
“GALILEE OR DAMASCUS?” (Acts 9:1-22): 25 January 2008 (Conversion of St. Paul, Friday)

“GALILEE OR DAMASCUS?” (Acts 9:1-22):  25 January 2008 (Conversion of St. Paul, Friday)



Today’s Readings

Today we remember the conversion of St. Paul, one of the greatest and most zealous missionaries in all of Christian history. Before his conversion, Paul was Saul, a typical “bad guy.” He was a strict Pharisee, belonging to that class of Jews known for its excessive allergy to all things unclean and impure. And what could be more impure to Judaism than this new sect that threatened to break away? The first time we encounter his name in the New Testament is at the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr of the Church. After that, he came to be known as one of the fiercest persecutors of the early Christian Church. Small wonder that Saul was hated as much as he was feared.


“DOES IT GET LONELY AT THE TOP?” (Mk 3:7-12) :24 January 2008 (Francis de Sales, Thursday)

“DOES IT GET LONELY AT THE TOP?” (Mk 3:7-12) :24 January 2008 (Francis de Sales, Thursday)

Today’s Readings

Two years ago I watched “Superman Returns” and came away from it both inspired and sad. I was inspired because for those who read between the lines, it turned out to be an eloquent parable about Christ.  Many have long pointed out the numerous parallels between the character of Superman and Christ, but in this movie, the filmmaker seems to have gone out of his way to uncover and even strengthen these parallels between them.


“WHAT MAKES YOU MAD?” (Mk 3:1-6): 23 January 2008 (Wednesday)

“WHAT MAKES YOU MAD?” (Mk 3:1-6): 23 January 2008 (Wednesday)

Today’s Readings

In the gospel story today, the Lord does something he rarely does:  He gets mad.  He meets a man with a withered hand.  Moved with pity, our Lord decides to heal the man’s hand and to free him not only from the physical pain, but also all the psycho-emotional suffering that the handicapped among us are made to bear.


‘WHAT’S MY PROCRUSTEAN BED?’ (Mk 2:23-28): 22 January 2008 (Tuesday)

‘WHAT’S MY PROCRUSTEAN BED?’ (Mk 2:23-28):  22 January 2008 (Tuesday)

Today’s Readings

Procrustes–literally, “stretcher”–was a thief and murderer in the myth of Theseus.  He victimized travelers who were on their way to Athens by offering them shelter.  He claimed to have a mysterious bed that would fit a guest of any size.  It turned out that his claim was true because he either stretched the guests or cut their limbs to make them fit  into his bed, in the process, torturing and killing them. 


“WOULD YOU MAKE ALL THINGS NEW?” (Mk 2:18-22): 21 January 2008 (St. Agnes, Monday)

“WOULD YOU MAKE ALL THINGS NEW?” (Mk 2:18-22):  21 January 2008 (St. Agnes, Monday)

Today’s Readings

One of the most unforgettable scenes in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” has Mary rushing to her fallen son after overcoming her own fears.  Gathering strength from her mother, Jesus picks himself and his cross up and tells her, “Behold, I make all things new!”

Reading about old wineskins and new wineskins in today’s gospel reminded me of that scene and Christ’s words to his mother.