When it was first inaugurated on 9 March 2013, I spoke of the Oratory of St. Francis Xavier during my homily at the very first Mass held there:
Author: [email protected]
Easter Sunday
Second Sunday of Easter
Third Sunday of Easter
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sometimes you feel like too many things are going wrong, and too many people are doing wrong. The world and your faith feel like they’re falling apart. You can’t see any light at the end of your tunnel; and Easter is nowhere on the horizon.
Join this year’s online Holy Week retreat, reflect and pray with us, as we find a way to resuscitate our hope and resurrect Easter in our lives.
From Holy Thursday to Black Saturday (9:30 to 11 am Manila time).
Thanks to Dr. Jandi Arboleda, PhD, for serving as our Sign Language Interpreter for all three sessions.
Here’s a sneak preview:
1st Week of Lent
2nd Sunday of Lent
3rd Sunday of Lent
4th Sunday of Lent
5th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time