Before you join
our online Palm Sunday procession,
consider choosing a palm branch.

You may pick out the palm branch that you like
by copying the URL underneath it
(It’s the red text under the palaspas).
If you want to bring a palaspas to the procession,
make sure you’ve copied the correct URL.
Otherwise, just proceed.
Make sure you choose the LINK option
on the next page to post the palm branch.
You are free to come back here later
if you want more palm branches.
If you have some difficulty,
you may post your prayers below
and the palaspas of your choice,
and we will post it for you.
GIF designs by Meg Villena
45 replies on “CHOOSE YOUR PALASPAS”
Thank you Fr Johnny for this online retreat. I chose palaspas #3. I pray for the healing of those afflicted by the virus and for our healthworkers, our frontliners to sustain their strength in saving the lives of those who are sick and that they be spared from getting sick. I pray for the eternal repose of those who passed on and for their bereaved families to find solace and comfort that our dear Lord Jesus stayed with their loved ones in their suffering. I pray for all pregnant women and for their babies in their wombs to be safe from the virus. May they have the best of health that they need all throughout their pregnancies. I pray that the vaccine to cure covid19 become available sooner than the 18 mos being told. Help us to keep still, calm and to know you more Lord Jesus as our Healer and Savior. Amen.
..Palaspas #3 please..May this pandemic bring out d best of what is in us and what we r all capable of giving unselfishly for Gods greater glory &honor through d intercession of mama Mary..Thank u very much for d innovative and creative way of giving out d Palaspas..Godbless u..
Thank you for the opportunity to be in a Palm Sunday procession. I waved a palm, wrote my petition. I read all the prayers in the procession. It is beautiful to see how we are alike during this time. People were praying for others and for themselves. People were grateful. All were hopeful. Looking forward to participate in this site on this historical Holy Week 2020.
I am stuck at Palaspas #1.
If you wish, I can post both palaspas and petition for you. Just let me know here.
Can not move out of the procession page and could not see link under 2). ?
If you wish, I can post both palaspas and petition for you. Just let me know here.
For a fruitful celebration of holy week.
Palaspas no 2. Thank you.
We offer these palm blessings as God’s healing mercies for all who are suffering and for all healthcare workers who are Jesus’s hands and feet. We pray for hope in this difficult time and fervently ask God to heal our land. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
I choose Palaspas #4. I pray for the expedient halt of the spread of the covid-19 virus in metro Manila, the Philippines and the whole world. I pray for the protection and safety of all frontliners, most especially the medical frontliners, doctors, nurses, caregivers, hospital staff who care for the covid patients. I pray for the safety and protection from the covid-19 virus of all the people in my household, Sunday lunch relatives, most especially my Mother, all my super senior Titas and Tito and Manang, my senior cousins and cousins/relatives who are immuno compromised. May we all continue to have faith in the Lord during this time of crisis.
Posted! Thanks!
I choose palaspas no. 2 and I pray for God’s providence to the front-liners who are in a direct battle against COVID-19. I pray for the comfort and healing of those who are afflicted with the disease through Mama Mary, Saints Joseph, Pio, and Faustina. I pray for the eternal repose of those whose lives were claimed, especially those who died while saving others. I pray for the special protection of my family and loved ones. For myself, I pray that I may have a life-changing encounter with Jesus this Holy Week.
Thank you. Posted!
I pray for healing for those who are sick as well as their families, friends, and neighbors. I pray for strength for those on the frontlines: the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who tend to the sick; the priests, religious, and lay who minister to our spiritual needs; the security, sanitation and maintenance, and service staff who continue to work. I pray for all of us, that we hurdle these trying times and emerge with our faith deepened and our love for our fellowman strengthened. [I chose Palaspas #5]
Thank you. Posted!
Thank you Fr. Johnny and Team for allowing us to experience the palaspas and join the procession in the comfort of our home! This has given me immense comfort; a greater trust that these feelings of uncertainty will eventually bring us redemption of our spirits/souls!!!
