
“WILL I SEE YOU THROUGH MY TEARS?” (Jn 4:43-54): 03 March 2008 (Monday)

“WILL I SEE YOU THROUGH MY TEARS?” (Jn 4:43-54):  03 March 2008 (Monday)

Today’s Readings

In his epic The Aeneid, Vergil narrates the story of Aeneas, who escapes the sack of Troy with his son Ascanius by his side and his father Anchises on his shoulder.  Tricked by the Greeks to accept the gift of a large wooden horse, the Trojans are caught off-guard by the attack of the Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse.  Aeneas wakes up in the middle of the night to see the slaughter of his people. He tries his best to fight the Greeks, but to no avail.  Venus appears to him ordering him to leave Troy as soon as possible for his own safety and for a greater destiny, which turns out to be the founding of Rome.


“IS SEEING REALLY BELIEVING?” (Jn 9:1-41): 02 March 2008 (4th Sunday of Lent)

“IS SEEING REALLY BELIEVING?” (Jn 9:1-41):  02 March 2008 (4th Sunday of Lent)

Today’s Readings

After “The Sixth Sense,” the next best thing from M. Night Shyamalan is “Signs,” his 2002 science fiction thriller about aliens and UFO’s starring Mel Gibson.  But the movie isn’t just about hostile aliens; it’s also about an Episcopalian priest who one day finds himself hostile and alien to his faith.

Graham Hess (Mel Gibson) finds that he no longer believes in God because of the recent tragic death of his wife.  Aside from coping with this loss, he has to deal with his son Morgan’s asthma condition and his daughter Bo’s disturbing habit of leaving half-filled glasses of water around the house.  His brother Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix), a former minor league baseball player, moves in to help him out.  


“DO YOU PLAY FAVORITES?” (Lk 18:9-14): 01 March 2008 (Saturday)

“DO YOU PLAY FAVORITES?” (Lk 18:9-14):  01 March 2008 (Saturday)


Today’s Readings

I wouldn’t do what God did in today’s parable.  In the parable we have two people doing almost the exact same thing:  A Pharisee and a Publican go up to the temple to pray.  No two persons can be more different from each other.  The Pharisee belongs to a class of Jews who observe the Law religiously.  The Pharisees, in other words, are the good guys.


“CAN I LOVE YOU ALL THE WAY?” (Mk 12:28-34): 29 February 2008 (Friday)

“CAN I LOVE YOU ALL THE WAY?” (Mk 12:28-34):  29 February 2008 (Friday)

Today’s Readings

I remember watching a hilarious sketch from “The Carol Burnett Show” many years ago.  Carol Burnett plays a woman who is put to some kind of “Virginity Test.”  She is asked to cross a special narrow bridge, which according to legend, allows only virgins to make it to the other side.  Those who have lost their virginity fall into the waters and drown.  


‘WHO’S DEAF AND WHO’S MUTE?’ (Lk 11:14-23): 28 February 2008 (Thursday)

‘WHO’S DEAF AND WHO’S MUTE?’ (Lk 11:14-23):  28 February 2008 (Thursday)


Today’s Readings

They’re way up there with paralytics and lepers.  I’m referring to the deaf and the mute–people who are among our Lord’s favorite people to heal.  One such occasion is found in the gospel reading today, where our Lord drove out “a demon that was mute” from a man.

This story, like the other miracle stories of Jesus, is an invitation for us to believe in the power of God to work miracles in our lives.