

downloadThis homily is based on Matthew 25:31-46.

It’s quite fashionable these days to come up with a bucket list. A bucket list is a list of goals in life that one wants to do before one “kicks the bucket”–in other words, must-do’s before one dies.

There are loads of ideas you can consider. If you’re the adventurous type, you could list down traveling to unfamiliar and far-flung places, like seeing the Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights in Norway. If you’re athletic, you could try joining a marathon or even a triathlon–or some other extreme sport like skydiving. If you’re into new things, you could list down learning a language you’ve always wanted to learn, or doing something creative like write a book, get into poetry or cartooning. If it’s meaning of life you’re looking for, you might consider donating to charity, doing volunteer work, or some other way to make some difference in someone’s life.