I choose Palaspas #2. Praying for our medical frontliners – doctors, nurses, hospital staff – that are courageously facing patients with Covid-19. May the Lord grant them the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, strength of body and mind, patience, fortitude and perseverance. Also praying for our government officials and law enforcers making tough decisions on Covid-19, may the Lord also grant them strength of mind and body together with wisdom and discernment. Also praying for the safety and protection of me and my wife’s family members whom we cannot visit due to the enhanced community quarantine. Praying for all those who are Covid-19 positive, together with all PUI and PUM, may the good Lord heal them of their sickness, in Jesus’ name. Praying also for all those who have perished because of Covid-19, may the Lord have mercy on them and admit them into the Eternal Paradise. Lastly, praying for all those whom I promised prayers for them, may the Lord grant all their hearts’ desires in His own time.
Posted HERE
I choose palaspas # 2. Offering prayers for those who perished in the middle of this health crisis. May they find eternal peace with the Lord. Praying as well that all of us affected whether on the economic, social, and health aspects will be able to withstand this crisis with the Lord’s help. Finally, praying that the Holy Spirit may guide policymakers, academics, scientists, doctors, and entrepreneurs especially those from SMEs, on pushing for the proper steps moving forward.
Posted! See it near bottom HERE
I choose #2 . I offer prayers for the complete healing
of my illnesses, my son Jimbo, sisters Bonjin and Carmel. I also offer prayers for the sick due to the pandemic , the
safety of the doctors, nurses and all frontliners giving
selfless services taking care of the sick and dying. I pray
too for the gift of discernment of what the Lord plans for
me . Thank you Jesus , my Savior. Amen.
Posted! See it near bottom HERE Thank you!
Posted! See it near bottom HERE
I choose Palaspas#5…
Am praying for those who perished in this pandemic. May they rest in peace and find eternal life with God in heaven. Am praying also for all who are sacrificing today for the good of all…Forgive us Father and thank you for everything!
Thanks too Fr. Johnny!
Posted! See it near bottom HERE. I didn’t post your name though, just the petition and the palm branch
My prayer goes out for relatives and friends who are frontliners in the fight against COVID-19, and our children and grandchildren from whom we have been separated since Mar 12. May they be protected from the virus!
Thank you, Father.
Thank you for this virtual procession, Fr. It allows me to go for further reflection especially that we are in the middle of a crisis.
Thank you for this virtual procession, Fr. I believe I am still able to do what I usually do during the Holy Week even if I am just at home.
I choose # 3 but no response. My prayer is for the protection of the frontliners and my family and the whole natiob from this covid virus
Will post for you.
Posted. Check out the bottom. Go here.
Thank you FR. Johnny, for giving us this awesome opportunity to experience Palm Sunday virtually.
May God bless you for all
The good deeds that you do for us.
Thank you, Fr. Johnny, for this virtual procession, and for the opportunity to join so many people who are praying for the sick, the frontliners, our leaders, the poor, our priests and the Pope, and for our own families. I pray that the grace of the Holy Spirit continue to touch our hearts and minds most especially at this very difficult time, so that we continue to open ourselves to welcoming the Lord into our lives, who alone can heal, bring peace, and love to each one of us, to our loved ones and others, and to the world. We ask this through the intersession of our beloved Mother Mary, Amen.
Thank you for this innovative celebration of Palm Sunday.
Thank you for the meaningful and prayerful palaspas gif! It allows us to digitally ritualize the liturgy!
Glad you liked it!
Thank you for finding creative and loving ways where we can practice our faith and pray together.
You’re welcome. Blessings!
I chose palaspas #1 and I prayed that we would be able to find cure for Covid-19 and that those who are positive would recover. I also prayed that none of my loved ones be touched by this virus, and for those I know and do not know who are positive, please help them to be strong and to recover, especially those in the front line.
Hello, it’s been posted!
Thank you!
I choose Palaspas #4. I pray for my family’s continued health and safety, and the healing of those who are sick and dying from Covid 19. Grant them and their families the hope and faith they need. I pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of our frontliners, who have sacrificed so much in service of their countrymen. I pray too for goverment and business leaders that they may work selflessly for the welfare of the people and soon find a cure. May we rediscover God’s unfailing love and mercy in this difficult time. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.