yet i cannot stay away from the newsfeeds. I still see myself engaging in the vicious and endless debates where no one comes out a winner.
I know it’s non-productive & an utter waste of precious time. I have in fact vowed many times to refrain from it — to no avail.
So help me God.
Please Lord be born in us today.
Lord, increase my hope, I beg you!
Thanks Fr John for reminding us to be rational and commit for the truth. Nowadays, for a long time now, i have been struggling about listening to my negative emotions which are definitely irrational that lead to my spiritual destruction and despair. Hope and pray that this reflection will lead me to spiritual rejuvenation.
Is the call to rally part of building the ark?
It’s up to the individual whether or not s/he is called to join the rally. By building the ark I’m referring to a commitment to truth/rationality and goodness.
is rallying a commitment to truth/ rationality and goodness?
Please see previous response
Lord, make us see that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel, that we will continue to hope & trust in your goodness. Come, Lord Jesus!
Yes Fr. J, we are grateful for inspiring us.
Our prayer is: MA RA NA THA. In silence and in stillness, we hope to
find the Noah’s Ark.
Thanks again Fr Johnny! Your observation about the US and our is correct! The US once again is experiencing pain just like 9/11 now in 11/9 another blow in the minds and hearts of many people affected by the pronouncements of the new president! Thanks for God’s messenger like you who sees things with hope and assuring us of God’s love! I will never tire reading your reflection on the Gospel of the week! God bless us, Fr J
This homily is so timely. Thank you Fr J for reviving hope in our hearts. In our helplessness
we call on the Lord. Human justice is imperfect but we know God is constant yesterday,
today and tomorrow. We commit ourselves to His care.
I totally agree, Fr. Johnny, that we are in greatest need of the Lord. Lately truth and moral values have been twisted to justify one’s motives and actions. I am personally in a moral dilemma – to move towards healing and reconciliation and move on as far as our country is concerned, but I feel very strongly that without an admission of guilt and restitution, there can be no reconciliation.
Come Lord Jesus! I hunger for You!
Dear God, help us find and enter your Ark of unity and togetherness.