The Last Supper is one of the most emotional moments in the life of the Lord.
Imagine: You know that it’s the night
before your death.
And you know it’s going to be
a very painful death.
It’s literally your last supper!
So like our Lord, you surround yourself
with your dearest friends.
But instead of trying to get their support,
you decide to give something to them!
And this gift will take every ounce of love and humility on your part to give:
You wash their feet!
As our Lord tells the disciples,
it’s a grand gesture of humility and service.
And if He Himself,
Who is their Lord and Teacher, does this–
submitting Himself to this lowly gesture,
so too should the disciples who want to follow Him.
And so should we as well.
Detail from Painting: Ford Madox Brown