
FARAWAY HEARTS (Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23): 30 August 2009 (Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)

FARAWAY HEARTS (Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23):  30 August 2009 (Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Today’s Readings

Dear Lord,

Today you quote the prophet Isaiah as you complain about the Pharisees:

This people honors me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines human precepts.

But for all we know, you could be complaining about us.  For all I know, you could be complaining about me.  You say you dislike mere lip service because you want nothing less than our hearts.  When I hear your words, I can’t help but recall my faraway heart.


DETOURS (John 6:60-69): 23 August 2009 (Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time)

DETOURS (John 6:60-69): 23 August 2009 (Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Today’s Readings

Dearest Lord Jesus,

It was a heartbreaking scene–that moment when you turned to your disciples after watching all the others go.  “Do you also want to leave?” you asked them, perhaps not without some fear.


NEVER HUNGER, NEVER THIRST (John 6:24-35): 02 August 2009 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

NEVER HUNGER, NEVER THIRST (John 6:24-35): 02 August 2009 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Today’s Readings

Today’s Gospel Reading is about Jesus the Bread of Life, who promises that “whoever comes to me will never hunger and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”  These days we are grieving our loss of President Corazon Aquino, as though we have lost a family member.  No one can give a more powerful reflection on the Scripture today than her, who “never hungered, never thirsted” even in the worst of famines and droughts because of her strong faith in the Lord.